@ -1,130 +0,0 @@ |
/*为手机端定制的一款皮肤(引用此皮肤时无需引用alert.css) 最后更新2016-07-27*/ |
/* |
alert_overlay 背景遮罩 |
alert_msg 消息框主体 |
alert_content 内容容器 |
alert_buttons 底部按钮容器 |
alert_btn 两个按钮公用class |
alert_btn_ok 确定按钮 |
alert_btn_cancel 取消按钮 |
*/ |
.alert_overlay { |
position: fixed; |
width: 100%; |
height: 100%; |
top: 0; |
left: 0; |
z-index: 1000; |
background: rgba(0, 0, 0, .1) |
} |
.alert_msg { |
position: fixed; |
width: 280px; |
left: 50%; |
margin-left: -140px; |
top: 20%; |
z-index: 1000; |
border: 1px solid #ccc; |
border-radius: 4px; |
box-shadow: 0 0 15px rgba(0, 0, 0, .3); |
background: #fff; |
animation: alertshow .2s ease |
} |
.alert_content { |
padding: 20px; |
font-size: 14px; |
text-align: left |
} |
.alert_buttons { |
text-align: center; |
border-top: 1px solid #ccc; |
-webkit-user-select: none |
} |
.alert_buttons .alert_btn { |
display: inline-block; |
width: 50%; |
border: none; |
height: 45px; |
line-height: 45px; |
font-size: 14px; |
outline: 0; |
-webkit-appearance: none; |
background: #fff; |
-webkit-tap-highlight-color: transparent; |
border-radius: 0 0 4px 4px; |
} |
.alert_buttons .alert_btn:only-child { |
width: 100% |
} |
.alert_buttons .alert_btn:first-child + .alert_btn { |
border-left: 1px solid #ccc; |
border-radius: 0 0 4px 0; |
} |
.alert_tips { |
position: fixed; |
z-index: 10176523; |
width: 100%; |
top: 55%; |
pointer-events: none; |
text-align: center; |
} |
.alert_tips div { |
box-siziong: border-box; |
display: inline-block; |
padding: 15px; |
border-radius: 10px; |
background: rgba(0, 0, 0, .7); |
min-width: 50px; |
max-width: 230px; |
text-align: center; |
color: #fff; |
animation: tipsshow 3s .01s ease; |
opacity: 0; |
} |
@keyframes alertshow { |
0% { |
opacity: 0; |
transform: scale(.5) |
} |
70% { |
opacity: .7; |
transform: scale(1.05) |
} |
100% { |
opacity: 1; |
transform: scale(1) |
} |
} |
@keyframes tipsshow { |
0% { |
opacity: 0; |
transform: scale(1.4) rotateX(-360deg) |
} |
20% { |
opacity: 1; |
transform: scale(1) rotateX(0deg) |
} |
80% { |
opacity: 1; |
transform: scale(1) rotateX(0deg) |
} |
100% { |
opacity: 0; |
transform: scale(1.4) rotateX(360deg) |
} |
} |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 1.1 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 1.6 KiB |
@ -1,59 +0,0 @@ |
/** |
* jQuery/Zepto 弹窗插件 |
* 调用方法(中括号的为可选参数): |
* $.alert(string[,function]) |
* $.confirm(string[,function]) |
* $.tips(string[,number]) |
* version:2016-11-30 |
*/ |
!function($){ |
//所有的css,可以自定义,css和Dom结构请参考 https://github.com/ydq/alert
var css='.alert_overlay{position:fixed;width:100%;height:100%;top:0;left:0;z-index:1000;background:rgba(0,0,0,.05);-webkit-backdrop-filter:blur(3px)}.pc .alert_msg{width:320px}.mob .alert_msg{width:260px;border-radius:4px}.alert_msg{box-sizing:border-box;position:absolute;left:50%;top:30%;border:1px solid #ccc;box-shadow:0 2px 15px rgba(0,0,0,.3);background:#fff;transition:all .2s cubic-bezier(.8,.5,.2,1.4);-webkit-transform:translate(-50%,-50%) scale(.5);opacity:0;transform:translate(-50%,-50%) scale(.5)}.alert_show .alert_msg{opacity:1;transform:translate(-50%,-50%) scale(1);-webkit-transform:translate(-50%,-50%) scale(1)}.alert_content{padding:20px 15px;font-size:14px;text-align:left}.alert_tips{position:fixed;z-index:10176523}.pc .alert_buttons{padding:6px;border-top:1px solid #ccc;text-align:right;box-shadow:0 1px 0 #fff inset;background:#eee;-webkit-user-select:none}.pc .alert_buttons .alert_btn{padding:4px 8px;margin:0 2px;border:1px solid #ccc;background:#eee;cursor:pointer;border-radius:2px;font-size:14px;outline:0;-webkit-appearance:none}.pc .alert_buttons .alert_btn:hover{border-color:#ccc;box-shadow:0 1px 2px #ccc;background:#eaeaea}.pc .alert_buttons .alert_btn:active{box-shadow:0 1px 2px #ccc inset;background:#e6e6e6}.pc.alert_tips{top:50px;right:50px}.pc.alert_tips div{background:rgba(0,0,0,.7);position:relative;color:#fff;font-size:16px;padding:10px 15px;border-radius:2px;margin-bottom:20px;box-shadow:0 0 3px #000;display:none;float:right;clear:both}.mob .alert_buttons{text-align:center;border-top:1px solid #ccc;-webkit-user-select:none}.mob .alert_buttons .alert_btn{display:inline-block;width:50%;border:0;height:40px;font-size:14px;outline:0;-webkit-appearance:none;background:#fff;-webkit-tap-highlight-color:transparent;border-radius:0 0 4px 4px}.mob .alert_buttons .alert_btn:only-child{width:100%}.mob .alert_buttons .alert_btn:first-child+.alert_btn{border-left:1px solid #ccc;border-radius:0 0 4px 0}.mob.alert_tips{width:100%;top:55%;pointer-events:none;text-align:center}.mob.alert_tips div{box-sizing:border-box;display:inline-block;padding:15px;border-radius:10px;background:rgba(0,0,0,.7);min-width:50px;max-width:230px;text-align:center;color:#fff;animation:tipsshow 3s .01s ease;-webkit-animation:tipsshow 3s .01s ease;opacity:0}@keyframes tipsshow{0%{opacity:0;transform:scale(1.4) rotateX(-360deg)}20%,80%{opacity:1;transform:scale(1) rotateX(0deg)}to{transform:scale(1.4) rotateX(360deg)}}@-webkit-keyframes tipsshow{0%,to{opacity:0}0%{-webkit-transform:scale(1.4) rotateX(-360deg)}20%,80%{opacity:1;-webkit-transform:scale(1) rotateX(0deg)}to{opacity:0;-webkit-transform:scale(1.4) rotateX(360deg)}}'; |
$('head').append('<style type="text/css">'+css+'</style>'); |
$._ismob=/i(Phone|Pod)|Android|phone/i.test(navigator.userAgent) |
$._isalert=$._isload=0 |
$.alert=function(){ |
if(arguments.length){ |
$._isalert=1; |
return $.confirm.apply($,arguments); |
} |
} |
$.confirm=function(){ |
var args=arguments,d; |
if(args.length){ |
var fn=args[1],_click = function(e){typeof fn=='function'?(fn.call(d,e.data.r)!=!1&&d.close()):d.close()}; |
d = $('<div class="alert_overlay '+($._ismob?'mob':'pc')+'"><div class="alert_msg"><div class="alert_content">'+args[0]+'</div><div class="alert_buttons"><button class="alert_btn alert_btn_cancel">Cancel</button><button class="alert_btn alert_btn_ok">Okey</button></div></div></div>') |
.on('contextmenu',!1) |
.on('click','.alert_btn_ok',{r:!0},_click) |
.on('click','.alert_btn_cancel',{r:!1},_click) |
$._isload?d.find('.alert_content').css('text-align','center').parent().css({width:'auto',borderRadius:'4px'}).find('.alert_buttons').remove():($._isalert&&d.find('.alert_btn_cancel').remove()) |
d.ok = function(t){d.find('.alert_btn_ok').text(t||'Okey');return d} |
d.cancel = function(t){d.find('.alert_btn_cancel').text(t||'Cancel');return d} |
d.content = function(t){t&&d.find('.alert_content').html(t);return d} |
d.close = function(){d.one('webkitTransitionEnd transitionEnd',function(){d.remove();}).removeClass('alert_show')} |
d.addClass('alert_show') |
} |
$._isalert=$._isload=0; |
return d; |
}, |
$.tips=function(m,t){ |
if(m){ |
if($._ismob){ |
$('.alert_tips').remove(); |
$('<div class="alert_tips mob"><div>'+m+'</div></div>').appendTo('body').one('webkitAnimationEnd animationEnd',function(){$(this).remove()}) |
}else{ |
var tipsContainer = $('.alert_tips'); |
tipsContainer.length||(tipsContainer=$('<div class="alert_tips pc"></div>').appendTo('body')); |
$('<div>'+m+'</div>').appendTo(tipsContainer).fadeIn('fast').delay(t||2e3).slideUp('fast',function(){$(this).remove();}); |
} |
} |
} |
$.load=function(){ |
$('.alert_overlay').remove(); |
$._isload =1; |
var d = $.confirm.call($,arguments[0]||"Loading..."); |
$.loaded = d.close; |
return d; |
} |
}($) |
@ -1,2 +0,0 @@ |
/*jQuery/Zepto弹窗插件 | version:2016-11-30*/ |
!function(t){var e=".alert_overlay{position:fixed;width:100%;height:100%;top:0;left:0;z-index:1000;background:rgba(0,0,0,.05);-webkit-backdrop-filter:blur(3px)}.pc .alert_msg{width:320px}.mob .alert_msg{width:260px;border-radius:4px}.alert_msg{box-sizing:border-box;position:absolute;left:50%;top:30%;border:1px solid #ccc;box-shadow:0 2px 15px rgba(0,0,0,.3);background:#fff;transition:all .2s cubic-bezier(.8,.5,.2,1.4);-webkit-transform:translate(-50%,-50%) scale(.5);opacity:0;transform:translate(-50%,-50%) scale(.5)}.alert_show .alert_msg{opacity:1;transform:translate(-50%,-50%) scale(1);-webkit-transform:translate(-50%,-50%) scale(1)}.alert_content{padding:20px 15px;font-size:14px;text-align:left}.alert_tips{position:fixed;z-index:10176523}.pc .alert_buttons{padding:6px;border-top:1px solid #ccc;text-align:right;box-shadow:0 1px 0 #fff inset;background:#eee;-webkit-user-select:none}.pc .alert_buttons .alert_btn{padding:4px 8px;margin:0 2px;border:1px solid #ccc;background:#eee;cursor:pointer;border-radius:2px;font-size:14px;outline:0;-webkit-appearance:none}.pc .alert_buttons .alert_btn:hover{border-color:#ccc;box-shadow:0 1px 2px #ccc;background:#eaeaea}.pc .alert_buttons .alert_btn:active{box-shadow:0 1px 2px #ccc inset;background:#e6e6e6}.pc.alert_tips{top:50px;right:50px}.pc.alert_tips div{background:rgba(0,0,0,.7);position:relative;color:#fff;font-size:16px;padding:10px 15px;border-radius:2px;margin-bottom:20px;box-shadow:0 0 3px #000;display:none;float:right;clear:both}.mob .alert_buttons{text-align:center;border-top:1px solid #ccc;-webkit-user-select:none}.mob .alert_buttons .alert_btn{display:inline-block;width:50%;border:0;height:40px;font-size:14px;outline:0;-webkit-appearance:none;background:#fff;-webkit-tap-highlight-color:transparent;border-radius:0 0 4px 4px}.mob .alert_buttons .alert_btn:only-child{width:100%}.mob .alert_buttons .alert_btn:first-child+.alert_btn{border-left:1px solid #ccc;border-radius:0 0 4px 0}.mob.alert_tips{width:100%;top:55%;pointer-events:none;text-align:center}.mob.alert_tips div{box-sizing:border-box;display:inline-block;padding:15px;border-radius:10px;background:rgba(0,0,0,.7);min-width:50px;max-width:230px;text-align:center;color:#fff;animation:tipsshow 3s .01s ease;-webkit-animation:tipsshow 3s .01s ease;opacity:0}@keyframes tipsshow{0%{opacity:0;transform:scale(1.4) rotateX(-360deg)}20%,80%{opacity:1;transform:scale(1) rotateX(0deg)}to{transform:scale(1.4) rotateX(360deg)}}@-webkit-keyframes tipsshow{0%,to{opacity:0}0%{-webkit-transform:scale(1.4) rotateX(-360deg)}20%,80%{opacity:1;-webkit-transform:scale(1) rotateX(0deg)}to{opacity:0;-webkit-transform:scale(1.4) rotateX(360deg)}}";t("head").append('<style type="text/css">'+e+"</style>"),t._ismob=/i(Phone|Pod)|Android|phone/i.test(navigator.userAgent),t._isalert=t._isload=0,t.alert=function(){if(arguments.length)return t._isalert=1,t.confirm.apply(t,arguments)},t.confirm=function(){var e,o=arguments;if(o.length){var a=o[1],n=function(t){"function"==typeof a?0!=a.call(e,t.data.r)&&e.close():e.close()};e=t('<div class="alert_overlay '+(t._ismob?"mob":"pc")+'"><div class="alert_msg"><div class="alert_content">'+o[0]+'</div><div class="alert_buttons"><button class="alert_btn alert_btn_cancel">Cancel</button><button class="alert_btn alert_btn_ok">Okey</button></div></div></div>').on("contextmenu",!1).on("click",".alert_btn_ok",{r:!0},n).on("click",".alert_btn_cancel",{r:!1},n),t._isload?e.find(".alert_content").css("text-align","center").parent().css({width:"auto",borderRadius:"4px"}).find(".alert_buttons").remove():t._isalert&&e.find(".alert_btn_cancel").remove(),e.appendTo("body").find(".alert_btn_ok").focus(),e.ok=function(t){return e.find(".alert_btn_ok").text(t||"Okey"),e},e.cancel=function(t){return e.find(".alert_btn_cancel").text(t||"Cancel"),e},e.content=function(t){return t&&e.find(".alert_content").html(t),e},e.close=function(){e.one("webkitTransitionEnd transitionEnd",function(){e.remove()}).removeClass("alert_show")},e.addClass("alert_show")}return t._isalert=t._isload=0,e},t.tips=function(e,o){if(e)if(t._ismob)t(".alert_tips").remove(),t('<div class="alert_tips mob"><div>'+e+"</div></div>").appendTo("body").one("webkitAnimationEnd animationEnd",function(){t(this).remove()});else{var a=t(".alert_tips");a.length||(a=t('<div class="alert_tips pc"></div>').appendTo("body")),t("<div>"+e+"</div>").appendTo(a).fadeIn("fast").delay(o||2e3).slideUp("fast",function(){t(this).remove()})}},t.load=function(){t(".alert_overlay").remove(),t._isload=1;var e=t.confirm.call(t,arguments[0]||"Loading...");return t.loaded=e.close,e}}($); |
@ -1,3 +0,0 @@ |
.CodeMirror-hints{ |
z-index:1000000; |
} |
@ -1,151 +0,0 @@ |
/** |
* |
* Base64 encode / decode |
* http://www.webtoolkit.info/
* |
**/ |
var Base64 = { |
// private property
_keyStr : "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=", |
// public method for encoding
encode : function (input, binary) { |
binary = (binary != null) ? binary : false; |
var output = ""; |
var chr1, chr2, chr3, enc1, enc2, enc3, enc4; |
var i = 0; |
if (!binary) |
{ |
input = Base64._utf8_encode(input); |
} |
while (i < input.length) { |
chr1 = input.charCodeAt(i++); |
chr2 = input.charCodeAt(i++); |
chr3 = input.charCodeAt(i++); |
enc1 = chr1 >> 2; |
enc2 = ((chr1 & 3) << 4) | (chr2 >> 4); |
enc3 = ((chr2 & 15) << 2) | (chr3 >> 6); |
enc4 = chr3 & 63; |
if (isNaN(chr2)) { |
enc3 = enc4 = 64; |
} else if (isNaN(chr3)) { |
enc4 = 64; |
} |
output = output + |
this._keyStr.charAt(enc1) + this._keyStr.charAt(enc2) + |
this._keyStr.charAt(enc3) + this._keyStr.charAt(enc4); |
} |
return output; |
}, |
// public method for decoding
decode : function (input, binary) { |
binary = (binary != null) ? binary : false; |
var output = ""; |
var chr1, chr2, chr3; |
var enc1, enc2, enc3, enc4; |
var i = 0; |
input = input.replace(/[^A-Za-z0-9\+\/\=]/g, ""); |
while (i < input.length) { |
enc1 = this._keyStr.indexOf(input.charAt(i++)); |
enc2 = this._keyStr.indexOf(input.charAt(i++)); |
enc3 = this._keyStr.indexOf(input.charAt(i++)); |
enc4 = this._keyStr.indexOf(input.charAt(i++)); |
chr1 = (enc1 << 2) | (enc2 >> 4); |
chr2 = ((enc2 & 15) << 4) | (enc3 >> 2); |
chr3 = ((enc3 & 3) << 6) | enc4; |
output = output + String.fromCharCode(chr1); |
if (enc3 != 64) { |
output = output + String.fromCharCode(chr2); |
} |
if (enc4 != 64) { |
output = output + String.fromCharCode(chr3); |
} |
} |
if (!binary) |
{ |
output = Base64._utf8_decode(output); |
} |
return output; |
}, |
// private method for UTF-8 encoding
_utf8_encode : function (string) { |
string = string.replace(/\r\n/g,"\n"); |
var utftext = ""; |
for (var n = 0; n < string.length; n++) { |
var c = string.charCodeAt(n); |
if (c < 128) { |
utftext += String.fromCharCode(c); |
} |
else if((c > 127) && (c < 2048)) { |
utftext += String.fromCharCode((c >> 6) | 192); |
utftext += String.fromCharCode((c & 63) | 128); |
} |
else { |
utftext += String.fromCharCode((c >> 12) | 224); |
utftext += String.fromCharCode(((c >> 6) & 63) | 128); |
utftext += String.fromCharCode((c & 63) | 128); |
} |
} |
return utftext; |
}, |
// private method for UTF-8 decoding
_utf8_decode : function (utftext) { |
var string = ""; |
var i = 0; |
var c = c1 = c2 = 0; |
while ( i < utftext.length ) { |
c = utftext.charCodeAt(i); |
if (c < 128) { |
string += String.fromCharCode(c); |
i++; |
} |
else if((c > 191) && (c < 224)) { |
c2 = utftext.charCodeAt(i+1); |
string += String.fromCharCode(((c & 31) << 6) | (c2 & 63)); |
i += 2; |
} |
else { |
c2 = utftext.charCodeAt(i+1); |
c3 = utftext.charCodeAt(i+2); |
string += String.fromCharCode(((c & 15) << 12) | ((c2 & 63) << 6) | (c3 & 63)); |
i += 3; |
} |
} |
return string; |
} |
} |
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<script type="text/javascript"> |
// Parses URL parameters. Supported parameters are: |
// - lang=xy: Specifies the language of the user interface. |
// - touch=1: Enables a touch-style user interface. |
// - storage=local: Enables HTML5 local storage. |
// - chrome=0: Chromeless mode. |
var urlParams = (function(url) |
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var result = new Object(); |
var idx = url.lastIndexOf('?'); |
if (idx > 0) |
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for (var i = 0; i < params.length; i++) |
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idx = params[i].indexOf('='); |
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result[params[i].substring(0, idx)] = params[i].substring(idx + 1); |
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// Extends EditorUi to update I/O action states based on availability of backend |
(function() |
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var editorUiInit = EditorUi.prototype.init; |
EditorUi.prototype.init = function() |
{ |
editorUiInit.apply(this, arguments); |
this.actions.get('export').setEnabled(false); |
// Updates action states which require a backend |
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mxUtils.post(OPEN_URL, '', mxUtils.bind(this, function(req) |
{ |
var enabled = req.getStatus() != 404; |
this.actions.get('open').setEnabled(enabled || Graph.fileSupport); |
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this.actions.get('saveAs').setEnabled(enabled); |
this.actions.get('export').setEnabled(enabled); |
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mxResources.getSpecialBundle(RESOURCE_BASE, mxLanguage); |
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var themes = new Object(); |
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</body> |
</html> |
@ -1,30 +0,0 @@ |
// urlParams is null when used for embedding
window.urlParams = window.urlParams || {}; |
// Public global variables
window.MAX_REQUEST_SIZE = window.MAX_REQUEST_SIZE || 10485760; |
window.MAX_AREA = window.MAX_AREA || 15000 * 15000; |
// URLs for save and export
window.EXPORT_URL = window.EXPORT_URL || '/export'; |
window.SAVE_URL = window.SAVE_URL || '/save'; |
window.OPEN_URL = window.OPEN_URL || '/open'; |
window.RESOURCES_PATH = window.RESOURCES_PATH || 'resources'; |
window.RESOURCE_BASE = window.RESOURCE_BASE || window.RESOURCES_PATH + '/grapheditor'; |
window.STENCIL_PATH = window.STENCIL_PATH || 'stencils'; |
window.IMAGE_PATH = window.IMAGE_PATH || 'images'; |
window.STYLE_PATH = window.STYLE_PATH || 'styles'; |
window.CSS_PATH = window.CSS_PATH || 'styles'; |
window.OPEN_FORM = window.OPEN_FORM || 'open.html'; |
// Sets the base path, the UI language via URL param and configures the
// supported languages to avoid 404s. The loading of all core language
// resources is disabled as all required resources are in grapheditor.
// properties. Note that in this example the loading of two resource
// files (the special bundle and the default bundle) is disabled to
// save a GET request. This requires that all resources be present in
// each properties file since only one file is loaded.
window.mxBasePath = window.mxBasePath || '../../../src'; |
window.mxLanguage = window.mxLanguage || urlParams['lang']; |
window.mxLanguages = window.mxLanguages || ['de','zh']; |
@ -1,954 +0,0 @@ |
/** |
* Copyright (c) 2006-2012, JGraph Ltd |
*/ |
/** |
* Construcs a new toolbar for the given editor. |
*/ |
function Toolbar(editorUi, container) |
{ |
this.editorUi = editorUi; |
this.container = container; |
this.staticElements = []; |
this.init(); |
// Global handler to hide the current menu
this.gestureHandler = mxUtils.bind(this, function(evt) |
{ |
if (this.editorUi.currentMenu != null && mxEvent.getSource(evt) != this.editorUi.currentMenu.div) |
{ |
this.hideMenu(); |
} |
}); |
mxEvent.addGestureListeners(document, this.gestureHandler); |
}; |
/** |
* Image for the dropdown arrow. |
*/ |
Toolbar.prototype.dropdownImage = (!mxClient.IS_SVG) ? IMAGE_PATH + '/dropdown.gif' : ''; |
/** |
* Image element for the dropdown arrow. |
*/ |
Toolbar.prototype.dropdownImageHtml = '<img border="0" style="position:absolute;right:4px;top:' + |
((!EditorUi.compactUi) ? 8 : 6) + 'px;" src="' + Toolbar.prototype.dropdownImage + '" valign="middle"/>'; |
/** |
* Defines the background for selected buttons. |
*/ |
Toolbar.prototype.selectedBackground = '#d0d0d0'; |
/** |
* Defines the background for selected buttons. |
*/ |
Toolbar.prototype.unselectedBackground = 'none'; |
/** |
* Array that contains the DOM nodes that should never be removed. |
*/ |
Toolbar.prototype.staticElements = null; |
/** |
* Adds the toolbar elements. |
*/ |
Toolbar.prototype.init = function() |
{ |
var sw = screen.width; |
// Takes into account initial compact mode
sw -= (screen.height > 740) ? 56 : 0; |
if (sw >= 700) |
{ |
var formatMenu = this.addMenu('', mxResources.get('view') + ' (' + mxResources.get('panTooltip') + ')', true, 'viewPanels', null, true); |
this.addDropDownArrow(formatMenu, 'geSprite-formatpanel', 38, 50, -4, -3, 36, -8); |
this.addSeparator(); |
} |
var viewMenu = this.addMenu('', mxResources.get('zoom') + ' (Alt+Mousewheel)', true, 'viewZoom', null, true); |
viewMenu.showDisabled = true; |
viewMenu.style.whiteSpace = 'nowrap'; |
viewMenu.style.position = 'relative'; |
viewMenu.style.overflow = 'hidden'; |
if (EditorUi.compactUi) |
{ |
viewMenu.style.width = (mxClient.IS_QUIRKS) ? '58px' : '50px'; |
} |
else |
{ |
viewMenu.style.width = (mxClient.IS_QUIRKS) ? '62px' : '36px'; |
} |
if (sw >= 420) |
{ |
this.addSeparator(); |
var elts = this.addItems(['zoomIn', 'zoomOut']); |
elts[0].setAttribute('title', mxResources.get('zoomIn') + ' (' + this.editorUi.actions.get('zoomIn').shortcut + ')'); |
elts[1].setAttribute('title', mxResources.get('zoomOut') + ' (' + this.editorUi.actions.get('zoomOut').shortcut + ')'); |
} |
// Updates the label if the scale changes
this.updateZoom = mxUtils.bind(this, function() |
{ |
viewMenu.innerHTML = Math.round(this.editorUi.editor.graph.view.scale * 100) + '%' + |
this.dropdownImageHtml; |
if (EditorUi.compactUi) |
{ |
viewMenu.getElementsByTagName('img')[0].style.right = '1px'; |
viewMenu.getElementsByTagName('img')[0].style.top = '5px'; |
} |
}); |
this.editorUi.editor.graph.view.addListener(mxEvent.EVENT_SCALE, this.updateZoom); |
this.editorUi.editor.addListener('resetGraphView', this.updateZoom); |
var elts = this.addItems(['-', 'undo', 'redo']); |
elts[1].setAttribute('title', mxResources.get('undo') + ' (' + this.editorUi.actions.get('undo').shortcut + ')'); |
elts[2].setAttribute('title', mxResources.get('redo') + ' (' + this.editorUi.actions.get('redo').shortcut + ')'); |
if (sw >= 320) |
{ |
var elts = this.addItems(['-', 'delete']); |
elts[1].setAttribute('title', mxResources.get('delete') + ' (' + this.editorUi.actions.get('delete').shortcut + ')'); |
} |
if (sw >= 550) |
{ |
this.addItems(['-', 'toFront', 'toBack']); |
} |
if (sw >= 740) |
{ |
this.addItems(['-', 'fillColor']); |
if (sw >= 780) |
{ |
this.addItems(['strokeColor']); |
if (sw >= 820) |
{ |
this.addItems(['shadow']); |
} |
} |
} |
if (sw >= 400) |
{ |
this.addSeparator(); |
if (sw >= 440) |
{ |
this.edgeShapeMenu = this.addMenuFunction('', mxResources.get('connection'), false, mxUtils.bind(this, function(menu) |
{ |
this.editorUi.menus.edgeStyleChange(menu, '', [mxConstants.STYLE_SHAPE, 'width'], [null, null], 'geIcon geSprite geSprite-connection', null, true).setAttribute('title', mxResources.get('line')); |
this.editorUi.menus.edgeStyleChange(menu, '', [mxConstants.STYLE_SHAPE, 'width'], ['link', null], 'geIcon geSprite geSprite-linkedge', null, true).setAttribute('title', mxResources.get('link')); |
this.editorUi.menus.edgeStyleChange(menu, '', [mxConstants.STYLE_SHAPE, 'width'], ['flexArrow', null], 'geIcon geSprite geSprite-arrow', null, true).setAttribute('title', mxResources.get('arrow')); |
this.editorUi.menus.edgeStyleChange(menu, '', [mxConstants.STYLE_SHAPE, 'width'], ['arrow', null], 'geIcon geSprite geSprite-simplearrow', null, true).setAttribute('title', mxResources.get('simpleArrow')); |
})); |
this.addDropDownArrow(this.edgeShapeMenu, 'geSprite-connection', 44, 50, 0, 0, 22, -4); |
} |
this.edgeStyleMenu = this.addMenuFunction('geSprite-orthogonal', mxResources.get('waypoints'), false, mxUtils.bind(this, function(menu) |
{ |
this.editorUi.menus.edgeStyleChange(menu, '', [mxConstants.STYLE_EDGE, mxConstants.STYLE_CURVED, mxConstants.STYLE_NOEDGESTYLE], [null, null, null], 'geIcon geSprite geSprite-straight', null, true).setAttribute('title', mxResources.get('straight')); |
this.editorUi.menus.edgeStyleChange(menu, '', [mxConstants.STYLE_EDGE, mxConstants.STYLE_CURVED, mxConstants.STYLE_NOEDGESTYLE], ['orthogonalEdgeStyle', null, null], 'geIcon geSprite geSprite-orthogonal', null, true).setAttribute('title', mxResources.get('orthogonal')); |
this.editorUi.menus.edgeStyleChange(menu, '', [mxConstants.STYLE_EDGE, mxConstants.STYLE_ELBOW, mxConstants.STYLE_CURVED, mxConstants.STYLE_NOEDGESTYLE], ['elbowEdgeStyle', null, null, null], 'geIcon geSprite geSprite-horizontalelbow', null, true).setAttribute('title', mxResources.get('simple')); |
this.editorUi.menus.edgeStyleChange(menu, '', [mxConstants.STYLE_EDGE, mxConstants.STYLE_ELBOW, mxConstants.STYLE_CURVED, mxConstants.STYLE_NOEDGESTYLE], ['elbowEdgeStyle', 'vertical', null, null], 'geIcon geSprite geSprite-verticalelbow', null, true).setAttribute('title', mxResources.get('simple')); |
this.editorUi.menus.edgeStyleChange(menu, '', [mxConstants.STYLE_EDGE, mxConstants.STYLE_ELBOW, mxConstants.STYLE_CURVED, mxConstants.STYLE_NOEDGESTYLE], ['isometricEdgeStyle', null, null, null], 'geIcon geSprite geSprite-horizontalisometric', null, true).setAttribute('title', mxResources.get('isometric')); |
this.editorUi.menus.edgeStyleChange(menu, '', [mxConstants.STYLE_EDGE, mxConstants.STYLE_ELBOW, mxConstants.STYLE_CURVED, mxConstants.STYLE_NOEDGESTYLE], ['isometricEdgeStyle', 'vertical', null, null], 'geIcon geSprite geSprite-verticalisometric', null, true).setAttribute('title', mxResources.get('isometric')); |
this.editorUi.menus.edgeStyleChange(menu, '', [mxConstants.STYLE_EDGE, mxConstants.STYLE_CURVED, mxConstants.STYLE_NOEDGESTYLE], ['orthogonalEdgeStyle', '1', null], 'geIcon geSprite geSprite-curved', null, true).setAttribute('title', mxResources.get('curved')); |
this.editorUi.menus.edgeStyleChange(menu, '', [mxConstants.STYLE_EDGE, mxConstants.STYLE_CURVED, mxConstants.STYLE_NOEDGESTYLE], ['entityRelationEdgeStyle', null, null], 'geIcon geSprite geSprite-entity', null, true).setAttribute('title', mxResources.get('entityRelation')); |
})); |
this.addDropDownArrow(this.edgeStyleMenu, 'geSprite-orthogonal', 44, 50, 0, 0, 22, -4); |
} |
this.addSeparator(); |
var insertMenu = this.addMenu('', mxResources.get('insert') + ' (' + mxResources.get('doubleClickTooltip') + ')', true, 'insert', null, true); |
this.addDropDownArrow(insertMenu, 'geSprite-plus', 38, 48, -4, -3, 36, -8); |
}; |
/** |
* Adds the toolbar elements. |
*/ |
Toolbar.prototype.addDropDownArrow = function(menu, sprite, width, atlasWidth, left, top, atlasDelta, atlasLeft) |
{ |
atlasDelta = (atlasDelta != null) ? atlasDelta : 32; |
left = (EditorUi.compactUi) ? left : atlasLeft; |
menu.style.whiteSpace = 'nowrap'; |
menu.style.overflow = 'hidden'; |
menu.style.position = 'relative'; |
menu.innerHTML = '<div class="geSprite ' + sprite + '" style="margin-left:' + left + 'px;margin-top:' + top + 'px;"></div>' + |
this.dropdownImageHtml; |
menu.style.width = (mxClient.IS_QUIRKS) ? atlasWidth + 'px' : (atlasWidth - atlasDelta) + 'px'; |
if (mxClient.IS_QUIRKS) |
{ |
menu.style.height = (EditorUi.compactUi) ? '24px' : '26px'; |
} |
// Fix for item size in kennedy theme
if (EditorUi.compactUi) |
{ |
menu.getElementsByTagName('img')[0].style.left = '24px'; |
menu.getElementsByTagName('img')[0].style.top = '5px'; |
menu.style.width = (mxClient.IS_QUIRKS) ? width + 'px' : (width - 10) + 'px'; |
} |
}; |
/** |
* Sets the current font name. |
*/ |
Toolbar.prototype.setFontName = function(value) |
{ |
if (this.fontMenu != null) |
{ |
this.fontMenu.innerHTML = '<div style="width:60px;overflow:hidden;display:inline-block;">' + |
mxUtils.htmlEntities(value) + '</div>' + this.dropdownImageHtml; |
} |
}; |
/** |
* Sets the current font name. |
*/ |
Toolbar.prototype.setFontSize = function(value) |
{ |
if (this.sizeMenu != null) |
{ |
this.sizeMenu.innerHTML = '<div style="width:24px;overflow:hidden;display:inline-block;">' + |
value + '</div>' + this.dropdownImageHtml; |
} |
}; |
/** |
* Hides the current menu. |
*/ |
Toolbar.prototype.createTextToolbar = function() |
{ |
var graph = this.editorUi.editor.graph; |
var styleElt = this.addMenu('', mxResources.get('style'), true, 'formatBlock'); |
styleElt.style.position = 'relative'; |
styleElt.style.whiteSpace = 'nowrap'; |
styleElt.style.overflow = 'hidden'; |
styleElt.innerHTML = mxResources.get('style') + this.dropdownImageHtml; |
if (EditorUi.compactUi) |
{ |
styleElt.style.paddingRight = '18px'; |
styleElt.getElementsByTagName('img')[0].style.right = '1px'; |
styleElt.getElementsByTagName('img')[0].style.top = '5px'; |
} |
this.addSeparator(); |
this.fontMenu = this.addMenu('', mxResources.get('fontFamily'), true, 'fontFamily'); |
this.fontMenu.style.position = 'relative'; |
this.fontMenu.style.whiteSpace = 'nowrap'; |
this.fontMenu.style.overflow = 'hidden'; |
this.fontMenu.style.width = (mxClient.IS_QUIRKS) ? '80px' : '60px'; |
this.setFontName(Menus.prototype.defaultFont); |
if (EditorUi.compactUi) |
{ |
this.fontMenu.style.paddingRight = '18px'; |
this.fontMenu.getElementsByTagName('img')[0].style.right = '1px'; |
this.fontMenu.getElementsByTagName('img')[0].style.top = '5px'; |
} |
this.addSeparator(); |
this.sizeMenu = this.addMenu(Menus.prototype.defaultFontSize, mxResources.get('fontSize'), true, 'fontSize'); |
this.sizeMenu.style.position = 'relative'; |
this.sizeMenu.style.whiteSpace = 'nowrap'; |
this.sizeMenu.style.overflow = 'hidden'; |
this.sizeMenu.style.width = (mxClient.IS_QUIRKS) ? '44px' : '24px'; |
this.setFontSize(Menus.prototype.defaultFontSize); |
if (EditorUi.compactUi) |
{ |
this.sizeMenu.style.paddingRight = '18px'; |
this.sizeMenu.getElementsByTagName('img')[0].style.right = '1px'; |
this.sizeMenu.getElementsByTagName('img')[0].style.top = '5px'; |
} |
var elts = this.addItems(['-', 'undo', 'redo','-', 'bold', 'italic', 'underline']); |
elts[1].setAttribute('title', mxResources.get('undo') + ' (' + this.editorUi.actions.get('undo').shortcut + ')'); |
elts[2].setAttribute('title', mxResources.get('redo') + ' (' + this.editorUi.actions.get('redo').shortcut + ')'); |
elts[4].setAttribute('title', mxResources.get('bold') + ' (' + this.editorUi.actions.get('bold').shortcut + ')'); |
elts[5].setAttribute('title', mxResources.get('italic') + ' (' + this.editorUi.actions.get('italic').shortcut + ')'); |
elts[6].setAttribute('title', mxResources.get('underline') + ' (' + this.editorUi.actions.get('underline').shortcut + ')'); |
// KNOWN: Lost focus after click on submenu with text (not icon) in quirks and IE8. This is because the TD seems
// to catch the focus on click in these browsers. NOTE: Workaround in mxPopupMenu for icon items (without text).
var alignMenu = this.addMenuFunction('', mxResources.get('align'), false, mxUtils.bind(this, function(menu) |
{ |
elt = menu.addItem('', null, mxUtils.bind(this, function() |
{ |
document.execCommand('justifyleft', false, null); |
}), null, 'geIcon geSprite geSprite-left'); |
elt.setAttribute('title', mxResources.get('left')); |
elt = menu.addItem('', null, mxUtils.bind(this, function() |
{ |
document.execCommand('justifycenter', false, null); |
}), null, 'geIcon geSprite geSprite-center'); |
elt.setAttribute('title', mxResources.get('center')); |
elt = menu.addItem('', null, mxUtils.bind(this, function() |
{ |
document.execCommand('justifyright', false, null); |
}), null, 'geIcon geSprite geSprite-right'); |
elt.setAttribute('title', mxResources.get('right')); |
elt = menu.addItem('', null, mxUtils.bind(this, function() |
{ |
document.execCommand('justifyfull', false, null); |
}), null, 'geIcon geSprite geSprite-justifyfull'); |
elt.setAttribute('title', mxResources.get('justifyfull')); |
elt = menu.addItem('', null, mxUtils.bind(this, function() |
{ |
document.execCommand('insertorderedlist', false, null); |
}), null, 'geIcon geSprite geSprite-orderedlist'); |
elt.setAttribute('title', mxResources.get('numberedList')); |
elt = menu.addItem('', null, mxUtils.bind(this, function() |
{ |
document.execCommand('insertunorderedlist', false, null); |
}), null, 'geIcon geSprite geSprite-unorderedlist'); |
elt.setAttribute('title', mxResources.get('bulletedList')); |
elt = menu.addItem('', null, mxUtils.bind(this, function() |
{ |
document.execCommand('outdent', false, null); |
}), null, 'geIcon geSprite geSprite-outdent'); |
elt.setAttribute('title', mxResources.get('decreaseIndent')); |
elt = menu.addItem('', null, mxUtils.bind(this, function() |
{ |
document.execCommand('indent', false, null); |
}), null, 'geIcon geSprite geSprite-indent'); |
elt.setAttribute('title', mxResources.get('increaseIndent')); |
})); |
alignMenu.style.position = 'relative'; |
alignMenu.style.whiteSpace = 'nowrap'; |
alignMenu.style.overflow = 'hidden'; |
alignMenu.innerHTML = '<div class="geSprite geSprite-left" style="margin-left:-2px;"></div>' + this.dropdownImageHtml; |
alignMenu.style.width = (mxClient.IS_QUIRKS) ? '50px' : '30px'; |
if (EditorUi.compactUi) |
{ |
alignMenu.getElementsByTagName('img')[0].style.left = '22px'; |
alignMenu.getElementsByTagName('img')[0].style.top = '5px'; |
} |
var formatMenu = this.addMenuFunction('', mxResources.get('format'), false, mxUtils.bind(this, function(menu) |
{ |
elt = menu.addItem('', null, this.editorUi.actions.get('subscript').funct, |
null, 'geIcon geSprite geSprite-subscript'); |
elt.setAttribute('title', mxResources.get('subscript') + ' (' + Editor.ctrlKey + '+,)'); |
elt = menu.addItem('', null, this.editorUi.actions.get('superscript').funct, |
null, 'geIcon geSprite geSprite-superscript'); |
elt.setAttribute('title', mxResources.get('superscript') + ' (' + Editor.ctrlKey + '+.)'); |
// KNOWN: IE+FF don't return keyboard focus after color dialog (calling focus doesn't help)
elt = menu.addItem('', null, this.editorUi.actions.get('fontColor').funct, |
null, 'geIcon geSprite geSprite-fontcolor'); |
elt.setAttribute('title', mxResources.get('fontColor')); |
elt = menu.addItem('', null, this.editorUi.actions.get('backgroundColor').funct, |
null, 'geIcon geSprite geSprite-fontbackground'); |
elt.setAttribute('title', mxResources.get('backgroundColor')); |
elt = menu.addItem('', null, mxUtils.bind(this, function() |
{ |
document.execCommand('removeformat', false, null); |
}), null, 'geIcon geSprite geSprite-removeformat'); |
elt.setAttribute('title', mxResources.get('removeFormat')); |
})); |
formatMenu.style.position = 'relative'; |
formatMenu.style.whiteSpace = 'nowrap'; |
formatMenu.style.overflow = 'hidden'; |
formatMenu.innerHTML = '<div class="geSprite geSprite-dots" style="margin-left:-2px;"></div>' + |
this.dropdownImageHtml; |
formatMenu.style.width = (mxClient.IS_QUIRKS) ? '50px' : '30px'; |
if (EditorUi.compactUi) |
{ |
formatMenu.getElementsByTagName('img')[0].style.left = '22px'; |
formatMenu.getElementsByTagName('img')[0].style.top = '5px'; |
} |
this.addSeparator(); |
this.addButton('geIcon geSprite geSprite-code', mxResources.get('html'), function() |
{ |
graph.cellEditor.toggleViewMode(); |
if (graph.cellEditor.textarea.innerHTML.length > 0 && (graph.cellEditor.textarea.innerHTML != ' ' || !graph.cellEditor.clearOnChange)) |
{ |
window.setTimeout(function() |
{ |
document.execCommand('selectAll', false, null); |
}); |
} |
}); |
this.addSeparator(); |
// FIXME: Uses geButton here and geLabel in main menu
var insertMenu = this.addMenuFunction('', mxResources.get('insert'), true, mxUtils.bind(this, function(menu) |
{ |
menu.addItem(mxResources.get('insertLink'), null, mxUtils.bind(this, function() |
{ |
this.editorUi.actions.get('link').funct(); |
})); |
menu.addItem(mxResources.get('insertImage'), null, mxUtils.bind(this, function() |
{ |
this.editorUi.actions.get('image').funct(); |
})); |
menu.addItem(mxResources.get('insertHorizontalRule'), null, mxUtils.bind(this, function() |
{ |
document.execCommand('inserthorizontalrule', false, null); |
})); |
})); |
insertMenu.style.whiteSpace = 'nowrap'; |
insertMenu.style.overflow = 'hidden'; |
insertMenu.style.position = 'relative'; |
insertMenu.innerHTML = '<div class="geSprite geSprite-plus" style="margin-left:-4px;margin-top:-3px;"></div>' + |
this.dropdownImageHtml; |
insertMenu.style.width = (mxClient.IS_QUIRKS) ? '36px' : '16px'; |
// Fix for item size in kennedy theme
if (EditorUi.compactUi) |
{ |
insertMenu.getElementsByTagName('img')[0].style.left = '24px'; |
insertMenu.getElementsByTagName('img')[0].style.top = '5px'; |
insertMenu.style.width = (mxClient.IS_QUIRKS) ? '50px' : '30px'; |
} |
this.addSeparator(); |
// KNOWN: All table stuff does not work with undo/redo
// KNOWN: Lost focus after click on submenu with text (not icon) in quirks and IE8. This is because the TD seems
// to catch the focus on click in these browsers. NOTE: Workaround in mxPopupMenu for icon items (without text).
var elt = this.addMenuFunction('geIcon geSprite geSprite-table', mxResources.get('table'), false, mxUtils.bind(this, function(menu) |
{ |
var elt = graph.getSelectedElement(); |
var cell = graph.getParentByName(elt, 'TD', graph.cellEditor.text2); |
var row = graph.getParentByName(elt, 'TR', graph.cellEditor.text2); |
if (row == null) |
{ |
this.editorUi.menus.addInsertTableItem(menu); |
} |
else |
{ |
var table = graph.getParentByName(row, 'TABLE', graph.cellEditor.text2); |
elt = menu.addItem('', null, mxUtils.bind(this, function() |
{ |
try |
{ |
graph.selectNode(graph.insertColumn(table, (cell != null) ? cell.cellIndex : 0)); |
} |
catch (e) |
{ |
mxUtils.alert(mxResources.get('error') + ': ' + e.message); |
} |
}), null, 'geIcon geSprite geSprite-insertcolumnbefore'); |
elt.setAttribute('title', mxResources.get('insertColumnBefore')); |
elt = menu.addItem('', null, mxUtils.bind(this, function() |
{ |
try |
{ |
graph.selectNode(graph.insertColumn(table, (cell != null) ? cell.cellIndex + 1 : -1)); |
} |
catch (e) |
{ |
mxUtils.alert(mxResources.get('error') + ': ' + e.message); |
} |
}), null, 'geIcon geSprite geSprite-insertcolumnafter'); |
elt.setAttribute('title', mxResources.get('insertColumnAfter')); |
elt = menu.addItem('Delete column', null, mxUtils.bind(this, function() |
{ |
if (cell != null) |
{ |
try |
{ |
graph.deleteColumn(table, cell.cellIndex); |
} |
catch (e) |
{ |
mxUtils.alert(mxResources.get('error') + ': ' + e.message); |
} |
} |
}), null, 'geIcon geSprite geSprite-deletecolumn'); |
elt.setAttribute('title', mxResources.get('deleteColumn')); |
elt = menu.addItem('', null, mxUtils.bind(this, function() |
{ |
try |
{ |
graph.selectNode(graph.insertRow(table, row.sectionRowIndex)); |
} |
catch (e) |
{ |
mxUtils.alert(mxResources.get('error') + ': ' + e.message); |
} |
}), null, 'geIcon geSprite geSprite-insertrowbefore'); |
elt.setAttribute('title', mxResources.get('insertRowBefore')); |
elt = menu.addItem('', null, mxUtils.bind(this, function() |
{ |
try |
{ |
graph.selectNode(graph.insertRow(table, row.sectionRowIndex + 1)); |
} |
catch (e) |
{ |
mxUtils.alert(mxResources.get('error') + ': ' + e.message); |
} |
}), null, 'geIcon geSprite geSprite-insertrowafter'); |
elt.setAttribute('title', mxResources.get('insertRowAfter')); |
elt = menu.addItem('', null, mxUtils.bind(this, function() |
{ |
try |
{ |
graph.deleteRow(table, row.sectionRowIndex); |
} |
catch (e) |
{ |
mxUtils.alert(mxResources.get('error') + ': ' + e.message); |
} |
}), null, 'geIcon geSprite geSprite-deleterow'); |
elt.setAttribute('title', mxResources.get('deleteRow')); |
elt = menu.addItem('', null, mxUtils.bind(this, function() |
{ |
// Converts rgb(r,g,b) values
var color = table.style.borderColor.replace( |
/\brgb\s*\(\s*(\d+)\s*,\s*(\d+)\s*,\s*(\d+)\s*\)/g, |
function($0, $1, $2, $3) { |
return "#" + ("0"+Number($1).toString(16)).substr(-2) + ("0"+Number($2).toString(16)).substr(-2) + ("0"+Number($3).toString(16)).substr(-2); |
}); |
this.editorUi.pickColor(color, function(newColor) |
{ |
if (newColor == null || newColor == mxConstants.NONE) |
{ |
table.removeAttribute('border'); |
table.style.border = ''; |
table.style.borderCollapse = ''; |
} |
else |
{ |
table.setAttribute('border', '1'); |
table.style.border = '1px solid ' + newColor; |
table.style.borderCollapse = 'collapse'; |
} |
}); |
}), null, 'geIcon geSprite geSprite-strokecolor'); |
elt.setAttribute('title', mxResources.get('borderColor')); |
elt = menu.addItem('', null, mxUtils.bind(this, function() |
{ |
// Converts rgb(r,g,b) values
var color = table.style.backgroundColor.replace( |
/\brgb\s*\(\s*(\d+)\s*,\s*(\d+)\s*,\s*(\d+)\s*\)/g, |
function($0, $1, $2, $3) { |
return "#" + ("0"+Number($1).toString(16)).substr(-2) + ("0"+Number($2).toString(16)).substr(-2) + ("0"+Number($3).toString(16)).substr(-2); |
}); |
this.editorUi.pickColor(color, function(newColor) |
{ |
if (newColor == null || newColor == mxConstants.NONE) |
{ |
table.style.backgroundColor = ''; |
} |
else |
{ |
table.style.backgroundColor = newColor; |
} |
}); |
}), null, 'geIcon geSprite geSprite-fillcolor'); |
elt.setAttribute('title', mxResources.get('backgroundColor')); |
elt = menu.addItem('', null, mxUtils.bind(this, function() |
{ |
var value = table.getAttribute('cellPadding') || 0; |
var dlg = new FilenameDialog(this.editorUi, value, mxResources.get('apply'), mxUtils.bind(this, function(newValue) |
{ |
if (newValue != null && newValue.length > 0) |
{ |
table.setAttribute('cellPadding', newValue); |
} |
else |
{ |
table.removeAttribute('cellPadding'); |
} |
}), mxResources.get('spacing')); |
this.editorUi.showDialog(dlg.container, 300, 80, true, true); |
dlg.init(); |
}), null, 'geIcon geSprite geSprite-fit'); |
elt.setAttribute('title', mxResources.get('spacing')); |
elt = menu.addItem('', null, mxUtils.bind(this, function() |
{ |
table.setAttribute('align', 'left'); |
}), null, 'geIcon geSprite geSprite-left'); |
elt.setAttribute('title', mxResources.get('left')); |
elt = menu.addItem('', null, mxUtils.bind(this, function() |
{ |
table.setAttribute('align', 'center'); |
}), null, 'geIcon geSprite geSprite-center'); |
elt.setAttribute('title', mxResources.get('center')); |
elt = menu.addItem('', null, mxUtils.bind(this, function() |
{ |
table.setAttribute('align', 'right'); |
}), null, 'geIcon geSprite geSprite-right'); |
elt.setAttribute('title', mxResources.get('right')); |
} |
})); |
elt.style.position = 'relative'; |
elt.style.whiteSpace = 'nowrap'; |
elt.style.overflow = 'hidden'; |
elt.innerHTML = '<div class="geSprite geSprite-table" style="margin-left:-2px;"></div>' + this.dropdownImageHtml; |
elt.style.width = (mxClient.IS_QUIRKS) ? '50px' : '30px'; |
// Fix for item size in kennedy theme
if (EditorUi.compactUi) |
{ |
elt.getElementsByTagName('img')[0].style.left = '22px'; |
elt.getElementsByTagName('img')[0].style.top = '5px'; |
} |
}; |
/** |
* Hides the current menu. |
*/ |
Toolbar.prototype.hideMenu = function() |
{ |
this.editorUi.hideCurrentMenu(); |
}; |
/** |
* Adds a label to the toolbar. |
*/ |
Toolbar.prototype.addMenu = function(label, tooltip, showLabels, name, c, showAll) |
{ |
var menu = this.editorUi.menus.get(name); |
var elt = this.addMenuFunction(label, tooltip, showLabels, function() |
{ |
menu.funct.apply(menu, arguments); |
}, c, showAll); |
menu.addListener('stateChanged', function() |
{ |
elt.setEnabled(menu.enabled); |
}); |
return elt; |
}; |
/** |
* Adds a label to the toolbar. |
*/ |
Toolbar.prototype.addMenuFunction = function(label, tooltip, showLabels, funct, c, showAll) |
{ |
return this.addMenuFunctionInContainer((c != null) ? c : this.container, label, tooltip, showLabels, funct, showAll); |
}; |
/** |
* Adds a label to the toolbar. |
*/ |
Toolbar.prototype.addMenuFunctionInContainer = function(container, label, tooltip, showLabels, funct, showAll) |
{ |
var elt = (showLabels) ? this.createLabel(label) : this.createButton(label); |
this.initElement(elt, tooltip); |
this.addMenuHandler(elt, showLabels, funct, showAll); |
container.appendChild(elt); |
return elt; |
}; |
/** |
* Adds a separator to the separator. |
*/ |
Toolbar.prototype.addSeparator = function(c) |
{ |
c = (c != null) ? c : this.container; |
var elt = document.createElement('div'); |
elt.className = 'geSeparator'; |
c.appendChild(elt); |
return elt; |
}; |
/** |
* Adds given action item |
*/ |
Toolbar.prototype.addItems = function(keys, c, ignoreDisabled) |
{ |
var items = []; |
for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) |
{ |
var key = keys[i]; |
if (key == '-') |
{ |
items.push(this.addSeparator(c)); |
} |
else |
{ |
items.push(this.addItem('geSprite-' + key.toLowerCase(), key, c, ignoreDisabled)); |
} |
} |
return items; |
}; |
/** |
* Adds given action item |
*/ |
Toolbar.prototype.addItem = function(sprite, key, c, ignoreDisabled) |
{ |
var action = this.editorUi.actions.get(key); |
var elt = null; |
if (action != null) |
{ |
var tooltip = action.label; |
if (action.shortcut != null) |
{ |
tooltip += ' (' + action.shortcut + ')'; |
} |
elt = this.addButton(sprite, tooltip, action.funct, c); |
if (!ignoreDisabled) |
{ |
elt.setEnabled(action.enabled); |
action.addListener('stateChanged', function() |
{ |
elt.setEnabled(action.enabled); |
}); |
} |
} |
return elt; |
}; |
/** |
* Adds a button to the toolbar. |
*/ |
Toolbar.prototype.addButton = function(classname, tooltip, funct, c) |
{ |
var elt = this.createButton(classname); |
c = (c != null) ? c : this.container; |
this.initElement(elt, tooltip); |
this.addClickHandler(elt, funct); |
c.appendChild(elt); |
return elt; |
}; |
/** |
* Initializes the given toolbar element. |
*/ |
Toolbar.prototype.initElement = function(elt, tooltip) |
{ |
// Adds tooltip
if (tooltip != null) |
{ |
elt.setAttribute('title', tooltip); |
} |
this.addEnabledState(elt); |
}; |
/** |
* Adds enabled state with setter to DOM node (avoids JS wrapper). |
*/ |
Toolbar.prototype.addEnabledState = function(elt) |
{ |
var classname = elt.className; |
elt.setEnabled = function(value) |
{ |
elt.enabled = value; |
if (value) |
{ |
elt.className = classname; |
} |
else |
{ |
elt.className = classname + ' mxDisabled'; |
} |
}; |
elt.setEnabled(true); |
}; |
/** |
* Adds enabled state with setter to DOM node (avoids JS wrapper). |
*/ |
Toolbar.prototype.addClickHandler = function(elt, funct) |
{ |
if (funct != null) |
{ |
mxEvent.addListener(elt, 'click', function(evt) |
{ |
if (elt.enabled) |
{ |
funct(evt); |
} |
mxEvent.consume(evt); |
}); |
if (document.documentMode != null && document.documentMode >= 9) |
{ |
// Prevents focus
mxEvent.addListener(elt, 'mousedown', function(evt) |
{ |
evt.preventDefault(); |
}); |
} |
} |
}; |
/** |
* Creates and returns a new button. |
*/ |
Toolbar.prototype.createButton = function(classname) |
{ |
var elt = document.createElement('a'); |
elt.setAttribute('href', 'javascript:void(0);'); |
elt.className = 'geButton'; |
var inner = document.createElement('div'); |
if (classname != null) |
{ |
inner.className = 'geSprite ' + classname; |
} |
elt.appendChild(inner); |
return elt; |
}; |
/** |
* Creates and returns a new button. |
*/ |
Toolbar.prototype.createLabel = function(label, tooltip) |
{ |
var elt = document.createElement('a'); |
elt.setAttribute('href', 'javascript:void(0);'); |
elt.className = 'geLabel'; |
mxUtils.write(elt, label); |
return elt; |
}; |
/** |
* Adds a handler for showing a menu in the given element. |
*/ |
Toolbar.prototype.addMenuHandler = function(elt, showLabels, funct, showAll) |
{ |
if (funct != null) |
{ |
var graph = this.editorUi.editor.graph; |
var menu = null; |
var show = true; |
mxEvent.addListener(elt, 'click', mxUtils.bind(this, function(evt) |
{ |
if (show && (elt.enabled == null || elt.enabled)) |
{ |
graph.popupMenuHandler.hideMenu(); |
menu = new mxPopupMenu(funct); |
menu.div.className += ' geToolbarMenu'; |
menu.showDisabled = showAll; |
menu.labels = showLabels; |
menu.autoExpand = true; |
var offset = mxUtils.getOffset(elt); |
menu.popup(offset.x, offset.y + elt.offsetHeight, null, evt); |
this.editorUi.setCurrentMenu(menu, elt); |
// Workaround for scrollbar hiding menu items
if (!showLabels && menu.div.scrollHeight > menu.div.clientHeight) |
{ |
menu.div.style.width = '40px'; |
} |
menu.hideMenu = mxUtils.bind(this, function() |
{ |
mxPopupMenu.prototype.hideMenu.apply(menu, arguments); |
this.editorUi.resetCurrentMenu(); |
menu.destroy(); |
}); |
// Extends destroy to reset global state
menu.addListener(mxEvent.EVENT_HIDE, mxUtils.bind(this, function() |
{ |
this.currentElt = null; |
})); |
} |
show = true; |
mxEvent.consume(evt); |
})); |
// Hides menu if already showing
mxEvent.addListener(elt, 'mousedown', mxUtils.bind(this, function(evt) |
{ |
show = this.currentElt != elt; |
// Prevents focus
if (document.documentMode != null && document.documentMode >= 9) |
{ |
evt.preventDefault(); |
} |
})); |
} |
}; |
/** |
* Adds a handler for showing a menu in the given element. |
*/ |
Toolbar.prototype.destroy = function() |
{ |
if (this.gestureHandler != null) |
{ |
mxEvent.removeGestureListeners(document, this.gestureHandler); |
this.gestureHandler = null; |
} |
}; |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 66 B |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 83 B |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 2.6 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 2.8 KiB |
@ -1,913 +0,0 @@ |
/** |
* jscolor, JavaScript Color Picker |
* |
* @version 1.3.13 |
* @license GNU Lesser General Public License, http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html
* @author Jan Odvarko, http://odvarko.cz
* @created 2008-06-15 |
* @updated 2012-01-19 |
* @link http://jscolor.com
*/ |
var jscolor = { |
dir : '', // location of jscolor directory (leave empty to autodetect)
bindClass : 'color', // class name
binding : true, // automatic binding via <input class="...">
preloading : true, // use image preloading?
install : function() { |
//jscolor.addEvent(window, 'load', jscolor.init);
}, |
init : function() { |
if(jscolor.preloading) { |
jscolor.preload(); |
} |
}, |
getDir : function() { |
if(!jscolor.dir) { |
var detected = jscolor.detectDir(); |
jscolor.dir = detected!==false ? detected : 'jscolor/'; |
} |
return jscolor.dir; |
}, |
detectDir : function() { |
var base = location.href; |
var e = document.getElementsByTagName('base'); |
for(var i=0; i<e.length; i+=1) { |
if(e[i].href) { base = e[i].href; } |
} |
var e = document.getElementsByTagName('script'); |
for(var i=0; i<e.length; i+=1) { |
if(e[i].src && /(^|\/)jscolor\.js([?#].*)?$/i.test(e[i].src)) { |
var src = new jscolor.URI(e[i].src); |
var srcAbs = src.toAbsolute(base); |
srcAbs.path = srcAbs.path.replace(/[^\/]+$/, ''); // remove filename
srcAbs.query = null; |
srcAbs.fragment = null; |
return srcAbs.toString(); |
} |
} |
return false; |
}, |
preload : function() { |
for(var fn in jscolor.imgRequire) { |
if(jscolor.imgRequire.hasOwnProperty(fn)) { |
jscolor.loadImage(fn); |
} |
} |
}, |
images : { |
pad : [ 181, 101 ], |
sld : [ 16, 101 ], |
cross : [ 15, 15 ], |
arrow : [ 7, 11 ] |
}, |
imgRequire : {}, |
imgLoaded : {}, |
requireImage : function(filename) { |
jscolor.imgRequire[filename] = true; |
}, |
loadImage : function(filename) { |
if(!jscolor.imgLoaded[filename]) { |
jscolor.imgLoaded[filename] = new Image(); |
jscolor.imgLoaded[filename].src = jscolor.getDir()+filename; |
} |
}, |
fetchElement : function(mixed) { |
return typeof mixed === 'string' ? document.getElementById(mixed) : mixed; |
}, |
addEvent : function(el, evnt, func) { |
if(el.addEventListener) { |
el.addEventListener(evnt, func, false); |
} else if(el.attachEvent) { |
el.attachEvent('on'+evnt, func); |
} |
}, |
fireEvent : function(el, evnt) { |
if(!el) { |
return; |
} |
if(document.createEvent) { |
var ev = document.createEvent('HTMLEvents'); |
ev.initEvent(evnt, true, true); |
el.dispatchEvent(ev); |
} else if(document.createEventObject) { |
var ev = document.createEventObject(); |
el.fireEvent('on'+evnt, ev); |
} else if(el['on'+evnt]) { // alternatively use the traditional event model (IE5)
el['on'+evnt](); |
} |
}, |
getElementPos : function(e) { |
var e1=e, e2=e; |
var x=0, y=0; |
if(e1.offsetParent) { |
do { |
x += e1.offsetLeft; |
y += e1.offsetTop; |
} while(e1 = e1.offsetParent); |
} |
while((e2 = e2.parentNode) && e2.nodeName.toUpperCase() !== 'BODY') { |
x -= e2.scrollLeft; |
y -= e2.scrollTop; |
} |
return [x, y]; |
}, |
getElementSize : function(e) { |
return [e.offsetWidth, e.offsetHeight]; |
}, |
getRelMousePos : function(e) { |
var x = 0, y = 0; |
if (!e) { e = window.event; } |
if (typeof e.offsetX === 'number') { |
x = e.offsetX; |
y = e.offsetY; |
} else if (typeof e.layerX === 'number') { |
x = e.layerX; |
y = e.layerY; |
} |
return { x: x, y: y }; |
}, |
getViewPos : function() { |
if(typeof window.pageYOffset === 'number') { |
return [window.pageXOffset, window.pageYOffset]; |
} else if(document.body && (document.body.scrollLeft || document.body.scrollTop)) { |
return [document.body.scrollLeft, document.body.scrollTop]; |
} else if(document.documentElement && (document.documentElement.scrollLeft || document.documentElement.scrollTop)) { |
return [document.documentElement.scrollLeft, document.documentElement.scrollTop]; |
} else { |
return [0, 0]; |
} |
}, |
getViewSize : function() { |
if(typeof window.innerWidth === 'number') { |
return [window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight]; |
} else if(document.body && (document.body.clientWidth || document.body.clientHeight)) { |
return [document.body.clientWidth, document.body.clientHeight]; |
} else if(document.documentElement && (document.documentElement.clientWidth || document.documentElement.clientHeight)) { |
return [document.documentElement.clientWidth, document.documentElement.clientHeight]; |
} else { |
return [0, 0]; |
} |
}, |
URI : function(uri) { // See RFC3986
this.scheme = null; |
this.authority = null; |
this.path = ''; |
this.query = null; |
this.fragment = null; |
this.parse = function(uri) { |
var m = uri.match(/^(([A-Za-z][0-9A-Za-z+.-]*)(:))?((\/\/)([^\/?#]*))?([^?#]*)((\?)([^#]*))?((#)(.*))?/); |
this.scheme = m[3] ? m[2] : null; |
this.authority = m[5] ? m[6] : null; |
this.path = m[7]; |
this.query = m[9] ? m[10] : null; |
this.fragment = m[12] ? m[13] : null; |
return this; |
}; |
this.toString = function() { |
var result = ''; |
if(this.scheme !== null) { result = result + this.scheme + ':'; } |
if(this.authority !== null) { result = result + '//' + this.authority; } |
if(this.path !== null) { result = result + this.path; } |
if(this.query !== null) { result = result + '?' + this.query; } |
if(this.fragment !== null) { result = result + '#' + this.fragment; } |
return result; |
}; |
this.toAbsolute = function(base) { |
var base = new jscolor.URI(base); |
var r = this; |
var t = new jscolor.URI; |
if(base.scheme === null) { return false; } |
if(r.scheme !== null && r.scheme.toLowerCase() === base.scheme.toLowerCase()) { |
r.scheme = null; |
} |
if(r.scheme !== null) { |
t.scheme = r.scheme; |
t.authority = r.authority; |
t.path = removeDotSegments(r.path); |
t.query = r.query; |
} else { |
if(r.authority !== null) { |
t.authority = r.authority; |
t.path = removeDotSegments(r.path); |
t.query = r.query; |
} else { |
if(r.path === '') { // TODO: == or === ?
t.path = base.path; |
if(r.query !== null) { |
t.query = r.query; |
} else { |
t.query = base.query; |
} |
} else { |
if(r.path.substr(0,1) === '/') { |
t.path = removeDotSegments(r.path); |
} else { |
if(base.authority !== null && base.path === '') { // TODO: == or === ?
t.path = '/'+r.path; |
} else { |
t.path = base.path.replace(/[^\/]+$/,'')+r.path; |
} |
t.path = removeDotSegments(t.path); |
} |
t.query = r.query; |
} |
t.authority = base.authority; |
} |
t.scheme = base.scheme; |
} |
t.fragment = r.fragment; |
return t; |
}; |
function removeDotSegments(path) { |
var out = ''; |
while(path) { |
if(path.substr(0,3)==='../' || path.substr(0,2)==='./') { |
path = path.replace(/^\.+/,'').substr(1); |
} else if(path.substr(0,3)==='/./' || path==='/.') { |
path = '/'+path.substr(3); |
} else if(path.substr(0,4)==='/../' || path==='/..') { |
path = '/'+path.substr(4); |
out = out.replace(/\/?[^\/]*$/, ''); |
} else if(path==='.' || path==='..') { |
path = ''; |
} else { |
var rm = path.match(/^\/?[^\/]*/)[0]; |
path = path.substr(rm.length); |
out = out + rm; |
} |
} |
return out; |
} |
if(uri) { |
this.parse(uri); |
} |
}, |
/* |
* Usage example: |
* var myColor = new jscolor.color(myInputElement) |
*/ |
color : function(target, prop) { |
this.required = true; // refuse empty values?
this.adjust = true; // adjust value to uniform notation?
this.hash = false; // prefix color with # symbol?
this.caps = true; // uppercase?
this.slider = true; // show the value/saturation slider?
this.valueElement = target; // value holder
this.styleElement = target; // where to reflect current color
this.onImmediateChange = null; // onchange callback (can be either string or function)
this.hsv = [0, 0, 1]; // read-only 0-6, 0-1, 0-1
this.rgb = [1, 1, 1]; // read-only 0-1, 0-1, 0-1
this.pickerOnfocus = true; // display picker on focus?
this.pickerMode = 'HSV'; // HSV | HVS
this.pickerPosition = 'bottom'; // left | right | top | bottom
this.pickerSmartPosition = true; // automatically adjust picker position when necessary
this.pickerButtonHeight = 20; // px
this.pickerClosable = false; |
this.pickerCloseText = 'Close'; |
this.pickerButtonColor = 'ButtonText'; // px
this.pickerFace = 0; // px
this.pickerFaceColor = 'ThreeDFace'; // CSS color
this.pickerBorder = 1; // px
this.pickerBorderColor = 'ThreeDHighlight ThreeDShadow ThreeDShadow ThreeDHighlight'; // CSS color
this.pickerInset = 1; // px
this.pickerInsetColor = 'ThreeDShadow ThreeDHighlight ThreeDHighlight ThreeDShadow'; // CSS color
this.pickerZIndex = 10000; |
for(var p in prop) { |
if(prop.hasOwnProperty(p)) { |
this[p] = prop[p]; |
} |
} |
this.hidePicker = function() { |
if(isPickerOwner()) { |
removePicker(); |
} |
}; |
this.showPicker = function() { |
if(!isPickerOwner()) { |
var tp = jscolor.getElementPos(target); // target pos
var ts = jscolor.getElementSize(target); // target size
var vp = jscolor.getViewPos(); // view pos
var vs = jscolor.getViewSize(); // view size
var ps = getPickerDims(this); // picker size
var a, b, c; |
switch(this.pickerPosition.toLowerCase()) { |
case 'left': a=1; b=0; c=-1; break; |
case 'right':a=1; b=0; c=1; break; |
case 'top': a=0; b=1; c=-1; break; |
default: a=0; b=1; c=1; break; |
} |
var l = (ts[b]+ps[b])/2; |
// picker pos
if (!this.pickerSmartPosition) { |
var pp = [ |
tp[a], |
tp[b]+ts[b]-l+l*c |
]; |
} else { |
var pp = [ |
-vp[a]+tp[a]+ps[a] > vs[a] ? |
(-vp[a]+tp[a]+ts[a]/2 > vs[a]/2 && tp[a]+ts[a]-ps[a] >= 0 ? tp[a]+ts[a]-ps[a] : tp[a]) : |
tp[a], |
-vp[b]+tp[b]+ts[b]+ps[b]-l+l*c > vs[b] ? |
(-vp[b]+tp[b]+ts[b]/2 > vs[b]/2 && tp[b]+ts[b]-l-l*c >= 0 ? tp[b]+ts[b]-l-l*c : tp[b]+ts[b]-l+l*c) : |
(tp[b]+ts[b]-l+l*c >= 0 ? tp[b]+ts[b]-l+l*c : tp[b]+ts[b]-l-l*c) |
]; |
} |
drawPicker(0, 0); |
} |
}; |
this.importColor = function() { |
if(!valueElement) { |
this.exportColor(); |
} else { |
if(!this.adjust) { |
if(!this.fromString(valueElement.value, leaveValue)) { |
styleElement.style.backgroundImage = styleElement.jscStyle.backgroundImage; |
styleElement.style.backgroundColor = styleElement.jscStyle.backgroundColor; |
styleElement.style.color = styleElement.jscStyle.color; |
this.exportColor(leaveValue | leaveStyle); |
} |
} else if(!this.required && /^\s*$/.test(valueElement.value)) { |
valueElement.value = ''; |
styleElement.style.backgroundImage = styleElement.jscStyle.backgroundImage; |
styleElement.style.backgroundColor = styleElement.jscStyle.backgroundColor; |
styleElement.style.color = styleElement.jscStyle.color; |
this.exportColor(leaveValue | leaveStyle); |
} else if(this.fromString(valueElement.value)) { |
// OK
} else { |
this.exportColor(); |
} |
} |
}; |
this.exportColor = function(flags) { |
if(!(flags & leaveValue) && valueElement) { |
var value = this.toString(); |
if(this.caps) { value = value.toUpperCase(); } |
if(this.hash) { value = '#'+value; } |
valueElement.value = value; |
} |
if(!(flags & leaveStyle) && styleElement) { |
styleElement.style.backgroundImage = "none"; |
styleElement.style.backgroundColor = |
'#'+this.toString(); |
styleElement.style.color = |
0.213 * this.rgb[0] + |
0.715 * this.rgb[1] + |
0.072 * this.rgb[2] |
< 0.5 ? '#FFF' : '#000'; |
} |
if(!(flags & leavePad) && isPickerOwner()) { |
redrawPad(); |
} |
if(!(flags & leaveSld) && isPickerOwner()) { |
redrawSld(); |
} |
}; |
this.fromHSV = function(h, s, v, flags) { // null = don't change
h<0 && (h=0) || h>6 && (h=6); |
s<0 && (s=0) || s>1 && (s=1); |
v<0 && (v=0) || v>1 && (v=1); |
this.rgb = HSV_RGB( |
h===null ? this.hsv[0] : (this.hsv[0]=h), |
s===null ? this.hsv[1] : (this.hsv[1]=s), |
v===null ? this.hsv[2] : (this.hsv[2]=v) |
); |
this.exportColor(flags); |
}; |
this.fromRGB = function(r, g, b, flags) { // null = don't change
r<0 && (r=0) || r>1 && (r=1); |
g<0 && (g=0) || g>1 && (g=1); |
b<0 && (b=0) || b>1 && (b=1); |
var hsv = RGB_HSV( |
r===null ? this.rgb[0] : (this.rgb[0]=r), |
g===null ? this.rgb[1] : (this.rgb[1]=g), |
b===null ? this.rgb[2] : (this.rgb[2]=b) |
); |
if(hsv[0] !== null) { |
this.hsv[0] = hsv[0]; |
} |
if(hsv[2] !== 0) { |
this.hsv[1] = hsv[1]; |
} |
this.hsv[2] = hsv[2]; |
this.exportColor(flags); |
}; |
this.fromString = function(hex, flags) { |
var m = hex.match(/^\W*([0-9A-F]{3}([0-9A-F]{3})?)\W*$/i); |
if(!m) { |
return false; |
} else { |
if(m[1].length === 6) { // 6-char notation
this.fromRGB( |
parseInt(m[1].substr(0,2),16) / 255, |
parseInt(m[1].substr(2,2),16) / 255, |
parseInt(m[1].substr(4,2),16) / 255, |
flags |
); |
} else { // 3-char notation
this.fromRGB( |
parseInt(m[1].charAt(0)+m[1].charAt(0),16) / 255, |
parseInt(m[1].charAt(1)+m[1].charAt(1),16) / 255, |
parseInt(m[1].charAt(2)+m[1].charAt(2),16) / 255, |
flags |
); |
} |
return true; |
} |
}; |
this.toString = function() { |
return ( |
(0x100 | Math.round(255*this.rgb[0])).toString(16).substr(1) + |
(0x100 | Math.round(255*this.rgb[1])).toString(16).substr(1) + |
(0x100 | Math.round(255*this.rgb[2])).toString(16).substr(1) |
); |
}; |
function RGB_HSV(r, g, b) { |
var n = Math.min(Math.min(r,g),b); |
var v = Math.max(Math.max(r,g),b); |
var m = v - n; |
if(m === 0) { return [ null, 0, v ]; } |
var h = r===n ? 3+(b-g)/m : (g===n ? 5+(r-b)/m : 1+(g-r)/m); |
return [ h===6?0:h, m/v, v ]; |
} |
function HSV_RGB(h, s, v) { |
if(h === null) { return [ v, v, v ]; } |
var i = Math.floor(h); |
var f = i%2 ? h-i : 1-(h-i); |
var m = v * (1 - s); |
var n = v * (1 - s*f); |
switch(i) { |
case 6: |
case 0: return [v,n,m]; |
case 1: return [n,v,m]; |
case 2: return [m,v,n]; |
case 3: return [m,n,v]; |
case 4: return [n,m,v]; |
case 5: return [v,m,n]; |
} |
} |
function removePicker() { |
delete jscolor.picker.owner; |
document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].removeChild(jscolor.picker.boxB); |
} |
function drawPicker(x, y) { |
if(!jscolor.picker) { |
jscolor.picker = { |
box : document.createElement('div'), |
boxB : document.createElement('div'), |
pad : document.createElement('div'), |
padB : document.createElement('div'), |
padM : document.createElement('div'), |
sld : document.createElement('div'), |
sldB : document.createElement('div'), |
sldM : document.createElement('div'), |
btn : document.createElement('div'), |
btnS : document.createElement('span'), |
btnT : document.createTextNode(THIS.pickerCloseText) |
}; |
for(var i=0,segSize=4; i<jscolor.images.sld[1]; i+=segSize) { |
var seg = document.createElement('div'); |
seg.style.height = segSize+'px'; |
seg.style.fontSize = '1px'; |
seg.style.lineHeight = '0'; |
jscolor.picker.sld.appendChild(seg); |
} |
jscolor.picker.sldB.appendChild(jscolor.picker.sld); |
jscolor.picker.box.appendChild(jscolor.picker.sldB); |
jscolor.picker.box.appendChild(jscolor.picker.sldM); |
jscolor.picker.padB.appendChild(jscolor.picker.pad); |
jscolor.picker.box.appendChild(jscolor.picker.padB); |
jscolor.picker.box.appendChild(jscolor.picker.padM); |
jscolor.picker.btnS.appendChild(jscolor.picker.btnT); |
jscolor.picker.btn.appendChild(jscolor.picker.btnS); |
jscolor.picker.box.appendChild(jscolor.picker.btn); |
jscolor.picker.boxB.appendChild(jscolor.picker.box); |
} |
var p = jscolor.picker; |
// controls interaction
p.box.onmouseup = |
p.box.onmouseout = function() { if (!mxClient.IS_TOUCH) { target.focus(); } }; |
p.box.onmousedown = function() { abortBlur=true; }; |
p.box.onmousemove = function(e) { |
if (holdPad || holdSld) { |
holdPad && setPad(e); |
holdSld && setSld(e); |
if (document.selection) { |
document.selection.empty(); |
} else if (window.getSelection) { |
window.getSelection().removeAllRanges(); |
} |
dispatchImmediateChange(); |
} |
}; |
p.padM.onmouseup = |
p.padM.onmouseout = function() { if(holdPad) { holdPad=false; jscolor.fireEvent(valueElement,'change'); } }; |
p.padM.onmousedown = function(e) { |
// if the slider is at the bottom, move it up
switch(modeID) { |
case 0: if (THIS.hsv[2] === 0) { THIS.fromHSV(null, null, 1.0); }; break; |
case 1: if (THIS.hsv[1] === 0) { THIS.fromHSV(null, 1.0, null); }; break; |
} |
holdPad=true; |
setPad(e); |
dispatchImmediateChange(); |
}; |
p.sldM.onmouseup = |
p.sldM.onmouseout = function() { if(holdSld) { holdSld=false; jscolor.fireEvent(valueElement,'change'); } }; |
p.sldM.onmousedown = function(e) { |
holdSld=true; |
setSld(e); |
dispatchImmediateChange(); |
}; |
// picker
var dims = getPickerDims(THIS); |
p.box.style.width = dims[0] + 'px'; |
p.box.style.height = dims[1] + 'px'; |
// picker border
p.boxB.style.position = 'absolute'; |
p.boxB.style.clear = 'both'; |
p.boxB.style.left = x+'px'; |
p.boxB.style.top = y+'px'; |
p.boxB.style.zIndex = THIS.pickerZIndex; |
p.boxB.style.border = THIS.pickerBorder+'px solid'; |
p.boxB.style.borderColor = THIS.pickerBorderColor; |
p.boxB.style.background = THIS.pickerFaceColor; |
// pad image
p.pad.style.width = jscolor.images.pad[0]+'px'; |
p.pad.style.height = jscolor.images.pad[1]+'px'; |
// pad border
p.padB.style.position = 'absolute'; |
p.padB.style.left = THIS.pickerFace+'px'; |
p.padB.style.top = THIS.pickerFace+'px'; |
p.padB.style.border = THIS.pickerInset+'px solid'; |
p.padB.style.borderColor = THIS.pickerInsetColor; |
// pad mouse area
p.padM.style.position = 'absolute'; |
p.padM.style.left = '0'; |
p.padM.style.top = '0'; |
p.padM.style.width = THIS.pickerFace + 2*THIS.pickerInset + jscolor.images.pad[0] + jscolor.images.arrow[0] + 'px'; |
p.padM.style.height = p.box.style.height; |
p.padM.style.cursor = 'crosshair'; |
// slider image
p.sld.style.overflow = 'hidden'; |
p.sld.style.width = jscolor.images.sld[0]+'px'; |
p.sld.style.height = jscolor.images.sld[1]+'px'; |
// slider border
p.sldB.style.display = THIS.slider ? 'block' : 'none'; |
p.sldB.style.position = 'absolute'; |
p.sldB.style.right = THIS.pickerFace+'px'; |
p.sldB.style.top = THIS.pickerFace+'px'; |
p.sldB.style.border = THIS.pickerInset+'px solid'; |
p.sldB.style.borderColor = THIS.pickerInsetColor; |
// slider mouse area
p.sldM.style.display = THIS.slider ? 'block' : 'none'; |
p.sldM.style.position = 'absolute'; |
p.sldM.style.right = '0'; |
p.sldM.style.top = '0'; |
p.sldM.style.width = jscolor.images.sld[0] + jscolor.images.arrow[0] + THIS.pickerFace + 2*THIS.pickerInset + 'px'; |
p.sldM.style.height = p.box.style.height; |
try { |
p.sldM.style.cursor = 'pointer'; |
} catch(eOldIE) { |
p.sldM.style.cursor = 'hand'; |
} |
// "close" button
function setBtnBorder() { |
var insetColors = THIS.pickerInsetColor.split(/\s+/); |
var pickerOutsetColor = insetColors.length < 2 ? insetColors[0] : insetColors[1] + ' ' + insetColors[0] + ' ' + insetColors[0] + ' ' + insetColors[1]; |
p.btn.style.borderColor = pickerOutsetColor; |
} |
p.btn.style.display = THIS.pickerClosable ? 'block' : 'none'; |
p.btn.style.position = 'absolute'; |
p.btn.style.left = THIS.pickerFace + 'px'; |
p.btn.style.bottom = THIS.pickerFace + 'px'; |
p.btn.style.padding = '0 15px'; |
p.btn.style.height = '18px'; |
p.btn.style.border = THIS.pickerInset + 'px solid'; |
setBtnBorder(); |
p.btn.style.color = THIS.pickerButtonColor; |
p.btn.style.font = '12px sans-serif'; |
p.btn.style.textAlign = 'center'; |
try { |
p.btn.style.cursor = 'pointer'; |
} catch(eOldIE) { |
p.btn.style.cursor = 'hand'; |
} |
p.btn.onmousedown = function () { |
THIS.hidePicker(); |
}; |
p.btnS.style.lineHeight = p.btn.style.height; |
// load images in optimal order
switch(modeID) { |
case 0: var padImg = 'hs.png'; break; |
case 1: var padImg = 'hv.png'; break; |
} |
p.padM.style.backgroundImage = "url('"+jscolor.getDir()+"cross.gif')"; |
p.padM.style.backgroundRepeat = "no-repeat"; |
p.sldM.style.backgroundImage = "url('"+jscolor.getDir()+"arrow.gif')"; |
p.sldM.style.backgroundRepeat = "no-repeat"; |
p.pad.style.backgroundImage = "url('"+jscolor.getDir()+padImg+"')"; |
p.pad.style.backgroundRepeat = "no-repeat"; |
p.pad.style.backgroundPosition = "0 0"; |
// place pointers
redrawPad(); |
redrawSld(); |
jscolor.picker.owner = THIS; |
document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].appendChild(p.boxB); |
} |
function getPickerDims(o) { |
var dims = [ |
2*o.pickerInset + 2*o.pickerFace + jscolor.images.pad[0] + |
(o.slider ? 2*o.pickerInset + 2*jscolor.images.arrow[0] + jscolor.images.sld[0] : 0), |
o.pickerClosable ? |
4*o.pickerInset + 3*o.pickerFace + jscolor.images.pad[1] + o.pickerButtonHeight : |
2*o.pickerInset + 2*o.pickerFace + jscolor.images.pad[1] |
]; |
return dims; |
} |
function redrawPad() { |
// redraw the pad pointer
switch(modeID) { |
case 0: var yComponent = 1; break; |
case 1: var yComponent = 2; break; |
} |
var x = Math.round((THIS.hsv[0]/6) * (jscolor.images.pad[0]-1)); |
var y = Math.round((1-THIS.hsv[yComponent]) * (jscolor.images.pad[1]-1)); |
jscolor.picker.padM.style.backgroundPosition = |
(THIS.pickerFace+THIS.pickerInset+x - Math.floor(jscolor.images.cross[0]/2)) + 'px ' + |
(THIS.pickerFace+THIS.pickerInset+y - Math.floor(jscolor.images.cross[1]/2)) + 'px'; |
// redraw the slider image
var seg = jscolor.picker.sld.childNodes; |
switch(modeID) { |
case 0: |
var rgb = HSV_RGB(THIS.hsv[0], THIS.hsv[1], 1); |
for(var i=0; i<seg.length; i+=1) { |
seg[i].style.backgroundColor = 'rgb('+ |
(rgb[0]*(1-i/seg.length)*100)+'%,'+ |
(rgb[1]*(1-i/seg.length)*100)+'%,'+ |
(rgb[2]*(1-i/seg.length)*100)+'%)'; |
} |
break; |
case 1: |
var rgb, s, c = [ THIS.hsv[2], 0, 0 ]; |
var i = Math.floor(THIS.hsv[0]); |
var f = i%2 ? THIS.hsv[0]-i : 1-(THIS.hsv[0]-i); |
switch(i) { |
case 6: |
case 0: rgb=[0,1,2]; break; |
case 1: rgb=[1,0,2]; break; |
case 2: rgb=[2,0,1]; break; |
case 3: rgb=[2,1,0]; break; |
case 4: rgb=[1,2,0]; break; |
case 5: rgb=[0,2,1]; break; |
} |
for(var i=0; i<seg.length; i+=1) { |
s = 1 - 1/(seg.length-1)*i; |
c[1] = c[0] * (1 - s*f); |
c[2] = c[0] * (1 - s); |
seg[i].style.backgroundColor = 'rgb('+ |
(c[rgb[0]]*100)+'%,'+ |
(c[rgb[1]]*100)+'%,'+ |
(c[rgb[2]]*100)+'%)'; |
} |
break; |
} |
} |
function redrawSld() { |
// redraw the slider pointer
switch(modeID) { |
case 0: var yComponent = 2; break; |
case 1: var yComponent = 1; break; |
} |
var y = Math.round((1-THIS.hsv[yComponent]) * (jscolor.images.sld[1]-1)); |
jscolor.picker.sldM.style.backgroundPosition = |
'0 ' + (THIS.pickerFace+THIS.pickerInset+y - Math.floor(jscolor.images.arrow[1]/2)) + 'px'; |
} |
function isPickerOwner() { |
return jscolor.picker && jscolor.picker.owner === THIS; |
} |
function blurTarget() { |
if(valueElement === target) { |
THIS.importColor(); |
} |
if(THIS.pickerOnfocus) { |
THIS.hidePicker(); |
} |
} |
function blurValue() { |
if(valueElement !== target) { |
THIS.importColor(); |
} |
} |
function setPad(e) { |
var mpos = jscolor.getRelMousePos(e); |
var x = mpos.x - THIS.pickerFace - THIS.pickerInset; |
var y = mpos.y - THIS.pickerFace - THIS.pickerInset; |
switch(modeID) { |
case 0: THIS.fromHSV(x*(6/(jscolor.images.pad[0]-1)), 1 - y/(jscolor.images.pad[1]-1), null, leaveSld); break; |
case 1: THIS.fromHSV(x*(6/(jscolor.images.pad[0]-1)), null, 1 - y/(jscolor.images.pad[1]-1), leaveSld); break; |
} |
} |
function setSld(e) { |
var mpos = jscolor.getRelMousePos(e); |
var y = mpos.y - THIS.pickerFace - THIS.pickerInset; |
switch(modeID) { |
case 0: THIS.fromHSV(null, null, 1 - y/(jscolor.images.sld[1]-1), leavePad); break; |
case 1: THIS.fromHSV(null, 1 - y/(jscolor.images.sld[1]-1), null, leavePad); break; |
} |
} |
function dispatchImmediateChange() { |
if (THIS.onImmediateChange) { |
if (typeof THIS.onImmediateChange === 'string') { |
eval(THIS.onImmediateChange); |
} else { |
THIS.onImmediateChange(THIS); |
} |
} |
} |
var THIS = this; |
var modeID = this.pickerMode.toLowerCase()==='hvs' ? 1 : 0; |
var abortBlur = false; |
var |
valueElement = jscolor.fetchElement(this.valueElement), |
styleElement = jscolor.fetchElement(this.styleElement); |
var |
holdPad = false, |
holdSld = false; |
var |
leaveValue = 1<<0, |
leaveStyle = 1<<1, |
leavePad = 1<<2, |
leaveSld = 1<<3; |
// target
/*jscolor.addEvent(target, 'focus', function() { |
if(THIS.pickerOnfocus) { THIS.showPicker(); } |
}); |
jscolor.addEvent(target, 'blur', function() { |
if(!abortBlur) { |
window.setTimeout(function(){ abortBlur || blurTarget(); abortBlur=false; }, 0); |
} else { |
abortBlur = false; |
} |
});*/ |
// valueElement
if(valueElement) { |
var updateField = function() { |
THIS.fromString(valueElement.value, leaveValue); |
dispatchImmediateChange(); |
}; |
jscolor.addEvent(valueElement, 'keyup', updateField); |
jscolor.addEvent(valueElement, 'input', updateField); |
jscolor.addEvent(valueElement, 'blur', blurValue); |
valueElement.setAttribute('autocomplete', 'off'); |
} |
// styleElement
if(styleElement) { |
styleElement.jscStyle = { |
backgroundImage : styleElement.style.backgroundImage, |
backgroundColor : styleElement.style.backgroundColor, |
color : styleElement.style.color |
}; |
} |
// require images
switch(modeID) { |
case 0: jscolor.requireImage('hs.png'); break; |
case 1: jscolor.requireImage('hv.png'); break; |
} |
jscolor.requireImage('cross.gif'); |
jscolor.requireImage('arrow.gif'); |
this.importColor(); |
} |
}; |
jscolor.install(); |
@ -1,222 +0,0 @@ |
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@ -1,321 +0,0 @@ |
# Resources from graph.properties |
alreadyConnected=Nodes already connected |
cancel=Cancel |
close=Close |
collapse-expand=Collapse/Expand |
containsValidationErrors=Contains validation errors |
done=Done |
doubleClickOrientation=Doubleclick to Change Orientation |
error=Error |
errorSavingFile=Error saving file |
ok=OK |
updatingDocument=Updating Document. Please wait... |
updatingSelection=Updating Selection. Please wait... |
# Custom resources |
about=About |
actualSize=Actual Size |
add=Add |
addLayer=Add Layer |
addProperty=Add Property |
addToExistingDrawing=Add to Existing Drawing |
addWaypoint=Add Waypoint |
advanced=Advanced |
align=Align |
alignment=Alignment |
allChangesLost=All changes will be lost! |
angle=Angle |
apply=Apply |
arc=Arc |
arrange=Arrange |
arrow=Arrow |
arrows=Arrows |
automatic=Automatic |
autosave=Autosave |
autosize=Autosize |
background=Background |
backgroundColor=Background Color |
backgroundImage=Background Image |
basic=Basic |
block=Block |
blockquote=Blockquote |
bold=Bold |
border=Border |
borderWidth=Borderwidth |
borderColor=Border Color |
bottom=Bottom |
bottomAlign=Bottom Align |
bottomLeft=Bottom Left |
bottomRight=Bottom Right |
bulletedList=Bulleted List |
cannotOpenFile=Cannot open file |
center=Center |
change=Change |
changeOrientation=Change Orientation |
circle=Circle |
classic=Classic |
clearDefaultStyle=Clear Default Style |
clearWaypoints=Clear Waypoints |
clipart=Clipart |
collapse=Collapse |
collapseExpand=Collapse/Expand |
collapsible=Collapsible |
comic=Comic |
configure=Configure |
connect=Connect |
connection=Connection |
connectionPoints=Connection points |
connectionArrows=Connection arrows |
constrainProportions=Constrain Proportions |
copy=Copy |
copyConnect=Copy on Connect |
copySize=Copy Size |
create=Create |
curved=Curved |
custom=Custom |
cut=Cut |
dashed=Dashed |
decreaseIndent=Decrease Indent |
default=Default |
delete=Delete |
deleteColumn=Delete Column |
deleteRow=Delete Row |
diagram=Diagram |
diamond=Diamond |
diamondThin=Diamond (thin) |
direction=Direction |
distribute=Distribute |
divider=Divider |
documentProperties=Document Properties |
dotted=Dotted |
drawing=Drawing{1} |
drawingEmpty=Drawing is empty |
drawingTooLarge=Drawing is too large |
duplicate=Duplicate |
duplicateIt=Duplicate {1} |
east=East |
edit=Edit |
editData=Edit Data |
editDiagram=Edit Diagram |
editImage=Edit Image |
editLink=Edit Link |
editStyle=Edit Style |
editTooltip=Edit Tooltip |
enterGroup=Enter Group |
enterValue=Enter Value |
enterName=Enter Name |
enterPropertyName=Enter Property Name |
entityRelation=Entity Relation |
exitGroup=Exit Group |
expand=Expand |
export=Export |
extras=Extras |
file=File |
fileNotFound=File not found |
filename=Filename |
fill=Fill |
fillColor=Fill Color |
fitPage=One Page |
fitPageWidth=Page Width |
fitTwoPages=Two Pages |
fitWindow=Fit Window |
flip=Flip |
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flipV=Flip Vertical |
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format=Format |
formatPanel=Format Panel |
general=Allgemein |
formatPdf=PDF |
formatPng=PNG |
formatGif=GIF |
formatJpg=JPEG |
formatSvg=SVG |
formatXml=XML |
formatted=Formatted |
formattedText=Formatted Text |
gap=Gap |
glass=Glass |
general=General |
global=Global |
gradient=Gradient |
gradientColor=Color |
grid=Grid |
gridSize=Grid Size |
group=Group |
guides=Guides |
heading=Heading |
height=Height |
help=Help |
hide=Hide |
hideIt=Hide {1} |
hidden=Hidden |
home=Home |
horizontal=Horizontal |
horizontalFlow=Horizontal Flow |
horizontalTree=Horizontal Tree |
html=HTML |
id=ID |
image=Image |
images=Images |
import=Import |
increaseIndent=Increase Indent |
insert=Insert |
insertColumnBefore=Insert Column Left |
insertColumnAfter=Insert Column Right |
insertHorizontalRule=Insert Horizontal Rule |
insertImage=Insert Image |
insertLink=Insert Link |
insertRowBefore=Insert Row Above |
insertRowAfter=Insert Row Below |
invalidName=Invalid name |
invalidOrMissingFile=Invalid or missing file |
isometric=Isometric |
italic=Italic |
layers=Layers |
landscape=Landscape |
laneColor=Lanecolor |
layout=Layout |
left=Left |
leftAlign=Left Align |
leftToRight=Left to Right |
line=Line |
link=Link |
lineJumps=Line jumps |
lineend=Line End |
lineheight=Line Height |
linestart=Line Start |
linewidth=Linewidth |
loading=Loading |
lockUnlock=Lock/Unlock |
manual=Manual |
middle=Middle |
misc=Misc |
more=More |
moreResults=More Results |
move=Move |
moveSelectionTo=Move Selection to {1} |
navigation=Navigation |
new=New |
noColor=No Color |
noFiles=No files |
noMoreResults=No more results |
none=None |
noResultsFor=No results for '{1}' |
normal=Normal |
north=North |
numberedList=Numbered List |
opacity=Opacity |
open=Open |
openArrow=Open Arrow |
openFile=Open File |
openLink=Open Link |
openSupported=Supported format is .XML files saved from this software |
openInNewWindow=Open in New Window |
openInThisWindow=Open in this Window |
options=Options |
organic=Organic |
orthogonal=Orthogonal |
outline=Outline |
oval=Oval |
pages=Pages |
pageView=Page View |
pageScale=Page Scale |
pageSetup=Page Setup |
panTooltip=Space+Drag to Scroll |
paperSize=Paper Size |
paste=Paste |
pasteHere=Paste Here |
pasteSize=Paste Size |
pattern=Pattern |
perimeter=Perimeter |
placeholders=Placeholders |
plusTooltip=Click to connect and clone (ctrl+click to clone, shift+click to connect). Drag to connect (ctrl+drag to clone). |
portrait=Portrait |
position=Position |
posterPrint=Poster Print |
preview=Preview |
print=Print |
radialTree=Radial Tree |
redo=Redo |
removeFormat=Clear Formatting |
removeFromGroup=Remove from Group |
removeIt=Remove {1} |
removeWaypoint=Remove Waypoint |
rename=Rename |
renameIt=Rename {1} |
replace=Replace |
replaceIt={1} already exists. Do you want to replace it? |
replaceExistingDrawing=Replace existing drawing |
reset=Reset |
resetView=Reset View |
reverse=Reverse |
right=Right |
rightAlign=Right Align |
rightToLeft=Right to Left |
rotate=Rotate |
rotateTooltip=Click and drag to rotate, click to turn by 90 degrees |
rotation=Rotation |
rounded=Rounded |
save=Save |
saveAs=Save as |
saved=Saved |
scrollbars=Scrollbars |
search=Search |
searchShapes=Search Shapes |
selectAll=Select All |
selectEdges=Select Edges |
selectFont=Select a Font |
selectNone=Select None |
selectVertices=Select Vertices |
setAsDefaultStyle=Set as Default Style |
shadow=Shadow |
shape=Shape |
sharp=Sharp |
sidebarTooltip=Click to expand. Drag and drop shapes into the diagram. Shift+click to change selection. Alt+click to insert and connect. |
simple=Simple |
simpleArrow=Simple Arrow |
size=Size |
solid=Solid |
sourceSpacing=Source Spacing |
south=South |
spacing=Spacing |
straight=Straight |
strokeColor=Line Color |
style=Style |
subscript=Subscript |
superscript=Superscript |
table=Table |
targetSpacing=Target Spacing |
text=Text |
textAlignment=Text Alignment |
textOpacity=Text Opacity |
toBack=To Back |
toFront=To Front |
tooltips=Tooltips |
top=Top |
topAlign=Top Align |
topLeft=Top Left |
topRight=Top Right |
transparent=Transparent |
turn=Rotate 90° |
uml=UML |
underline=Underline |
undo=Undo |
ungroup=Ungroup |
url=URL |
untitledLayer=Untitled Layer |
vertical=Vertical |
verticalFlow=Vertical Flow |
verticalTree=Vertical Tree |
view=View |
waypoints=Waypoints |
west=West |
width=Width |
wordWrap=Word Wrap |
writingDirection=Writing Direction |
zoom=Zoom |
zoomIn=Zoom In |
zoomOut=Zoom Out |
@ -1,320 +0,0 @@ |
# Resources from graph.properties |
alreadyConnected=Knoten schon verbunden |
cancel=Abbrechen |
close=Schliessen |
collapse-expand=Einklappen/Ausklappen |
containsValidationErrors=Enthält Validierungsfehler |
done=Fertig |
doubleClickOrientation=Doppelklicken um Orientierung zu ändern |
error=Fehler |
errorSavingFile=Fehler beim Speichern der Datei |
ok=OK |
updatingDocument=Aktualisiere Dokument. Bitte warten... |
updatingSelection=Aktualisiere Markierung. Bitte warten... |
# Custom resources |
about=Über |
actualSize=Tatsächliche Grösse |
add=Hinzufügen |
addLayer=Ebene einfügen |
addProperty=Eigenschaft einfügen |
addToExistingDrawing=In vorhandene Zeichnung einfügen |
addWaypoint=Wegpunkt einfügen |
advanced=Erweitert |
align=Ausrichten |
alignment=Ausrichtung |
allChangesLost=Alle Änderungen gehen verloren! |
angle=Winkel |
apply=Anwenden |
arc=Bogen |
arrange=Anordnen |
arrow=Pfeil |
arrows=Pfeile |
automatic=Automatisch |
autosave=Automatisch Speichern |
autosize=Grösse anpassen |
background=Hintergrund |
backgroundColor=Hintergrundfarbe |
backgroundImage=Hintergrundbild |
basic=Einfach |
block=Block |
blockquote=Zitat |
bold=Fett |
border=Rahmen |
borderWidth=Rahmenbreite |
borderColor=Rahmenfarbe |
bottom=Unten |
bottomAlign=Unten |
bottomLeft=Unten links |
bottomRight=Unten rechts |
bulletedList=Aufzählungsliste |
cannotOpenFile=Kann Datei nicht öffnen |
center=Zentriert |
change=Ändern |
changeOrientation=Orientierung ändern |
circle=Kreis |
classic=Klassisch |
clearDefaultStyle=Standardstyle löschen |
clearWaypoints=Wegpunkte löschen |
clipart=Clipart |
collapse=Einklappen |
collapseExpand=Ein-/Ausklappen |
collapsible=Einklappbar |
comic=Comic |
connect=Verbinden |
connection=Verbindung |
connectionPoints=Verbindungspunkte |
connectionArrows=Verbindungspfeile |
constrainProportions=Proportionen beibehalten |
copy=Kopieren |
copyConnect=Beim Verbinden kopieren |
copySize=Grösse kopieren |
create=Erstellen |
curved=Gebogen |
custom=Benutzerdefiniert |
cut=Ausschneiden |
dashed=Gestrichelt |
decreaseIndent=Einzug verringern |
default=Vorgegeben |
delete=Löschen |
deleteColumn=Spalte löschen |
deleteRow=Zeile löschen |
diagram=Diagramm |
diamond=Diamant |
diamondThin=Diamant (Schmal) |
direction=Richtung |
distribute=Verteilen |
divider=Treelinie |
dotted=Punktiert |
documentProperties=Dokumenteigenschaften |
drawing=Zeichnung{1} |
drawingEmpty=Zeichnung ist leer |
drawingTooLarge=Zeichnung ist zu gross |
duplicate=Duplizieren |
duplicateIt={1} duplizieren |
east=Ost |
edit=Bearbeiten |
editData=Metadaten bearbeiten |
editDiagram=Diagramm bearbeiten |
editImage=Bild bearbeiten |
editLink=Link bearbeiten |
editStyle=Style bearbeiten |
editTooltip=Tooltip bearbeiten |
enterGroup=In Gruppe hinein |
enterValue=Wert eingeben |
enterName=Namen eingeben |
enterPropertyName=Eigenschaftsname eingeben |
entityRelation=Entity Relation |
exitGroup=Aus Gruppe heraus |
expand=Ausklappen |
export=Exportieren |
extras=Extras |
file=Datei |
fileNotFound=Datei nicht gefunden |
filename=Dateiname |
fill=Füllen |
fillColor=Füllfarbe |
fitPage=Ganze Seite |
fitPageWidth=Seitenbreite |
fitTwoPages=Zwei Seiten |
fitWindow=An Fenstergrösse anpassen |
flip=Spiegeln |
flipH=Horizontal Spiegeln |
flipV=Vertikal Spiegeln |
font=Schrift |
fontFamily=Schriftart |
fontColor=Schriftfarbe |
fontSize=Schriftgrösse |
format=Format |
formatPanel=Bereich "Formatieren" |
general=Allgemein |
formatPdf=PDF |
formatPng=PNG |
formatGif=GIF |
formatJpg=JPEG |
formatSvg=SVG |
formatXml=XML |
formatted=Formatiert |
formattedText=Formatierter Text |
gap=Gap |
glass=Glas |
general=Allgemein |
global=Global |
gradient=Verlauf |
gradientColor=Farbe |
grid=Gitternetz |
gridSize=Gitternetzgrösse |
group=Gruppieren |
guides=Führungslinien |
heading=Überschrift |
height=Höhe |
help=Hilfe |
hide=Verstecken |
hideIt={1} verstecken |
hidden=Versteckt |
home=Ursprung |
horizontal=Horizontal |
horizontalFlow=Horizontaler Fluss |
horizontalTree=Horizontaler Baum |
html=HTML |
id=ID |
image=Bild |
images=Bilder |
import=Importieren |
increaseIndent=Einzug vergrössern |
insert=Einfügen |
insertColumnBefore=Spalte links einfügen |
insertColumnAfter=Spalte rechts einfügen |
insertHorizontalRule=Horizontale Linie einfügen |
insertImage=Bild einfügen |
insertLink=Link einfügen |
insertRowBefore=Zeile oberhalb einfügen |
insertRowAfter=Zeile unterhalb einfügen |
invalidName=Ungültiger Name |
invalidOrMissingFile=Ungültige oder fehlende Datei |
isometric=Isometrisch |
italic=Kursiv |
layers=Ebenen |
landscape=Querformat |
laneColor=Lane-Farbe |
layout=Layout |
left=Links |
leftAlign=Links |
leftToRight=Von links nach rechts |
line=Linie |
lineJumps=Liniensprünge |
link=Link |
lineend=Linienende |
lineheight=Zeilenhöhe |
linestart=Linienanfang |
linewidth=Linienbreite |
loading=Wird geladen |
lockUnlock=Sperren/Entsperren |
manual=Manuell |
middle=Mitte |
misc=Verschiedenes |
more=Mehr |
moreResults=Mehr Resultate |
move=Verschieben |
moveSelectionTo=Markierung in {1} einfügen |
navigation=Navigation |
new=Neu |
noColor=Keine Farbe |
noFiles=Keine Dateien |
noMoreResults=Keine Weiteren Resultate |
none=Ohne |
noResultsFor=Keine Resultate für '{1}' |
normal=Normal |
north=Nord |
numberedList=Nummerierte Liste |
opacity=Deckkraft |
open=Öffnen |
openArrow=Offen |
openFile=Datei öffnen |
openLink=Link öffnen |
openSupported=Unterstützte Formate sind mit dieser Anwendung erstellte .XML Dateien |
openInNewWindow=In neuem Fenster öffnen |
openInThisWindow=In diesem Fenster öffnen |
options=Optionen |
organic=Organisch |
orthogonal=Orthogonal |
outline=Übersicht |
oval=Oval |
pages=Seiten |
pageView=Seitenansicht |
pageScale=Seitenskalierung |
pageSetup=Seite einrichten |
panTooltip=Leertaste+Ziehen um zu scrollen |
paperSize=Papiergrösse |
paste=Einfügen |
pasteHere=Hier einfügen |
pasteSize=Grösse einfügen |
pattern=Muster |
perimeter=Umfang |
placeholders=Platzhalter |
plusTooltip=Klicken zum Verbinden und Klonen (Ctrl-Taste gedrückt halten zum Klonen, Shift+Klick zum Verbinden). Ziehen zum verbinden (Ctrl-Taste gedrückt halten zum Klonen). |
portrait=Hochformat |
position=Position |
posterPrint=Posterdruck |
preview=Vorschau |
print=Drucken |
radialTree=Radialer Baum |
redo=Wiederherstellen |
removeFormat=Formatierung entfernen |
removeFromGroup=Aus Gruppe entfernen |
removeIt={1} entfernen |
removeWaypoint=Wegpunkt entfernen |
rename=Umbenennen |
renameIt={1} umbenennen |
replace=Ersetzen |
replaceIt={1} existiert bereits. Soll die Datei überschrieben werden? |
replaceExistingDrawing=Vorhandene Zeichnung ersetzen |
reset=Zurücksetzen |
resetView=Ansicht zurücksetzen |
reverse=Umdrehen |
right=Rechts |
rightAlign=Rechts |
rightToLeft=Von rechts nach links |
rotate=Rotieren |
rotateTooltip=Klicken und ziehen um zu rotieren, klicken für 90 Grad Drehung |
rotation=Rotation |
rounded=Abgerundet |
save=Speichern |
saveAs=Speichern unter |
saved=Gespeichert |
scrollbars=Scrollbars |
search=Suchen |
searchShapes=Formen suchen |
selectAll=Alles markieren |
selectEdges=Kanten markieren |
selectFont=Schriftart wählen |
selectNone=Markierung aufheben |
selectVertices=Knoten markieren |
setAsDefaultStyle=Als Standardstyle festlegen |
shadow=Schatten |
shape=Shape |
sharp=Eckig |
sidebarTooltip=Klicken um zu erweitern. Objekte per Drag & Drop ins Diagramm einfügen. Shift+Klick um die Markierung zu ändern. Alt+Klick zum Einfügen und Verbinden. |
simple=Einfach |
simpleArrow=Einfacher Pfeil |
size=Grösse |
solid=Durchgehend |
sourceSpacing=Anfangsabstand |
south=Süd |
spacing=Abstand |
straight=Gerade |
strokeColor=Linienfarbe |
style=Style |
subscript=Tiefgestellt |
superscript=Hochgestellt |
table=Tabelle |
targetSpacing=Endabstand |
text=Text |
textAlignment=Text Ausrichtung |
textOpacity=Text Deckkraft |
toBack=Nach hinten |
toFront=Nach vorne |
tooltips=Tooltips |
top=Oben |
topLeft=Oben links |
topRight=Oben rechts |
topAlign=Oben |
transparent=Transparent |
turn=Drehen 90° |
uml=UML |
underline=Unterstrichen |
undo=Rückgängig |
ungroup=Gruppierung aufheben |
untitledLayer=Unbenannte Ebene |
url=URL |
vertical=Vertikal |
verticalFlow=Vertikaler Fluss |
verticalTree=Vertikaler Baum |
view=Ansicht |
waypoints=Wegpunkte |
west=West |
width=Breite |
wordWrap=Autom. Zeilenumbruch |
writingDirection=Textrichtung |
zoom=Zoom |
zoomIn=Hineinzoomen |
zoomOut=Herauszoomen |
@ -1,321 +0,0 @@ |
# Resources from graph.properties |
alreadyConnected=Nodes already connected |
cancel=取消 |
close=关闭 |
collapse-expand=折叠/展开 |
containsValidationErrors=Contains validation errors |
done=完成 |
doubleClickOrientation=双击改变方向 |
error=错误 |
errorSavingFile=保存文件时发生错误 |
ok=确定 |
updatingDocument=正在更新文档. 请等待 ... |
updatingSelection=正在更新选择的内容. 请等待 ... |
# Custom resources |
about=关于 |
actualSize=实际大小 |
add=添加 |
addLayer=添加层 |
addProperty=添加属性 |
addToExistingDrawing=添加到当前图表中 |
addWaypoint=添加路径点 |
advanced=高级 |
align=对齐 |
alignment=对齐 |
allChangesLost=将丢失所有更改! |
angle=角度 |
apply=应用 |
arc=Arc |
arrange=排列 |
arrow=Arrow |
arrows=Arrows |
automatic=自动 |
autosave=自动保存 |
autosize=自动大小 |
background=背景 |
backgroundColor=背景色 |
backgroundImage=背景图片 |
basic=基本 |
block=块 |
blockquote=块引用 |
bold=粗体 |
border=边框 |
borderWidth=边框宽度 |
borderColor=边框颜色 |
bottom=下 |
bottomAlign=底部对齐 |
bottomLeft=左下 |
bottomRight=右下 |
bulletedList=Bulleted List |
cannotOpenFile=不能打开文件 |
center=水平居中 |
change=改变 |
changeOrientation=改变方向 |
circle=圆 |
classic=经典 |
clearDefaultStyle=清除默认样式 |
clearWaypoints=清除路径点 |
clipart=Clipart |
collapse=折叠 |
collapseExpand=折叠/展开 |
collapsible=可折叠 |
comic=手稿 |
configure=配置 |
connect=连接 |
connection=连接 |
connectionPoints=鼠标移动到组件上时,显示连接点 |
connectionArrows=鼠标移动到组件上时,显示连接箭头 |
constrainProportions=强制比例 |
copy=复制 |
copyConnect=Copy on Connect |
copySize=复制大小 |
create=创建 |
curved=弧形 |
custom=定制 |
cut=剪切 |
dashed=虚线 |
decreaseIndent=减少缩进 |
default=默认 |
delete=删除 |
deleteColumn=删除列 |
deleteRow=删除行 |
diagram=图表 |
diamond=菱形 |
diamondThin=Diamond (thin) |
direction=Direction |
distribute=Distribute |
divider=Divider |
documentProperties=文档属性 |
dotted=Dotted |
drawing=Drawing{1} |
drawingEmpty=Drawing is empty |
drawingTooLarge=Drawing is too large |
duplicate=Duplicate |
duplicateIt=Duplicate {1} |
east=东 |
edit=编辑 |
editData=编辑数据 |
editDiagram=编辑图表XML |
editImage=编辑图片 |
editLink=编辑链接 |
editStyle=编辑样式 |
editTooltip=Edit Tooltip |
enterGroup=Enter Group |
enterValue=Enter Value |
enterName=Enter Name |
enterPropertyName=Enter Property Name |
entityRelation=Entity Relation |
exitGroup=Exit Group |
expand=Expand |
export=导出 |
extras=Extras |
file=文件 |
fileNotFound=文件未发现 |
filename=文件名 |
fill=填充 |
fillColor=填充颜色 |
fitPage=一页 |
fitPageWidth=页宽度 |
fitTwoPages=两页 |
fitWindow=适合窗口 |
flip=翻转 |
flipH=Flip Horizontal |
flipV=Flip Vertical |
font=字体 |
fontFamily=字体族 |
fontColor=字体颜色 |
fontSize=字体大小 |
format=格式 |
formatPanel=格式面板 |
general=Allgemein |
formatPdf=PDF |
formatPng=PNG |
formatGif=GIF |
formatJpg=JPEG |
formatSvg=SVG |
formatXml=XML |
formatted=Formatted |
formattedText=格式化文本 |
gap=Gap |
glass=高斯模糊 |
general=General |
global=全局 |
gradient=渐变 |
gradientColor=渐变色 |
grid=网格 |
gridSize=网格大小 |
group=Group |
guides=显示对齐参考线 |
heading=Heading |
height=高度 |
help=帮助 |
hide=隐藏 |
hideIt=Hide {1} |
hidden=隐藏 |
home=Home |
horizontal=水平 |
horizontalFlow=Horizontal Flow |
horizontalTree=Horizontal Tree |
html=HTML |
id=ID |
image=图片 |
images=Images |
import=Import |
increaseIndent=增加缩进 |
insert=插入 |
insertColumnBefore=在左边插入列 |
insertColumnAfter=在右边插入列 |
insertHorizontalRule=Insert Horizontal Rule |
insertImage=插入图片 |
insertLink=插入链接 |
insertRowBefore=在上面插入行 |
insertRowAfter=在下面插入行 |
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replaceIt={1} already exists. Do you want to replace it? |
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<h1>Graph Editor Help</h1> |
<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy |
eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam |
voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet |
clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit |
amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam |
nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed |
diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. |
Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor |
sit amet.</p> |
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<h1>Graph Editor Hilfe</h1> |
<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy |
eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam |
voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet |
clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit |
amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam |
nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed |
diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. |
Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor |
sit amet.</p> |
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</html> |
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g.P.ja,g.M.ka,{TYPE:"CSS",CSS_PROP:e},f)}:s);b.length&&r.push(e+": "+b.join(" "))}});i=0<r.length?r.join(" ; "):s;h&&y(h,a,k,m,i);break;case g.d.ID:case g.d.IDREF:case g.d.IDREFS:case g.d.GLOBAL_NAME:case g.d.LOCAL_NAME:case g.d.CLASSES:i=e?e(i):i;h&&y(h,a,k,m,i);break;case g.d.URI:i=d(i,l(g.J,a,k),l(g.I,a,k),{TYPE:"MARKUP",XML_ATTR:k,XML_TAG:a},f);h&&y(h,a,k,m,i);break;case g.d.URI_FRAGMENT:i&&"#"===i.charAt(0)?(i=i.substring(1),i=e?e(i):i,i!==s&&i!==c&&(i="#"+i)):i=s;h&&y(h,a,k,m,i);break;default:i= |
s,h&&y(h,a,k,m,i)}else i=s,h&&y(h,a,k,m,i);b[j+1]=i}return b}function ea(a,b,d){return function(e,f){if(g.f[e]&g.c.UNSAFE)d&&y(d,e,c,c,c);else return{attribs:V(e,f,a,b,d)}}}function Q(a,b){var d=[];h(b)(a,d);return d.join("")}var N,u;"undefined"!==typeof window&&(N=window.parseCssDeclarations,u=window.sanitizeCssProperty);var i={lt:"<",LT:"<",gt:">",GT:">",amp:"&",AMP:"&",quot:'"',apos:"'",nbsp:"\u00a0"},q=/^#(\d+)$/,B=/^#x([0-9A-Fa-f]+)$/,F=/^[A-Za-z][A-za-z0-9]+$/,r="undefined"!==typeof window&& |
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