diff --git a/io.sc.engine.rule.frontend/package.json b/io.sc.engine.rule.frontend/package.json
index 9e3f7f57..1a5ef341 100644
--- a/io.sc.engine.rule.frontend/package.json
+++ b/io.sc.engine.rule.frontend/package.json
@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@
"luckyexcel": "1.0.1",
"mockjs": "1.1.0",
"pinia": "2.1.7",
- "platform-core": "8.1.237",
+ "platform-core": "8.1.244",
"quasar": "2.15.3",
"tailwindcss": "3.4.3",
"vue": "3.4.24",
diff --git a/io.sc.engine.rule.frontend/src/i18n/messages.json b/io.sc.engine.rule.frontend/src/i18n/messages.json
index daeb2de2..6033d76c 100644
--- a/io.sc.engine.rule.frontend/src/i18n/messages.json
+++ b/io.sc.engine.rule.frontend/src/i18n/messages.json
@@ -87,6 +87,7 @@
"re.resources.designer.processor.grid.entity.numberRange": "Number Range",
"re.resources.designer.processor.grid.entity.conditionRangeVar": "Condition Range",
"re.resources.designer.processor.grid.entity.conditionRange": "Condition Range",
+ "re.resources.designer.processor.grid.entity.pmml": "PMML",
"re.resources.designer.processor.grid.entity.decisionTable2C": "Simple Decision Table",
"re.resources.designer.processor.grid.entity.decisionTable": "Decision Table",
"re.resources.designer.processor.grid.entity.groovyScript": "Groovy Script",
diff --git a/io.sc.engine.rule.frontend/src/i18n/messages_tw_CN.json b/io.sc.engine.rule.frontend/src/i18n/messages_tw_CN.json
index c8b75502..9cf20b5b 100644
--- a/io.sc.engine.rule.frontend/src/i18n/messages_tw_CN.json
+++ b/io.sc.engine.rule.frontend/src/i18n/messages_tw_CN.json
@@ -87,6 +87,7 @@
"re.resources.designer.processor.grid.entity.numberRange": "數值分段",
"re.resources.designer.processor.grid.entity.conditionRangeVar": "條件分段",
"re.resources.designer.processor.grid.entity.conditionRange": "條件分段",
+ "re.resources.designer.processor.grid.entity.pmml": "PMML",
"re.resources.designer.processor.grid.entity.decisionTable2C": "簡單決策表",
"re.resources.designer.processor.grid.entity.decisionTable": "決策表",
"re.resources.designer.processor.grid.entity.groovyScript": "腳本代碼",
diff --git a/io.sc.engine.rule.frontend/src/i18n/messages_zh_CN.json b/io.sc.engine.rule.frontend/src/i18n/messages_zh_CN.json
index 2abba359..ed705694 100644
--- a/io.sc.engine.rule.frontend/src/i18n/messages_zh_CN.json
+++ b/io.sc.engine.rule.frontend/src/i18n/messages_zh_CN.json
@@ -87,6 +87,7 @@
"re.resources.designer.processor.grid.entity.numberRange": "数值分段",
"re.resources.designer.processor.grid.entity.conditionRangeVar": "条件分段",
"re.resources.designer.processor.grid.entity.conditionRange": "条件分段",
+ "re.resources.designer.processor.grid.entity.pmml": "PMML",
"re.resources.designer.processor.grid.entity.decisionTable2C": "简单决策表",
"re.resources.designer.processor.grid.entity.decisionTable": "决策表",
"re.resources.designer.processor.grid.entity.groovyScript": "脚本代码",
diff --git a/io.sc.engine.rule.frontend/src/utils/PlaceHolder.ts b/io.sc.engine.rule.frontend/src/utils/PlaceHolder.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..866f0d42
--- /dev/null
+++ b/io.sc.engine.rule.frontend/src/utils/PlaceHolder.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+import { Tools } from 'platform-core';
+class PlaceHolder {
+ static #prefix: string = '';
+ static #suffix: string = '';
+ public static replace(str, prefix, suffix) {
+ if (str) {
+ if (Tools.isUndefinedOrNull(prefix)) {
+ prefix = PlaceHolder.#prefix;
+ }
+ if (Tools.isUndefinedOrNull(suffix)) {
+ suffix = PlaceHolder.#suffix;
+ }
+ return str.replace(/\$\{(.+?)\}/g, prefix + '$1' + suffix);
+ }
+ return str;
+ }
+export { PlaceHolder };
diff --git a/io.sc.engine.rule.frontend/src/views/resources/designer/GroovyFunctions.ts b/io.sc.engine.rule.frontend/src/views/resources/designer/GroovyFunctions.ts
index 672e902a..52c9b9e5 100644
--- a/io.sc.engine.rule.frontend/src/views/resources/designer/GroovyFunctions.ts
+++ b/io.sc.engine.rule.frontend/src/views/resources/designer/GroovyFunctions.ts
@@ -1,42 +1,66 @@
const GroovyFunctions = [
- { label: 'PI', type: 'constant', apply: 'PI', detail: '常量 π' },
- { label: 'E', type: 'constant', apply: 'E', detail: '常量 e' },
- { label: 'IEEEremainder(v1,v2)', type: 'function', apply: 'IEEEremainder(v1,v2)', detail: '根据 IEEE 754 标准返回 v1 除以 v2 的余数' },
- { label: 'abs(v)', type: 'function', apply: 'abs(v)', detail: '绝对值' },
- { label: 'acos(v)', type: 'function', apply: 'acos(v)', detail: '反余弦' },
- { label: 'asin(v)', type: 'function', apply: 'asin(v)', detail: '反正弦' },
- { label: 'atan(v)', type: 'function', apply: 'atan(v)', detail: '' },
- { label: 'atan2(v)', type: 'function', apply: 'atan2(v)', detail: '' },
- { label: 'cbrt(v)', type: 'function', apply: 'cbrt(v)', detail: '' },
- { label: 'ceil(v)', type: 'function', apply: 'ceil(v)', detail: '' },
- { label: 'cos(v)', type: 'function', apply: 'cos(v)', detail: '' },
- { label: 'cosh(v)', type: 'function', apply: 'cosh(v)', detail: '' },
- { label: 'exp(v)', type: 'function', apply: 'exp(v)', detail: '' },
- { label: 'expm1(v)', type: 'function', apply: 'expm1(v)', detail: '' },
- { label: 'floor(v)', type: 'function', apply: 'floor(v)', detail: '' },
- { label: 'inverseNormalDistributioin(x)', type: 'function', apply: 'inverseNormalDistributioin(x)', detail: '' },
- { label: 'join(split,s1,s2,s3...,sn)', type: 'function', apply: 'join(split,s1,s2,s3...,sn)', detail: '' },
- { label: 'ln(v)', type: 'function', apply: 'ln(v)', detail: '' },
- { label: 'max(v1,v2,...)', type: 'function', apply: 'max(v1,v2,...)', detail: '' },
- { label: 'min(v1,v2,...)', type: 'function', apply: 'min(v1,v2,...)', detail: '' },
- { label: 'normalDistributioin(x)', type: 'function', apply: 'normalDistributioin(x)', detail: '' },
- { label: 'pow(x,y)', type: 'function', apply: 'pow(x,y)', detail: '' },
- { label: 'random()', type: 'function', apply: 'random()', detail: '' },
- { label: 'rint(v)', type: 'function', apply: 'rint(v)', detail: '' },
- { label: 'round(v)', type: 'function', apply: 'round(v)', detail: '' },
- { label: 'sin(v)', type: 'function', apply: 'sin(v)', detail: '' },
- { label: 'sinh(v)', type: 'function', apply: 'sinh(v)', detail: '' },
- { label: 'sqrt(v)', type: 'function', apply: 'sqrt(v)', detail: '' },
- { label: 'sum(v1,v2,...)', type: 'function', apply: 'sum(v1,v2,...)', detail: '' },
- { label: 'tan(v)', type: 'function', apply: 'tan(v)', detail: '' },
- { label: 'tanh(v)', type: 'function', apply: 'tanh(v)', detail: '' },
- { label: 'toDegrees(v)', type: 'function', apply: 'toDegrees(v)', detail: '' },
- { label: 'toRadians(v)', type: 'function', apply: 'toRadians(v)', detail: '' },
+ { boost: -50, label: '==', type: 'keyword', apply: '==', detail: '等于', info: '等于' },
+ { boost: -50, label: '>', type: 'keyword', apply: '>', detail: '大于', info: '大于' },
+ { boost: -50, label: '>=', type: 'keyword', apply: '>=', detail: '大于等于', info: '大于等于' },
+ { boost: -50, label: '<', type: 'keyword', apply: '<', detail: '小于', info: '小于' },
+ { boost: -50, label: '<=', type: 'keyword', apply: '<=', detail: '小于等于', info: '小于等于' },
+ { boost: -50, label: '&&', type: 'keyword', apply: '&&', detail: '并且', info: '并且' },
+ { boost: -50, label: '||', type: 'keyword', apply: '||', detail: '或者', info: '或者' },
+ { boost: -50, label: '!', type: 'keyword', apply: '!', detail: '非', info: '非' },
+ { boost: -60, label: 'PI', type: 'constant', apply: 'PI', detail: '常量 π', info: '常量 π' },
+ { boost: -60, label: 'E', type: 'constant', apply: 'E', detail: '常量 e', info: '常量 e' },
- label: 'transformSequencing(value,sourceMin,sourceMax,targetMin,targetMax)',
+ boost: -70,
+ label: 'IEEEremainder(v1,v2)',
type: 'function',
- apply: 'transformSequencing(value,sourceMin,sourceMax,targetMin,targetMax)',
- detail: '',
+ apply: 'IEEEremainder(v1,v2)',
+ detail: '余数',
+ info: '根据 IEEE 754 标准返回 v1 除以 v2 的余数',
+ },
+ { boost: -70, label: 'abs(v)', type: 'function', apply: 'abs(v)', detail: '绝对值', info: '绝对值' },
+ { boost: -70, label: 'acos(v)', type: 'function', apply: 'acos(v)', detail: '反余弦', info: '反余弦' },
+ { boost: -70, label: 'asin(v)', type: 'function', apply: 'asin(v)', detail: '反正弦', info: '大于' },
+ { boost: -70, label: 'atan(v)', type: 'function', apply: 'atan(v)', detail: '反正切', info: '反正切' },
+ { boost: -70, label: 'atan2(v)', type: 'function', apply: 'atan2(v)', detail: '', info: '大于' },
+ { boost: -70, label: 'cbrt(v)', type: 'function', apply: 'cbrt(v)', detail: '立方根', info: '立方根' },
+ { boost: -70, label: 'ceil(v)', type: 'function', apply: 'ceil(v)', detail: '向上取整', info: '返回大于或等于 v 的最接近的整数' },
+ { boost: -70, label: 'cos(v)', type: 'function', apply: 'cos(v)', detail: '余弦', info: '余弦' },
+ { boost: -70, label: 'cosh(v)', type: 'function', apply: 'cosh(v)', detail: '双曲余弦', info: '双曲余弦' },
+ { boost: -70, label: 'exp(v)', type: 'function', apply: 'exp(v)', detail: 'e 的 v 次方', info: 'e 的 v 次方' },
+ { boost: -70, label: 'expm1(v)', type: 'function', apply: 'expm1(v)', detail: '', info: '大于' },
+ { boost: -70, label: 'floor(v)', type: 'function', apply: 'floor(v)', detail: '向下取整', info: '返回小于或等于 v 的最接近的整数' },
+ { boost: -70, label: 'inverseNormalDistributioin(x)', type: 'function', apply: 'inverseNormalDistributioin(x)', detail: '反正态分布', info: '反正态分布' },
+ {
+ boost: -70,
+ label: 'join(split,V1,V2,V3...,Vn)',
+ type: 'function',
+ apply: 'join(split,V1,V2,V3...,Vn)',
+ detail: '字符串连接',
+ info: '采用 split 分隔符连接 V1, V2, V3..., Vn',
+ },
+ { boost: -70, label: 'ln(v)', type: 'function', apply: 'ln(v)', detail: '自然对数', info: '自然对数' },
+ { boost: -70, label: 'max(V1,V2,V3...,Vn)', type: 'function', apply: 'max(V1,V2,V3...,Vn)', detail: '最大值', info: '返回 V1, V2, V3..., Vn 中最大的那个值' },
+ { boost: -70, label: 'min(v1,v2,...)', type: 'function', apply: 'min(v1,v2,...)', detail: '最小值', info: '返回 V1, V2, V3..., Vn 中最小的那个值' },
+ { boost: -70, label: 'normalDistributioin(x)', type: 'function', apply: 'normalDistributioin(x)', detail: '正态分布', info: '正态分布' },
+ { boost: -70, label: 'pow(x,y)', type: 'function', apply: 'pow(x,y)', detail: '指数', info: '返回 x 的 y 次方' },
+ { boost: -70, label: 'random()', type: 'function', apply: 'random()', detail: '随机数', info: '返回 0 ~ 1 之间的一个随机数' },
+ { boost: -70, label: 'rint(v)', type: 'function', apply: 'rint(v)', detail: '最近整数', info: '返回和 v 最接近的整数' },
+ { boost: -70, label: 'round(v)', type: 'function', apply: 'round(v)', detail: '四舍五入', info: '四舍五入' },
+ { boost: -70, label: 'sin(v)', type: 'function', apply: 'sin(v)', detail: '正弦', info: '正弦' },
+ { boost: -70, label: 'sinh(v)', type: 'function', apply: 'sinh(v)', detail: '双曲正弦', info: '双曲正弦' },
+ { boost: -70, label: 'sqrt(v)', type: 'function', apply: 'sqrt(v)', detail: '平方根', info: '平方根' },
+ { boost: -70, label: 'sum(V1,V2,V3...,Vn)', type: 'function', apply: 'sum(V1,V2,V3...,Vn)', detail: '求和', info: '返回 V1, V2, V3..., Vn 的和' },
+ { boost: -70, label: 'tan(v)', type: 'function', apply: 'tan(v)', detail: '正切', info: '正切' },
+ { boost: -70, label: 'tanh(v)', type: 'function', apply: 'tanh(v)', detail: '双曲正切', info: '双曲正切' },
+ { boost: -70, label: 'toDegrees(v)', type: 'function', apply: 'toDegrees(v)', detail: '幅度转角度', info: '返回 v 的角度值' },
+ { boost: -70, label: 'toRadians(v)', type: 'function', apply: 'toRadians(v)', detail: '角度转幅度', info: '返回 v 的幅度值' },
+ {
+ boost: -70,
+ label: 'transformSequencing(v,si,sm,ti,tm)',
+ type: 'function',
+ apply: 'transformSequencing(v,si,sm,ti,tm)',
+ detail: '缩放',
+ info: '根据 v 所在 si 和 sm 的位置, 缩放到 ti 和 tm 对应的位置',
diff --git a/io.sc.engine.rule.frontend/src/views/resources/designer/Processor.vue b/io.sc.engine.rule.frontend/src/views/resources/designer/Processor.vue
index c1b4e28e..e434d3ec 100644
--- a/io.sc.engine.rule.frontend/src/views/resources/designer/Processor.vue
+++ b/io.sc.engine.rule.frontend/src/views/resources/designer/Processor.vue
@@ -205,6 +205,33 @@
+ {
+ name: 'enable',
+ label: (arg) => {
+ if (arg.selected?.enable) {
+ return $t('disable');
+ }
+ return $t('enable');
+ },
+ icon: (arg) => {
+ if (arg.selected?.enable) {
+ return 'x';
+ }
+ return 'check';
+ },
+ enableIf: (arg) => {
+ return arg.selected;
+ },
+ click: (arg) => {
+ const data = arg.selected;
+ data.enable = !data.enable;
+ console.log(data);
+ axios.put(Environment.apiContextPath('/api/re/model/parameter/' + data.id), data).then((response) => {
+ gridRef.replaceRow(response.data);
+ });
+ },
+ },
+ 'separator',
@@ -223,32 +250,51 @@
if ('OPTION_VALUE' === type) {
return row.optionCode;
} else if ('ARITHMETIC' === type) {
- return row.arithmetic;
+ return PlaceHolder.replace(row.arithmetic);
} else if ('TERNARY' === type) {
return row.ternaryCondition + ' ? ' + row.ternaryTrue + ' : ' + row.ternaryFalse;
} else if ('WHEN_THEN' === type) {
- var str = '';
+ let str = '';
if (row.isWhenThenShorted) {
str += '' + $t('re.resources.designer.processor.grid.entity.isWhenThenShorted') + ', ';
if (row.when) {
- str += 'When ' + row.when + ' ';
+ str += 'When ' + PlaceHolder.replace(row.when) + ' ';
if (row.then) {
- str += 'Then ' + row.then;
+ str += 'Then ' + PlaceHolder.replace(row.then);
return str;
} else if ('NUMBER_RANGE' === type) {
- var objs = Tools.json2Object(row.numberRange);
+ const objs = Tools.json2Object(row.numberRange);
if (objs) {
- var str = '
' + row.numberRangeVar + ':
- str += ``;
+ let str = `
str += `
- for (var i = 0; i < objs.length; i++) {
- var obj = objs[i];
+ for (let i = 0; i < objs.length; i++) {
+ const obj = objs[i];
str += '';
+ if (i == 0) {
+ str += ' ' + PlaceHolder.replace(row.numberRangeVar) + ' | ';
+ }
str += ' ' + Tools.generateIntervalRange(obj.minIncluded, obj.min, obj.max, obj.maxIncluded) + ' | ';
- str += ' ' + ('' + obj.value) + ' | ';
+ str += ' ' + ('' + PlaceHolder.replace('' + obj.value)) + ' | ';
+ str += '
+ }
+ str += '
+ str += '
+ return str;
+ }
+ return '';
+ } else if ('CONDITION_RANGE' === type) {
+ const objs = Tools.json2Object(row.conditionRange);
+ if (objs) {
+ let str = `
+ str += `
+ for (let i = 0; i < objs.length; i++) {
+ const obj = objs[i];
+ str += '';
+ str += ' ' + PlaceHolder.replace(obj.condition) + ' | ';
+ str += ' ' + ('' + PlaceHolder.replace(obj.value)) + ' | ';
str += '
str += '
@@ -256,13 +302,21 @@
return str;
return '';
+ } else if ('PMML' === type) {
+ return {
+ componentType: 'w-code-mirror',
+ bindModelValue: true,
+ attrs: {
+ rows: 3,
+ },
+ };
dialog: {
- width: '600px',
+ width: '800px',
form: {
colsNum: 1,
@@ -271,8 +325,8 @@
{ name: 'id', label: $t('id'), type: 'text', hidden: true },
{ name: 'order', label: $t('order'), type: 'number', hidden: true },
{ name: 'type', label: $t('type'), type: 'text', hidden: true },
- { name: 'description', label: $t('description'), type: 'text' },
- { name: 'enable', label: $t('enable'), type: 'checkbox', defaultValue: true },
+ { name: 'description', label: $t('description'), type: 'text', hidden: true },
+ { name: 'enable', label: $t('enable'), type: 'checkbox', defaultValue: true, hidden: true },
name: 'optionCode',
label: $t('re.resources.designer.processor.grid.entity.optionCode'),
@@ -288,6 +342,8 @@
type: 'code-mirror',
lang: 'java',
rows: 5,
+ placeholder: true,
+ autoCompletion: true,
autoCompletionOptions: autoCompletionOptionsRef,
extAutoCompletionOptions: GroovyFunctions,
showIf: (arg) => {
@@ -300,7 +356,8 @@
type: 'code-mirror',
lang: 'java',
rows: 1,
- height: '32px',
+ placeholder: true,
+ autoCompletion: true,
autoCompletionOptions: autoCompletionOptionsRef,
extAutoCompletionOptions: GroovyFunctions,
showIf: (arg) => {
@@ -313,7 +370,8 @@
type: 'code-mirror',
lang: 'java',
rows: 1,
- height: '32px',
+ placeholder: true,
+ autoCompletion: true,
autoCompletionOptions: autoCompletionOptionsRef,
extAutoCompletionOptions: GroovyFunctions,
showIf: (arg) => {
@@ -326,7 +384,8 @@
type: 'code-mirror',
lang: 'java',
rows: 1,
- height: '32px',
+ placeholder: true,
+ autoCompletion: true,
autoCompletionOptions: autoCompletionOptionsRef,
extAutoCompletionOptions: GroovyFunctions,
showIf: (arg) => {
@@ -339,7 +398,8 @@
type: 'code-mirror',
lang: 'java',
rows: 1,
- height: '32px',
+ placeholder: true,
+ autoCompletion: true,
autoCompletionOptions: autoCompletionOptionsRef,
extAutoCompletionOptions: GroovyFunctions,
showIf: (arg) => {
@@ -352,7 +412,8 @@
type: 'code-mirror',
lang: 'java',
rows: 1,
- height: '32px',
+ placeholder: true,
+ autoCompletion: true,
autoCompletionOptions: autoCompletionOptionsRef,
extAutoCompletionOptions: GroovyFunctions,
showIf: (arg) => {
@@ -370,45 +431,232 @@
name: 'numberRangeVar',
label: $t('re.resources.designer.processor.grid.entity.numberRangeVar'),
+ showIf: (arg) => {
+ return 'NUMBER_RANGE' === arg.form.getFieldValue('type');
+ },
type: 'code-mirror',
lang: 'java',
rows: 1,
- height: '32px',
+ placeholder: true,
+ autoCompletion: true,
autoCompletionOptions: autoCompletionOptionsRef,
extAutoCompletionOptions: GroovyFunctions,
- showIf: (arg) => {
- return 'NUMBER_RANGE' === arg.form.getFieldValue('type');
- },
name: 'numberRange',
label: $t('re.resources.designer.processor.grid.entity.numberRange'),
+ showIf: (arg) => {
+ return 'NUMBER_RANGE' === arg.form.getFieldValue('type');
+ },
type: 'w-grid',
height: 300,
+ denseBody: true,
+ draggable: true,
pageable: false,
configButton: false,
toolbarConfigure: { noIcon: false },
- toolbarActions: ['add', 'clone', 'remove'],
+ toolbarActions: [
+ 'add',
+ 'clone',
+ 'edit',
+ {
+ extend: 'remove',
+ click: (arg) => {
+ const grid = gridRef.getEditorForm().getFieldComponent('numberRange');
+ grid.removeRows(arg.selecteds);
+ },
+ },
+ 'separator',
+ {
+ name: 'example',
+ label: $t('example'),
+ icon: 'bi-balloon',
+ click: (arg) => {
+ const grid = gridRef.getEditorForm().getFieldComponent('numberRange');
+ const sampleData = [
+ { uuid: Tools.uuid(), minIncluded: false, min: null, max: 0, maxIncluded: false, value: 1 },
+ { uuid: Tools.uuid(), minIncluded: true, min: 0, max: 1, maxIncluded: false, value: 2 },
+ { uuid: Tools.uuid(), minIncluded: true, min: 1, max: 2, maxIncluded: false, value: 3 },
+ { uuid: Tools.uuid(), minIncluded: true, min: 2, max: 3, maxIncluded: false, value: 4 },
+ { uuid: Tools.uuid(), minIncluded: true, min: 3, max: null, maxIncluded: false, value: 5 },
+ { uuid: Tools.uuid(), minIncluded: false, min: null, max: null, maxIncluded: false, value: 0 },
+ ];
+ grid.setLocalData(sampleData);
+ },
+ },
+ ],
+ primaryKey: 'uuid',
columns: [
{ width: 200, name: 'uuid', label: 'uuid', hidden: true },
- { width: 60, name: 'minIncluded', label: $t('include') },
- { width: 100, name: 'min', label: $t('minValue'), align: 'center' },
- { width: 100, name: 'max', label: $t('maxValue'), align: 'center' },
- { width: 60, name: 'maxIncluded', label: $t('include'), type: 'boolean' },
- { width: '100%', name: 'value', label: $t('value') },
+ {
+ width: 60,
+ name: 'minIncluded',
+ label: $t('include'),
+ align: 'center',
+ sortable: false,
+ format: (value) => {
+ if (value) {
+ return '[';
+ } else {
+ return '(';
+ }
+ },
+ },
+ { width: 100, name: 'min', label: $t('minValue'), align: 'right', sortable: false },
+ { width: 100, name: 'max', label: $t('maxValue'), align: 'right', sortable: false },
+ {
+ width: 60,
+ name: 'maxIncluded',
+ label: $t('include'),
+ align: 'center',
+ sortable: false,
+ format: (value) => {
+ if (value) {
+ return '[';
+ } else {
+ return ')';
+ }
+ },
+ },
+ { width: '100%', name: 'value', label: $t('value'), sortable: false },
- showIf: (arg) => {
- return 'NUMBER_RANGE' === arg.form.getFieldValue('type');
+ editor: {
+ dialog: {
+ width: '600px',
+ },
+ form: {
+ colsNum: 4,
+ fields: [
+ { name: 'uuid', label: 'uuid', hidden: true, colSpan: 4 },
+ { name: 'min', label: $t('minValue'), type: 'text', colSpan: 3 },
+ { name: 'minIncluded', label: $t('include'), type: 'checkbox' },
+ { name: 'max', label: $t('maxValue'), type: 'text', colSpan: 3 },
+ { name: 'maxIncluded', label: $t('include'), type: 'checkbox' },
+ { name: 'value', label: $t('value'), type: 'number', colSpan: 3 },
+ ],
+ },
+ },
+ onBeforeEditorDataSubmit: (data, callback) => {
+ const grid = gridRef.getEditorForm().getFieldComponent('numberRange');
+ const form = grid.getEditorForm();
+ if ('add' == form.getStatus() || 'clone' == form.getStatus()) {
+ data.uuid = Tools.uuid();
+ grid.addRow(data);
+ callback(false);
+ } else if ('edit' == form.getStatus()) {
+ grid.replaceRow(data);
+ callback(false);
+ }
name: 'conditionRange',
label: $t('re.resources.designer.processor.grid.entity.conditionRange'),
- type: 'code-mirror',
- rows: 1,
showIf: (arg) => {
return 'CONDITION_RANGE' === arg.form.getFieldValue('type');
+ type: 'w-grid',
+ height: 300,
+ denseBody: true,
+ draggable: true,
+ pageable: false,
+ configButton: false,
+ toolbarConfigure: { noIcon: false },
+ toolbarActions: [
+ 'add',
+ 'clone',
+ 'edit',
+ {
+ extend: 'remove',
+ click: (arg) => {
+ const grid = gridRef.getEditorForm().getFieldComponent('conditionRange');
+ grid.removeRows(arg.selecteds);
+ },
+ },
+ 'separator',
+ {
+ name: 'example',
+ label: $t('example'),
+ icon: 'bi-balloon',
+ click: (arg) => {
+ const grid = gridRef.getEditorForm().getFieldComponent('conditionRange');
+ const sampleData = [
+ { uuid: Tools.uuid(), condition: '${变量名}<=0', value: '0' },
+ { uuid: Tools.uuid(), condition: '${变量名}>0 && ${变量名}<=50', value: '50' },
+ { uuid: Tools.uuid(), condition: '${变量名}>50 && ${变量名}<=80', value: '80' },
+ { uuid: Tools.uuid(), condition: '${变量名}>80 && ${变量名}<=100', value: '100' },
+ { uuid: Tools.uuid(), condition: '${变量名}>100', value: '60' },
+ ];
+ grid.setLocalData(sampleData);
+ },
+ },
+ ],
+ primaryKey: 'uuid',
+ columns: [
+ { name: 'uuid', label: 'uuid', hidden: true },
+ {
+ name: 'condition',
+ label: $t('condition'),
+ align: 'left',
+ sortable: false,
+ format: (value) => {
+ return PlaceHolder.replace(value);
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'value',
+ label: $t('value'),
+ sortable: false,
+ format: (value) => {
+ return PlaceHolder.replace(value);
+ },
+ },
+ ],
+ editor: {
+ dialog: {
+ width: '600px',
+ },
+ form: {
+ colsNum: 1,
+ fields: [
+ { name: 'uuid', label: 'uuid', hidden: true },
+ {
+ name: 'condition',
+ label: $t('condition'),
+ type: 'code-mirror',
+ lang: 'java',
+ rows: 1,
+ placeholder: true,
+ autoCompletion: true,
+ autoCompletionOptions: autoCompletionOptionsRef,
+ extAutoCompletionOptions: GroovyFunctions,
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'value',
+ label: $t('value'),
+ type: 'code-mirror',
+ lang: 'java',
+ rows: 1,
+ placeholder: true,
+ autoCompletion: true,
+ autoCompletionOptions: autoCompletionOptionsRef,
+ extAutoCompletionOptions: GroovyFunctions,
+ },
+ ],
+ },
+ },
+ onBeforeEditorDataSubmit: (data, callback) => {
+ const grid = gridRef.getEditorForm().getFieldComponent('conditionRange');
+ const form = grid.getEditorForm();
+ if ('add' == form.getStatus() || 'clone' == form.getStatus()) {
+ data.uuid = Tools.uuid();
+ grid.addRow(data);
+ callback(false);
+ } else if ('edit' == form.getStatus()) {
+ grid.replaceRow(data);
+ callback(false);
+ }
+ },
name: 'decisionTable2C',
@@ -450,7 +698,9 @@
name: 'pmml',
label: $t('re.resources.designer.processor.grid.entity.pmml'),
type: 'code-mirror',
- rows: 1,
+ rows: 10,
+ lineNumber: true,
+ lang: 'xml',
showIf: (arg) => {
return 'PMML' === arg.form.getFieldValue('type');
@@ -544,6 +794,39 @@
+ @before-editor-data-submit="
+ (data, callback) => {
+ const form = gridRef.getEditorForm();
+ if ('NUMBER_RANGE' === data.type) {
+ const grid = form.getFieldComponent('numberRange');
+ const localData = grid.getLocalData();
+ const ranges = [];
+ for (const item of localData) {
+ ranges.push({
+ uuid: item.uuid,
+ minIncluded: item.minIncluded,
+ min: item.min,
+ max: item.max,
+ maxIncluded: item.maxIncluded,
+ value: item.value,
+ });
+ }
+ data.numberRange = Tools.object2Json(ranges);
+ } else if ('CONDITION_RANGE' === data.type) {
+ const grid = form.getFieldComponent('conditionRange');
+ const localData = grid.getLocalData();
+ const ranges = [];
+ for (const item of localData) {
+ ranges.push({
+ uuid: item.uuid,
+ condition: item.condition,
+ value: item.value,
+ });
+ }
+ data.conditionRange = Tools.object2Json(ranges);
+ }
+ }
+ "
(row) => {
axios.get(Environment.apiContextPath('/api/re/model/parameter/listParemterHintsByParameterId/' + parameter.id)).then((response) => {
@@ -572,9 +855,13 @@
optionOptionsRef = parameters;
if ('NUMBER_RANGE' === row.type) {
- const fields = gridRef.getEditorForm().getFields();
- console.log(fields);
- numberRangeGridRef.setLocalData(Tools.json2Object(row.numberRange));
+ const grid = gridRef.getEditorForm().getFieldComponent('numberRange');
+ const rows = Tools.json2Object(row.numberRange);
+ grid.setLocalData(rows);
+ } else if ('CONDITION_RANGE' === row.type) {
+ const grid = gridRef.getEditorForm().getFieldComponent('conditionRange');
+ const rows = Tools.json2Object(row.conditionRange);
+ grid.setLocalData(rows);
@@ -583,6 +870,7 @@
diff --git a/io.sc.platform.core.frontend/src/platform/components/form/elements/w-code-mirror/PlaceholderPlugin.ts b/io.sc.platform.core.frontend/src/platform/components/form/elements/w-code-mirror/PlaceholderPlugin.ts
index efc9a3f3..f8ba5a69 100644
--- a/io.sc.platform.core.frontend/src/platform/components/form/elements/w-code-mirror/PlaceholderPlugin.ts
+++ b/io.sc.platform.core.frontend/src/platform/components/form/elements/w-code-mirror/PlaceholderPlugin.ts
@@ -11,15 +11,16 @@ class PlaceholderWidget extends WidgetType {
toDOM() {
+ const container = document.createElement('span');
+ container.className = 'px-0.5';
const elt = document.createElement('span');
elt.setAttribute('placeholder', true);
- elt.style.cssText = `
- border: 1px solid gray;
- border-radius: 4px;
- padding: 2px 2px;
- `;
+ elt.className = 'p-0.5 border border-gray-800 rounded-md';
elt.textContent = this.name;
- return elt;
+ container.appendChild(elt);
+ return container;
ignoreEvent() {
@@ -55,22 +56,13 @@ const placeholderPlugin = ViewPlugin.fromClass(
mouseover: (e, view) => {
const target = e.target as HTMLElement;
if (target.tagName.toLowerCase() === 'span' && target.getAttribute('placeholder')) {
- target.style.cssText = `
- border: 1px solid gray;
- border-radius: 4px;
- padding: 2px 2px;
- background: orange;
- `;
+ target.className = 'p-0.5 border border-orange-400 rounded-md';
mouseout: (e, view) => {
const target = e.target as HTMLElement;
if (target.tagName.toLowerCase() === 'span' && target.getAttribute('placeholder')) {
- target.style.cssText = `
- border: 1px solid gray;
- border-radius: 4px;
- padding: 2px 2px;
- `;
+ target.className = 'p-0.5 border border-gray-800 rounded-md';
contextmenu: (e, view) => {
diff --git a/io.sc.platform.core.frontend/src/views/testcase/code-mirror/code-mirror.vue b/io.sc.platform.core.frontend/src/views/testcase/code-mirror/code-mirror.vue
index 135cfe7d..af92bf02 100644
--- a/io.sc.platform.core.frontend/src/views/testcase/code-mirror/code-mirror.vue
+++ b/io.sc.platform.core.frontend/src/views/testcase/code-mirror/code-mirror.vue
@@ -228,7 +228,6 @@
dialog: {
width: '600px',
- height: '400px',
form: {
colsNum: 1,
@@ -261,8 +260,10 @@
label: $t('re.resources.designer.processor.grid.entity.ternaryCondition'),
type: 'code-mirror',
lang: 'java',
- rows: 1,
- height: '32px',
+ rows: 50,
+ lineNumber: true,
+ placeholder: true,
+ autoCompletion: true,
autoCompletionOptions: GroovyFunctions,
extAutoCompletionOptions: GroovyFunctions,
showIf: (arg) => {
diff --git a/io.sc.platform.core.frontend/template-project/package.json b/io.sc.platform.core.frontend/template-project/package.json
index 18aaba2d..c32666d2 100644
--- a/io.sc.platform.core.frontend/template-project/package.json
+++ b/io.sc.platform.core.frontend/template-project/package.json
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"name": "platform-core",
- "version": "8.1.237",
+ "version": "8.1.244",
"description": "前端核心包,用于快速构建前端的脚手架",
"private": false,
"keywords": [],
@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@
"luckyexcel": "1.0.1",
"mockjs": "1.1.0",
"pinia": "2.1.7",
- "platform-core": "8.1.237",
+ "platform-core": "8.1.244",
"quasar": "2.15.3",
"tailwindcss": "3.4.3",
"vue": "3.4.24",
diff --git a/io.sc.platform.core.frontend/template-project/src/views/testcase/code-mirror/code-mirror.vue b/io.sc.platform.core.frontend/template-project/src/views/testcase/code-mirror/code-mirror.vue
index 135cfe7d..af92bf02 100644
--- a/io.sc.platform.core.frontend/template-project/src/views/testcase/code-mirror/code-mirror.vue
+++ b/io.sc.platform.core.frontend/template-project/src/views/testcase/code-mirror/code-mirror.vue
@@ -228,7 +228,6 @@
dialog: {
width: '600px',
- height: '400px',
form: {
colsNum: 1,
@@ -261,8 +260,10 @@
label: $t('re.resources.designer.processor.grid.entity.ternaryCondition'),
type: 'code-mirror',
lang: 'java',
- rows: 1,
- height: '32px',
+ rows: 50,
+ lineNumber: true,
+ placeholder: true,
+ autoCompletion: true,
autoCompletionOptions: GroovyFunctions,
extAutoCompletionOptions: GroovyFunctions,
showIf: (arg) => {
diff --git a/io.sc.platform.core/src/main/resources/io/sc/platform/core/config/logback-spring.xml b/io.sc.platform.core/src/main/resources/io/sc/platform/core/config/logback-spring.xml
index 6d411899..8343d425 100644
--- a/io.sc.platform.core/src/main/resources/io/sc/platform/core/config/logback-spring.xml
+++ b/io.sc.platform.core/src/main/resources/io/sc/platform/core/config/logback-spring.xml
@@ -16,51 +16,99 @@
- ${homedir}/logs/log.%d.log
+ ${homedir}/logs/log.%d.%i.log
+ 100MB
+ ${pattern}
+ ${homedir}/logs/debug.log
+ ${homedir}/logs/debug.%d.%i.log
+ 30
+ 100MB
+ ${pattern}
+ ${homedir}/logs/info.log
+ ${homedir}/logs/info.%d.%i.log
+ 30
+ 100MB
+ ${pattern}
+ ${homedir}/logs/warn.log
+ ${homedir}/logs/warn.%d.%i.log
+ 30
+ 100MB
+ ${pattern}
+ ${homedir}/logs/error.log
+ ${homedir}/logs/error.%d.%i.log
+ 100MB
- -->
\ No newline at end of file