94 changed files with 1991 additions and 1428 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,390 @@ |
import { ref, computed } from 'vue'; |
import { axios, Environment, $t, Tools, EnumTools, Options } from 'platform-core'; |
import { Processor } from '../Processor'; |
import { PlaceHolder } from '@/utils/PlaceHolder'; |
class HttpRequest extends Processor { |
#editorDialogWidth: number = 1280; |
#HttpMethodTypeEnum: any; |
#httpMethodTypeOptionsRef = ref(<any>[]); |
#parameterOptionsRef = ref(<any>[]); |
#sqlQueryResultFieldsRef = ref(<any>[]); |
#editorForm: any; |
constructor(targetType: string, context?: any) { |
super(targetType, context); |
EnumTools.fetch(['io.sc.engine.rule.core.enums.HttpMethodType']).then((value) => { |
this.#HttpMethodTypeEnum = value.HttpMethodType; |
this.#httpMethodTypeOptionsRef = Options.enum(this.#HttpMethodTypeEnum); |
}); |
if (this.targetType === Processor.PARAMETER) { |
axios.get(Environment.apiContextPath('/api/re/model/parameter/listParemtersByParameterId/' + this.context.target.id)).then((response) => { |
this.#parameterOptionsRef.value = Tools.objects2Options(response.data, 'name', 'code'); |
}); |
} |
} |
public getToolbarAction(): any { |
return { |
extend: 'add', |
name: 'http', |
label: $t('io.sc.engine.rule.core.enums.ProcessorType.HTTP_REQUEST'), |
icon: 'sync_alt', |
enableIf: (args: any) => { |
const type = this.context.target.type; |
return type !== 'RULE_RESULT' && type !== 'SINGLE_RULE_RESULT'; |
}, |
afterClick: (args: any) => { |
args.grid.getEditorForm().setFieldValue('type', 'HTTP_REQUEST'); |
}, |
}; |
} |
public format(row: any): any { |
return { |
componentType: 'w-code-mirror', |
attrs: { |
lang: 'sql', |
rows: 4, |
editable: false, |
modelValue: row.sql, |
placeholder: true, |
}, |
}; |
} |
public getEditorFields(): any { |
return [ |
{ |
colSpan: 2, |
name: 'httpMethod', |
label: $t('re.resources.designer.processor.grid.entity.httpMethod'), |
type: 'w-select', |
clearable: true, |
options: this.#httpMethodTypeOptionsRef, |
rows: 1, |
showIf: (args: any) => { |
return 'HTTP_REQUEST' === args.form.getFieldValue('type'); |
}, |
}, |
{ |
colSpan: 5, |
name: 'sql', |
label: $t('re.resources.designer.processor.grid.entity.httpUrl'), |
type: 'w-text', |
showIf: (args: any) => { |
return 'HTTP_REQUEST' === args.form.getFieldValue('type'); |
}, |
}, |
{ |
colSpan: 3, |
name: 'sqlParameterValues', |
label: $t('re.resources.designer.processor.grid.entity.sqlParameterValues'), |
showIf: (args: any) => { |
return 'SQL' === args.form.getFieldValue('type'); |
}, |
type: 'w-grid', |
height: 150, |
title: $t('re.resources.designer.processor.grid.entity.sqlParameterValues'), |
autoFetchData: false, |
dense: true, |
dbClickOperation: 'edit', |
dndMode: 'local', |
pageable: false, |
configButton: false, |
toolbarConfigure: { noIcon: false }, |
toolbarActions: [ |
{ |
name: 'analyze', |
label: $t('analyze'), |
icon: 'bi-tag', |
click: (args: any) => { |
const sql = args.grid.getEditorForm().getFieldValue('sql'); |
const regex = /\$\{[\u0000-\uFFFF]+?\}/g; |
const array: any[] = sql.match(regex); |
const rows: any[] = []; |
array.forEach((item) => { |
rows.push({ name: item, value: '' }); |
}); |
const grid = args.grid.getEditorForm().getFieldComponent('sqlParameterValues'); |
grid.setLocalData(rows); |
}, |
}, |
'separator', |
'add', |
'edit', |
[ |
{ |
extend: 'remove', |
click: (args: any) => { |
const grid = args.grid.getEditorForm().getFieldComponent('sqlParameterValues'); |
grid.removeRows(args.selecteds); |
}, |
}, |
{ |
extend: 'remove', |
name: 'removeAll', |
label: $t('deleteAll'), |
click: (args: any) => { |
const grid = args.grid.getEditorForm().getFieldComponent('sqlParameterValues'); |
grid.setLocalData([]); |
}, |
}, |
], |
], |
columns: [ |
{ |
width: '50%', |
name: 'name', |
label: $t('name'), |
align: 'left', |
sortable: false, |
format: (value: any) => { |
return PlaceHolder.replace(value); |
}, |
}, |
{ |
width: '100%', |
name: 'value', |
label: $t('value'), |
sortable: false, |
}, |
], |
editor: { |
dialog: { |
width: '600px', |
}, |
form: { |
colsNum: 1, |
fields: [ |
{ |
name: 'name', |
label: $t('name'), |
type: 'w-code-mirror', |
toolbar: false, |
lang: 'java', |
rows: 1, |
placeholder: true, |
autoCompletion: this.autoCompletionManager.autoCompletion(), |
}, |
{ |
name: 'value', |
label: $t('value'), |
type: 'w-text', |
}, |
], |
}, |
}, |
onBeforeEditorDataSubmit: (args: any) => { |
const grid = args.grid.getEditorForm().getFieldComponent('sqlParameterValues'); |
const form = grid.getEditorForm(); |
if ('add' == form.getStatus() || 'clone' == form.getStatus()) { |
grid.addLocalData(args.data); |
args.callback(false); |
} else if ('edit' == form.getStatus()) { |
grid.updateLocalData(args.data); |
args.callback(false); |
} |
}, |
}, |
{ |
colSpan: 4, |
name: 'sqlQueryResult', |
label: $t('re.resources.designer.processor.grid.entity.sqlQueryResult'), |
showIf: (args: any) => { |
return 'SQL' === args.form.getFieldValue('type'); |
}, |
type: 'w-grid', |
height: 250, |
autoFetchData: false, |
title: $t('re.resources.designer.processor.grid.entity.sqlQueryResult'), |
dense: true, |
dndMode: 'local', |
pageable: false, |
checkboxSelection: false, |
configButton: false, |
toolbarConfigure: { noIcon: false }, |
toolbarActions: [ |
{ |
name: 'execute', |
label: $t('execute'), |
icon: 'bi-caret-right', |
click: (args: any) => { |
const sql = this.#editorForm.getFieldValue('sql'); |
const grid = this.#editorForm.getFieldComponent('sqlParameterValues'); |
const sqlParameterValues = grid?.getRows(); |
axios |
.post(Environment.apiContextPath('/api/re/model/parameter/processor/executeSql'), { |
sql: sql, |
sqlParameterValues: sqlParameterValues, |
}) |
.then((response) => { |
const fieldMetaDatas: any[] = response.data.fieldMetaDatas; |
fieldMetaDatas.forEach((field) => { |
field.value = field.name; |
field.label = field.name; |
}); |
const data = response.data.data; |
const grid = this.#editorForm.getFieldComponent('sqlQueryResult'); |
this.#sqlQueryResultFieldsRef.value = fieldMetaDatas; |
grid.setLocalData(data); |
}); |
}, |
}, |
], |
columns: computed(() => { |
return this.#sqlQueryResultFieldsRef.value; |
}), |
}, |
{ |
colSpan: 3, |
name: 'sqlFieldMapping', |
label: $t('re.resources.designer.processor.grid.entity.sqlFieldMapping'), |
showIf: (args: any) => { |
return 'SQL' === args.form.getFieldValue('type'); |
}, |
type: 'w-grid', |
height: 250, |
width: '100%', |
autoFetchData: false, |
title: $t('re.resources.designer.processor.grid.entity.sqlFieldMapping'), |
dense: true, |
dbClickOperation: 'edit', |
dndMode: 'local', |
pageable: false, |
configButton: false, |
toolbarConfigure: { noIcon: false }, |
toolbarActions: [ |
'add', |
'edit', |
[ |
{ |
extend: 'remove', |
click: (args: any) => { |
const grid = args.grid.getEditorForm().getFieldComponent('sqlFieldMapping'); |
grid.removeLocalData(args.selecteds); |
}, |
}, |
{ |
extend: 'remove', |
name: 'removeAll', |
label: $t('deleteAll'), |
click: (args: any) => { |
const grid = args.grid.getEditorForm().getFieldComponent('sqlFieldMapping'); |
grid.setLocalData([]); |
}, |
}, |
], |
], |
columns: [ |
{ |
width: '50%', |
name: 'parameter', |
label: $t('parameterName'), |
sortable: false, |
format: (value: any) => { |
return PlaceHolder.replace(value); |
}, |
}, |
{ |
width: '50%', |
name: 'field', |
label: $t('fieldName'), |
align: 'left', |
sortable: false, |
}, |
], |
editor: { |
dialog: { |
width: '600px', |
}, |
form: { |
colsNum: 1, |
fields: [ |
{ |
name: 'parameter', |
label: $t('parameterName'), |
type: 'w-select', |
options: this.#parameterOptionsRef.value, |
}, |
{ |
name: 'field', |
label: $t('fieldName'), |
type: 'w-select', |
options: this.#sqlQueryResultFieldsRef.value, |
}, |
], |
}, |
}, |
onBeforeEditorDataSubmit: (args: any) => { |
const grid = args.grid.getEditorForm().getFieldComponent('sqlFieldMapping'); |
const form = grid.getEditorForm(); |
if ('add' == form.getStatus() || 'clone' == form.getStatus()) { |
grid.addLocalData(args.data); |
args.callback(false); |
} else if ('edit' == form.getStatus()) { |
grid.updateLocalData(args.data); |
args.callback(false); |
} |
}, |
}, |
]; |
} |
public getViewerFields(): any { |
return [ |
{ name: 'sqlDatasourceName', label: $t('re.resources.designer.processor.grid.entity.sqlDatasourceName') }, |
{ name: 'sql', label: $t('re.resources.designer.processor.grid.entity.sql') }, |
{ name: 'sqlParameterValues', label: $t('re.resources.designer.processor.grid.entity.sqlParameterValues') }, |
{ name: 'sqlFieldMapping', label: $t('re.resources.designer.processor.grid.entity.sqlFieldMapping') }, |
]; |
} |
public beforeEditorDataSubmit(args: any): void { |
const form = args.grid.getEditorForm(); |
const sqlParameterValuesGrid = form.getFieldComponent('sqlParameterValues'); |
const sqlParameterValuesLocalData: any[] = sqlParameterValuesGrid.getRows(); |
const sqlParameterValues: any[] = []; |
sqlParameterValuesLocalData.forEach((item) => { |
sqlParameterValues.push({ |
name: item.name, |
value: item.value, |
}); |
}); |
args.data.sqlParameterValues = Tools.object2Json(sqlParameterValues); |
const sqlFieldMappingGrid = form.getFieldComponent('sqlFieldMapping'); |
const sqlFieldMappingLocalData: any[] = sqlFieldMappingGrid.getRows(); |
const sqlFieldMapping: any[] = Tools.objects2Objects(sqlFieldMappingLocalData, { field: 'field', parameter: 'parameter' }); |
args.data.sqlFieldMapping = Tools.object2Json(sqlFieldMapping); |
} |
public afterEditorOpen(args: any): void { |
args.grid.getEditorDialog().setWidth(this.#editorDialogWidth); |
this.initAutoCompletionManager(); |
this.initUserDefinedFunctionsManager(); |
this.#editorForm = args.grid.getEditorForm(); |
const form = args.grid.getEditorForm(); |
const row = args.data; |
axios.get(Environment.apiContextPath('api/re/model/parameter/findParametersByParameterId?parameterId=' + this.context.target.id)).then((response) => { |
this.#parameterOptionsRef.value = Tools.objects2Objects(response.data, { |
label: 'name', |
value: (parameter: any) => { |
return '${' + parameter.name + '}'; |
}, |
}); |
}); |
const sqlParameterValuesGrid = form.getFieldComponent('sqlParameterValues'); |
const sqlParameterValuesRows = Tools.json2Object(row.sqlParameterValues); |
sqlParameterValuesGrid.setLocalData(sqlParameterValuesRows); |
const sqlFieldMappingGrid = form.getFieldComponent('sqlFieldMapping'); |
const sqlFieldMappingRows = Tools.json2Object(row.sqlFieldMapping); |
sqlFieldMappingGrid.setLocalData(sqlFieldMappingRows); |
} |
} |
export { HttpRequest }; |
@ -0,0 +1,39 @@ |
<template> |
<q-item clickable> |
<q-item-section> |
<q-item-label>{{ $t('math.toolbar.functions.log') }}</q-item-label> |
</q-item-section> |
<q-item-section side> |
<q-icon name="keyboard_arrow_right" /> |
</q-item-section> |
<q-menu anchor="top end" self="top start"> |
<q-list> |
<q-item v-close-popup clickable :title="$t('math.toolbar.functions.log.lg')" draggable="true" @dragstart="nowRef?.dragstart" @click="lgRef?.append"> |
<q-item-section><Lg ref="lgRef" v-model="modelValueRef" :source-code-editor="sourceCodeEditor"></Lg></q-item-section> |
</q-item> |
<q-item v-close-popup clickable :title="$t('math.toolbar.functions.log.ln')" draggable="true" @dragstart="nowRef?.dragstart" @click="lnRef?.append"> |
<q-item-section><Ln ref="lnRef" v-model="modelValueRef" :source-code-editor="sourceCodeEditor"></Ln></q-item-section> |
</q-item> |
<q-item v-close-popup clickable :title="$t('math.toolbar.functions.log.log')" draggable="true" @dragstart="nowRef?.dragstart" @click="logRef?.append"> |
<q-item-section><Log ref="logRef" v-model="modelValueRef" :source-code-editor="sourceCodeEditor"></Log></q-item-section> |
</q-item> |
</q-list> |
</q-menu> |
</q-item> |
</template> |
<script setup lang="ts"> |
import { ref } from 'vue'; |
import Lg from './log/Lg.vue'; |
import Ln from './log/Ln.vue'; |
import Log from './log/Log.vue'; |
const modelValueRef = defineModel({ type: String, default: '' }); |
const props = defineProps({ |
sourceCodeEditor: { type: Object, default: undefined }, |
}); |
const nowRef = ref(); |
const lgRef = ref(); |
const lnRef = ref(); |
const logRef = ref(); |
</script> |
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ |
.q-markup-table.q-table--horizontal-separator thead tr:last-child > th, |
.q-markup-table.q-table--horizontal-separator tbody tr:last-child > td, |
.q-markup-table.q-table--cell-separator thead tr:last-child > th, |
.q-markup-table.q-table--cell-separator tbody tr:last-child > td { |
border-bottom-width: 0px !important; |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ |
import { Tools } from './Tools'; |
/** |
* 度量单位 |
*/ |
class UnitOfMeasure { |
/** |
* 宽度 |
* @param width 宽度(纯数字或带单位的数字,示例: 100, '50%', '100px') |
* @returns 宽度 |
*/ |
public static width(width: number | string): string { |
return UnitOfMeasure.distance(width); |
} |
/** |
* 高度 |
* @param width 高度(纯数字或带单位的数字,示例: 100, '50%', '100px') |
* @returns 高度 |
*/ |
public static height(height: number | string): string { |
return UnitOfMeasure.distance(height); |
} |
private static distance(width: number | string): string { |
if (Tools.isNumber(width)) { |
return width + 'px'; |
} |
return width as string; |
} |
} |
export { UnitOfMeasure }; |
Reference in new issue