39 changed files with 912 additions and 1306 deletions
@ -1,167 +0,0 @@ |
<template> |
<w-dialog ref="dialogRef" :title="$t('engine.st.scenario.dialog.title')" width="800px" :can-maximize="false"> |
<div class="px-2" style="height: 100%"> |
<w-grid |
ref="gridRef" |
:height="200" |
:title="$t('engine.st.scenario.grid.title')" |
dense |
selection="multiple" |
:pageable="false" |
:full-screen-button="false" |
:toolbar-configure="{ noIcon: false }" |
:toolbar-actions="['query', 'separator', 'refresh', 'separator', 'add', 'edit', 'remove', 'separator']" |
:query-form-fields="[]" |
:auto-fetch-data="false" |
:fetch-data-url="dataUrl + '?' + foreignKey + '=' + foreignValue" |
:data-url="dataUrl" |
:columns="[ |
{ width: 100, name: 'indicator', label: $t('engine.st.scenario.grid.entity.indicator') }, |
{ width: 100, name: 'lowGrade', label: $t('engine.st.scenario.grid.entity.lowGrade') }, |
{ width: 100, name: 'midGrade', label: $t('engine.st.scenario.grid.entity.midGrade') }, |
{ width: 100, name: 'highGrade', label: $t('engine.st.scenario.grid.entity.highGrade') }, |
]" |
:editor="{ |
dialog: { |
width: '600px', |
}, |
form: { |
colsNum: 1, |
fields: [ |
{ |
name: 'testCase', |
label: $t('engine.st.scenario.grid.entity.testCase'), |
type: 'text', |
defaultValue: foreignValue, |
}, |
{ |
name: 'indicator', |
label: $t('engine.st.scenario.grid.entity.indicator'), |
type: 'select', |
options: indicatorOptionsRef, |
}, |
{ width: 100, name: 'lowGrade', label: $t('engine.st.scenario.grid.entity.lowGrade'), type: 'number', precision: 6 }, |
{ width: 100, name: 'midGrade', label: $t('engine.st.scenario.grid.entity.midGrade'), type: 'number', precision: 6 }, |
{ width: 100, name: 'highGrade', label: $t('engine.st.scenario.grid.entity.highGrade'), type: 'number', precision: 6 }, |
], |
}, |
}" |
></w-grid> |
<div id="echart" style="width: 100%; height: 300px"></div> |
</div> |
</w-dialog> |
</template> |
<script setup lang="ts"> |
import { ref, nextTick } from 'vue'; |
import { useI18n } from 'vue-i18n'; |
import * as echarts from 'echarts'; |
import { axios, Environment, Tools } from 'platform-core'; |
const { t } = useI18n(); |
const props = defineProps({ |
opener: { type: Object, default: undefined }, |
dataUrl: { type: String, default: '' }, |
foreignKey: { type: String, default: '' }, |
foreignValue: { type: String, default: '' }, |
}); |
const dialogRef = ref(); |
const foreignKeyRef = ref(''); |
const gridRef = ref(); |
let echart; |
const indicatorOptionsRef = ref([ |
{ label: t('engine.st.economicIndicator.grid.entity.GDP'), value: 'GDP' }, |
{ label: t('engine.st.economicIndicator.grid.entity.M2'), value: 'M2' }, |
{ label: t('engine.st.economicIndicator.grid.entity.CPI'), value: 'CPI' }, |
{ label: t('engine.st.economicIndicator.grid.entity.HPI'), value: 'HPI' }, |
{ label: t('engine.st.economicIndicator.grid.entity.PMI'), value: 'PMI' }, |
{ label: t('engine.st.economicIndicator.grid.entity.BLR'), value: 'BLR' }, |
]); |
const open = (foreignKey: string) => { |
foreignKeyRef.value = foreignKey; |
dialogRef.value.show(); |
nextTick(() => { |
gridRef.value.refresh(); |
if (!echart) { |
echart = echarts.init(document.getElementById('echart'), null, { width: 800, height: 300 }); |
} else { |
echart.dispose(); |
echart = echarts.init(document.getElementById('echart'), null, { width: 800, height: 300 }); |
} |
echart?.setOption({ |
animation: false, |
title: { |
text: 'KS 曲线', |
left: 'center', |
}, |
grid: { |
show: true, |
containLabel: true, |
}, |
legend: { |
top: 30, |
data: ['正常样本占比', '违约样本占比'], |
}, |
tooltip: {}, |
xAxis: { |
gridIndex: 0, |
name: '评分', |
nameLocation: 'middle', |
nameGap: 30, |
smooth: true, |
boundaryGap: false, |
axisTick: { |
interval: 0, |
}, |
data: [0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 65, 70, 75, 80, 85, 90, 95, 100], |
}, |
yAxis: { |
gridIndex: 0, |
name: '样本占比', |
nameLocation: 'middle', |
nameGap: 30, |
smooth: false, |
boundaryGap: false, |
axisTick: { |
interval: 0, |
}, |
data: null, |
}, |
series: [ |
{ |
name: '正常样本占比', |
type: 'line', |
barWidth: 0, |
data: [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.01, 0.15, 0.28, 0.36, 0.43, 0.49, 0.57, 0.66, 0.77, 0.91, 1.0], |
}, |
{ |
name: '违约样本占比', |
type: 'line', |
barWidth: 0, |
data: [ |
0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.037037, 0.08642, 0.609053, 0.662551, 0.707819, 0.720165, 0.769547, 0.814815, 0.855967, 0.897119, |
0.962963, 1.0, |
], |
}, |
], |
}); |
echart?.resize(); |
}); |
}; |
const close = () => { |
dialogRef.value.hide(); |
if (echart) { |
echart.dispose(); |
} |
}; |
defineExpose({ |
open, |
close, |
}); |
</script> |
@ -0,0 +1,74 @@ |
<template> |
<w-dialog |
ref="dialogRef" |
:title="$t('engine.st.scenario.percentileDialog.title')" |
width="400px" |
:can-maximize="false" |
:buttons="[ |
{ |
label: $t('confirm'), |
click: () => { |
emit('afterSetting', formRef.getData()); |
}, |
}, |
]" |
> |
<w-form |
ref="formRef" |
:cols-num="1" |
:fields="[ |
{ |
name: 'precision', |
label: $t('engine.st.scenario.percentileDialog.entity.precision'), |
type: 'select', |
options: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], |
defaultValue: 2, |
}, |
{ |
name: 'low', |
label: $t('engine.st.scenario.percentileDialog.entity.low'), |
type: 'select', |
options: [0.01, 0.05, 0.1, 0.9, 0.95, 0.99], |
defaultValue: 0.1, |
}, |
{ |
name: 'mid', |
label: $t('engine.st.scenario.percentileDialog.entity.mid'), |
type: 'select', |
options: [0.01, 0.05, 0.1, 0.9, 0.95, 0.99], |
defaultValue: 0.05, |
}, |
{ |
name: 'high', |
label: $t('engine.st.scenario.percentileDialog.entity.high'), |
type: 'select', |
options: [0.01, 0.05, 0.1, 0.9, 0.95, 0.99], |
defaultValue: 0.01, |
}, |
]" |
></w-form> |
</w-dialog> |
</template> |
<script setup lang="ts"> |
import { ref } from 'vue'; |
const emit = defineEmits<{ |
(e: 'afterSetting', settings: object, dialogComponent: any): void; |
}>(); |
const dialogRef = ref(); |
const formRef = ref(); |
const open = () => { |
dialogRef.value.show(); |
}; |
const close = () => { |
dialogRef.value.hide(); |
}; |
defineExpose({ |
open, |
close, |
}); |
</script> |
@ -0,0 +1,224 @@ |
<template> |
<div style="height: 100%"> |
<w-grid |
ref="gridRef" |
:title="$t('data')" |
dense |
:checkbox-selection="true" |
:fetch-data-url="Environment.apiContextPath('/api/st/scenarioFactor?defineId=' + factorDefine.id)" |
:data-url="Environment.apiContextPath('/api/st/scenarioFactor')" |
:pageable="false" |
:sort-by="['year', 'quarter', 'month', 'day']" |
:query-form-cols-num="4" |
:query-form-fields="[]" |
:toolbar-actions="[ |
'refresh', |
'separator', |
{ |
extend: 'add', |
enableIf: () => { |
return factorDefine.type === 'ORIGINAL'; |
}, |
}, |
{ |
name: 'fillWithPercentile', |
label: $t('engine.st.scenario.scenarioFactor.grid.toolbar.fillWithPercentile'), |
icon: 'bi-brush', |
enableIf: (arg) => { |
return arg.selected; |
}, |
click: (arg) => { |
if (arg.selected) { |
dialogRef.open(); |
} |
}, |
}, |
{ |
extend: 'clone', |
enableIf: () => { |
return factorDefine.type === 'ORIGINAL'; |
}, |
}, |
{ |
extend: 'edit', |
enableIf: () => { |
return factorDefine.type === 'ORIGINAL'; |
}, |
}, |
{ |
extend: 'remove', |
enableIf: () => { |
return factorDefine.type === 'ORIGINAL'; |
}, |
}, |
'separator', |
'view', |
'separator', |
'export', |
]" |
:columns="[ |
{ width: 60, name: 'year', label: t('year'), align: 'right' }, |
{ width: 60, name: 'quarter', label: t('quarter'), align: 'right' }, |
{ width: 60, name: 'month', label: t('month'), align: 'right' }, |
{ width: 100, name: 'valueLow', label: t('engine.st.scenario.scenarioFactor.grid.entity.valueLow') }, |
{ width: 100, name: 'valueMid', label: t('engine.st.scenario.scenarioFactor.grid.entity.valueMid') }, |
{ width: 100, name: 'valueHigh', label: t('engine.st.scenario.scenarioFactor.grid.entity.valueHigh') }, |
]" |
:editor="{ |
dialog: { |
width: '600px', |
}, |
form: { |
colsNum: 1, |
fields: [ |
{ |
name: 'define', |
label: $t('define'), |
type: 'text', |
defaultValue: factorDefine.id, |
hidden: true, |
}, |
{ name: 'year', label: $t('year'), type: 'number', required: true }, |
{ |
name: 'quarter', |
label: $t('quarter'), |
type: 'number', |
required: true, |
showIf: () => { |
return factorDefine.period === 'QUARTER'; |
}, |
}, |
{ |
name: 'month', |
label: $t('month'), |
type: 'number', |
required: true, |
showIf: () => { |
return factorDefine.period === 'MONTH'; |
}, |
}, |
{ |
name: 'day', |
label: $t('day'), |
type: 'number', |
required: true, |
showIf: () => { |
return factorDefine.period === 'DAY'; |
}, |
}, |
{ name: 'valueLow', label: $t('engine.st.scenario.scenarioFactor.grid.entity.valueLow'), type: 'text', required: true }, |
{ name: 'valueMid', label: $t('engine.st.scenario.scenarioFactor.grid.entity.valueMid'), type: 'text', required: true }, |
{ name: 'valueHigh', label: $t('engine.st.scenario.scenarioFactor.grid.entity.valueHigh'), type: 'text', required: true }, |
], |
}, |
}" |
:viewer="{ |
panel: { |
columnNum: 1, |
fields: [ |
{ name: 'id', label: $t('id') }, |
{ name: 'define', label: $t('engine.st.indepFactorDefine.grid.entity.factorDefine') }, |
{ name: 'year', label: $t('year') }, |
{ name: 'quarter', label: $t('quarter') }, |
{ name: 'month', label: $t('month') }, |
{ name: 'value', label: $t('value') }, |
{ name: 'dataComeFrom', label: $t('dataComeFrom') }, |
{ name: 'creator', label: $t('creator') }, |
{ name: 'createDate', label: $t('createDate') }, |
{ name: 'lastModifier', label: $t('lastModifier') }, |
{ name: 'lastModifyDate', label: $t('lastModifyDate'), format: Formater.none() }, |
{ name: 'corporationCode', label: $t('corporationCode') }, |
], |
}, |
}" |
@after-request-data=" |
() => { |
const rows = gridRef.getRows(); |
const xAxisData = []; |
const seriesData = []; |
for (const row of rows) { |
xAxisData.push(row.year + (row.month ? '-' + row.month : '')); |
seriesData.push(row.valueLow); |
} |
echartsOptionRef = { |
title: { |
text: factorDefine.name, |
left: 'center', |
}, |
xAxis: { |
type: 'category', |
name: $t('period'), |
data: xAxisData, |
}, |
yAxis: { |
type: 'value', |
name: $t('value'), |
}, |
series: [ |
{ |
data: seriesData, |
type: 'line', |
smooth: true, |
}, |
], |
}; |
} |
" |
></w-grid> |
<PercentileDialog ref="dialogRef" @after-setting="fillWithPercentile"></PercentileDialog> |
</div> |
</template> |
<script setup lang="ts"> |
import { ref, computed, onUpdated } from 'vue'; |
import { useI18n } from 'vue-i18n'; |
import { axios, Environment, Formater } from 'platform-core'; |
import PercentileDialog from './PercentileDialog.vue'; |
const props = defineProps({ |
factorDefine: { |
type: Object, |
default: () => { |
return {}; |
}, |
}, |
}); |
const { t } = useI18n(); |
const gridRef = ref(); |
const echartsOptionRef = ref(); |
const dialogRef = ref(); |
const getFactorColumns = computed(() => { |
let result = [{ width: 60, name: 'year', label: t('year'), align: 'right' }]; |
if (props.factorDefine.period === 'QUARTER') { |
result.push({ width: 60, name: 'quarter', label: t('quarter'), align: 'right' }); |
} else if (props.factorDefine.period === 'MONTH') { |
result.push({ width: 60, name: 'month', label: t('month'), align: 'right' }); |
} |
result.push({ width: 100, name: 'valueLow', label: t('engine.st.scenario.scenarioFactor.grid.entity.valueLow') }); |
result.push({ width: 100, name: 'valueMid', label: t('engine.st.scenario.scenarioFactor.grid.entity.valueMid') }); |
result.push({ width: 100, name: 'valueHigh', label: t('engine.st.scenario.scenarioFactor.grid.entity.valueHigh') }); |
return result; |
}); |
const fillWithPercentile = (settings) => { |
axios |
.post(Environment.apiContextPath('/api/st/scenarioFactor/fillWithPercentile?scenarioFactorId=' + gridRef.value.getSelectedRow().id), settings) |
.then(() => { |
refresh(); |
dialogRef.value.close(); |
}); |
}; |
const refresh = () => { |
gridRef.value.refresh(); |
}; |
onUpdated(() => { |
gridRef.value.refresh(); |
}); |
defineExpose({ |
refresh, |
}); |
</script> |
@ -0,0 +1,220 @@ |
<template> |
<w-grid |
ref="treeGridRef" |
:title="$t('engine.st.indepFactorDefine.grid.title')" |
dense |
:checkbox-selection="false" |
:tree="true" |
:tree-icon=" |
(row) => { |
if (row.type === 'FOLDER') { |
return { name: 'folder', color: 'amber' }; |
} else if (row.type === 'ORIGINAL') { |
return { name: 'bi-file-earmark-text' }; |
} else if (row.type === 'EXTEND_ARITHMETIC') { |
return { name: 'bi-file-earmark-text', color: 'green' }; |
} else if (row.type === 'EXTEND_DELAY') { |
return { name: 'bi-file-earmark-text', color: 'blue' }; |
} else if (row.type === 'EXTEND_DIFFERENTIAL') { |
return { name: 'bi-file-earmark-text', color: 'amber' }; |
} else { |
return { name: 'bi-file-earmark-text' }; |
} |
} |
" |
:data-url="Environment.apiContextPath('/api/st/scenarioFactorDefine')" |
:pageable="false" |
:sort-by="['order']" |
:toolbar-actions="[ |
'refresh', |
'separator', |
'expand', |
'separator', |
{ |
name: 'synchronize', |
label: $t('synchronize'), |
icon: 'bi-repeat', |
click: () => {}, |
}, |
'separator', |
'view', |
'separator', |
'export', |
]" |
:columns="[ |
{ width: 160, name: 'name', label: $t('name') }, |
{ width: 150, name: 'code', label: $t('code') }, |
{ |
width: 100, |
name: 'type', |
label: $t('type'), |
format: (value, row) => { |
if (value === 'FOLDER') { |
return ''; |
} |
return Formater.enum(Enums.FactorDefineType)(value); |
}, |
}, |
{ width: 60, name: 'period', label: $t('period'), format: Formater.enum(Enums.Period) }, |
{ width: 70, name: 'valueType', label: $t('valueType'), format: Formater.enum(Enums.ValueType) }, |
]" |
:editor="{ |
dialog: { |
width: '500px', |
}, |
form: { |
colsNum: 1, |
fields: [ |
{ |
name: 'type', |
label: $t('type'), |
type: 'select', |
required: true, |
options: Options.enum(Enums.FactorDefineType), |
onChange: (arg) => { |
findAllWithoutById(arg.form.getFieldValue('id')); |
}, |
}, |
{ |
name: 'code', |
label: $t('code'), |
type: 'text', |
required: true, |
showIf: (arg) => { |
return arg.form.getFieldValue('type') !== 'FOLDER'; |
}, |
}, |
{ name: 'name', label: $t('name'), type: 'text', required: true }, |
{ name: 'description', label: $t('description'), type: 'text' }, |
{ name: 'order', label: $t('order'), type: 'number' }, |
{ |
name: 'period', |
label: $t('period'), |
required: true, |
type: 'select', |
options: Options.enum(Enums.Period), |
showIf: (arg) => { |
return arg.form.getFieldValue('type') !== 'FOLDER'; |
}, |
}, |
{ |
name: 'valueType', |
label: $t('valueType'), |
required: true, |
type: 'select', |
options: Options.enum(Enums.ValueType), |
showIf: (arg) => { |
return arg.form.getFieldValue('type') !== 'FOLDER'; |
}, |
}, |
{ |
name: 'formula', |
label: $t('engine.st.indepFactorDefine.grid.entity.formula'), |
type: 'code-mirror', |
required: true, |
showIf: (arg) => { |
return arg.form.getFieldValue('type') === 'EXTEND_ARITHMETIC'; |
}, |
}, |
{ |
name: 'delayFactorDefine', |
label: $t('engine.st.indepFactorDefine.grid.entity.delayFactorDefine'), |
type: 'select', |
options: factorDefineOptionsRef, |
required: true, |
showIf: (arg) => { |
return arg.form.getFieldValue('type') === 'EXTEND_DELAY'; |
}, |
}, |
{ |
name: 'delayIssue', |
label: $t('engine.st.indepFactorDefine.grid.entity.delayIssue'), |
type: 'number', |
required: true, |
showIf: (arg) => { |
return arg.form.getFieldValue('type') === 'EXTEND_DELAY'; |
}, |
}, |
{ |
name: 'differentialFactorDefine', |
label: $t('engine.st.indepFactorDefine.grid.entity.differentialFactorDefine'), |
type: 'select', |
options: factorDefineOptionsRef, |
required: true, |
showIf: (arg) => { |
return arg.form.getFieldValue('type') === 'EXTEND_DIFFERENTIAL'; |
}, |
}, |
{ |
name: 'differentialDegree', |
label: $t('engine.st.indepFactorDefine.grid.entity.differentialDegree'), |
type: 'number', |
required: true, |
showIf: (arg) => { |
return arg.form.getFieldValue('type') === 'EXTEND_DIFFERENTIAL'; |
}, |
}, |
], |
}, |
}" |
:viewer="{ |
panel: { |
columnNum: 1, |
fields: [ |
{ name: 'id', label: $t('id') }, |
{ name: 'type', label: $t('type') }, |
{ name: 'period', label: $t('period') }, |
{ name: 'code', label: $t('code') }, |
{ name: 'name', label: $t('name') }, |
{ name: 'description', label: $t('description') }, |
{ name: 'order', label: $t('order') }, |
{ name: 'valueType', label: $t('valueType') }, |
{ name: 'formula', label: $t('engine.st.indepFactorDefine.grid.entity.formula') }, |
{ name: 'delayFactorDefine', label: $t('engine.st.indepFactorDefine.grid.entity.delayFactorDefine') }, |
{ name: 'delayIssue', label: $t('engine.st.indepFactorDefine.grid.entity.delayIssue') }, |
{ name: 'differentialFactorDefine', label: $t('engine.st.indepFactorDefine.grid.entity.differentialFactorDefine') }, |
{ name: 'differentialDegree', label: $t('engine.st.indepFactorDefine.grid.entity.differentialDegree') }, |
{ name: 'dataComeFrom', label: $t('dataComeFrom') }, |
{ name: 'creator', label: $t('creator') }, |
{ name: 'createDate', label: $t('createDate') }, |
{ name: 'lastModifier', label: $t('lastModifier') }, |
{ name: 'lastModifyDate', label: $t('lastModifyDate'), format: Formater.none() }, |
{ name: 'corporationCode', label: $t('corporationCode') }, |
], |
}, |
}" |
@after-editor-open=" |
(selected) => { |
if (selected?.type === 'EXTEND_DELAY' || selected?.type === 'EXTEND_DIFFERENTIAL') { |
findAllWithoutById(selected.id); |
} |
} |
" |
></w-grid> |
</template> |
<script setup lang="ts"> |
import { ref } from 'vue'; |
import { Environment, Formater, Options, EnumTools, axios } from 'platform-core'; |
const treeGridRef = ref(); |
const factorDefineOptionsRef = ref([]); |
const Enums = await EnumTools.fetch(['io.sc.engine.st.enums.FactorDefineType', 'io.sc.engine.st.enums.Period', 'io.sc.engine.st.enums.ValueType']); |
const findAllWithoutById = (id) => { |
axios.get(Environment.apiContextPath('/api/st/indepFactorDefine/findAllWithoutById?defineId=' + (id ? id : ''))).then((response) => { |
const defines = response?.data; |
if (defines) { |
const options = []; |
for (const define of defines) { |
if (define.type !== 'FOLDER') { |
options.push({ value: define.id, label: define.name }); |
} |
} |
console.log(factorDefineOptionsRef.value); |
factorDefineOptionsRef.value = options; |
} |
}); |
}; |
</script> |
@ -1,211 +0,0 @@ |
<template> |
<q-splitter :model-value="40" class="w-full" style="height: 100%"> |
<template #before> |
<div class="pr-1" style="height: 100%"> |
<w-grid |
ref="targetGridRef" |
:title="$t('engine.st.target.grid.title')" |
:config-button="true" |
selection="multiple" |
:checkbox-selection="true" |
:data-url="Environment.apiContextPath('/api/st/target')" |
:pageable="false" |
:toolbar-configure="{ noIcon: false }" |
:toolbar-actions="['refresh', 'separator', 'add', 'edit', 'remove', 'separator', 'view', 'separator', 'export']" |
:columns="[ |
{ name: 'code', label: $t('code') }, |
{ name: 'name', label: $t('name') }, |
{ width: 100, name: 'lastModifier', label: $t('lastModifier') }, |
{ width: 110, name: 'lastModifyDate', label: $t('lastModifyDate'), format: Formater.dateOnly() }, |
]" |
:editor="{ |
dialog: { |
width: '600px', |
}, |
form: { |
colsNum: 1, |
fields: [ |
{ name: 'code', label: $t('code'), type: 'text', required: true }, |
{ name: 'name', label: $t('name'), type: 'text', required: true }, |
{ name: 'description', label: $t('description'), type: 'text' }, |
], |
}, |
}" |
:viewer="{ |
panel: { |
columnNum: 1, |
fields: [ |
{ name: 'id', label: $t('id') }, |
{ name: 'code', label: $t('code') }, |
{ name: 'name', label: $t('name') }, |
{ name: 'description', label: $t('description') }, |
{ name: 'dataComeFrom', label: $t('dataComeFrom'), format: Formater.none() }, |
{ name: 'creator', label: $t('creator') }, |
{ name: 'createDate', label: $t('createDate') }, |
{ name: 'lastModifier', label: $t('lastModifier') }, |
{ name: 'lastModifyDate', label: $t('lastModifyDate'), format: Formater.none() }, |
], |
}, |
}" |
@row-click=" |
(evt, row, index) => { |
currentSelectedTarget = row.id; |
targetIndicatorGridRef?.refresh(); |
} |
" |
@before-request-data=" |
() => { |
currentSelectedTarget = ''; |
targetIndicatorGridRef?.refresh(); |
} |
" |
></w-grid> |
</div> |
</template> |
<template #after> |
<div class="pl-1" style="height: 100%"> |
<w-grid |
ref="targetIndicatorGridRef" |
:title="$t('engine.st.targetIndicator.grid.title')" |
:checkbox-selection="true" |
:fetch-data-url="Environment.apiContextPath('/api/st/targetIndicator?target=' + currentSelectedTarget)" |
:data-url="Environment.apiContextPath('/api/st/targetIndicator')" |
:pageable="false" |
:sort-by="['year', 'month', 'quarter']" |
:query-form-cols-num="4" |
:query-form-fields="[ |
{ |
name: 'periodType', |
label: $t('engine.st.targetIndicator.grid.entity.periodType'), |
type: 'select', |
options: Options.enum(StatisticalPeriodTypeEnums), |
queryOperator: 'equals', |
}, |
]" |
:toolbar-actions="['query', 'separator', 'refresh', 'separator', 'add', 'clone', 'edit', 'remove', 'separator', 'view', 'separator', 'export']" |
:columns="[ |
{ name: 'periodType', label: $t('engine.st.targetIndicator.grid.entity.periodType'), format: Formater.enum(StatisticalPeriodTypeEnums) }, |
{ name: 'year', label: $t('year') }, |
{ name: 'month', label: $t('month') }, |
{ name: 'quarter', label: $t('quarter') }, |
{ |
name: 'pd', |
label: $t('engine.st.targetIndicator.grid.entity.PD'), |
title: $t('engine.st.targetIndicator.grid.entity.PD.title'), |
align: 'right', |
format: Formater.percent(), |
}, |
{ |
name: 'lgd', |
label: $t('engine.st.targetIndicator.grid.entity.LGD'), |
title: $t('engine.st.targetIndicator.grid.entity.LGD.title'), |
align: 'right', |
format: Formater.percent(), |
}, |
{ |
name: 'ccf', |
label: $t('engine.st.targetIndicator.grid.entity.CCF'), |
title: $t('engine.st.targetIndicator.grid.entity.CCF.title'), |
align: 'right', |
format: Formater.percent(), |
}, |
{ name: 'lastModifier', label: $t('lastModifier') }, |
{ name: 'lastModifyDate', label: $t('lastModifyDate'), format: Formater.dateOnly() }, |
]" |
:editor="{ |
dialog: { |
width: '600px', |
}, |
form: { |
colsNum: 1, |
fields: [ |
{ |
name: 'target', |
label: $t('engine.st.targetIndicator.grid.entity.target'), |
type: 'text', |
defaultValue: currentSelectedTarget, |
hidden: true, |
}, |
{ |
name: 'periodType', |
label: $t('engine.st.targetIndicator.grid.entity.periodType'), |
type: 'select', |
options: Options.enum(StatisticalPeriodTypeEnums), |
}, |
{ |
name: 'year', |
label: $t('year'), |
type: 'select', |
options: yearOptionsRef, |
showIf: (arg) => { |
return arg.form.getFieldValue('periodType') === 'YEAR'; |
}, |
}, |
{ |
name: 'month', |
label: $t('month'), |
type: 'select', |
options: monthOptionsRef, |
showIf: (arg) => { |
return arg.form.getFieldValue('periodType') === 'MONTH'; |
}, |
}, |
{ |
name: 'quarter', |
label: $t('quarter'), |
type: 'select', |
options: quarterOptionsRef, |
showIf: (arg) => { |
return arg.form.getFieldValue('periodType') === 'QUARTER'; |
}, |
}, |
{ name: 'pd', label: $t('engine.st.targetIndicator.grid.entity.PD'), type: 'number', precision: 6 }, |
{ name: 'lgd', label: $t('engine.st.targetIndicator.grid.entity.LGD'), type: 'number', precision: 6 }, |
{ name: 'ccf', label: $t('engine.st.targetIndicator.grid.entity.CCF'), type: 'number', precision: 6 }, |
], |
}, |
}" |
:viewer="{ |
panel: { |
columnNum: 1, |
fields: [ |
{ name: 'id', label: $t('id') }, |
{ name: 'target', label: $t('engine.st.targetIndicator.grid.entity.target') }, |
{ name: 'periodType', label: $t('engine.st.targetIndicator.grid.entity.periodType') }, |
{ name: 'year', label: $t('year') }, |
{ name: 'month', label: $t('month') }, |
{ name: 'pd', label: $t('engine.st.targetIndicator.grid.entity.PD') }, |
{ name: 'lgd', label: $t('engine.st.targetIndicator.grid.entity.LGD') }, |
{ name: 'ccf', label: $t('engine.st.targetIndicator.grid.entity.CCF') }, |
{ name: 'dataComeFrom', label: $t('dataComeFrom') }, |
{ name: 'creator', label: $t('creator') }, |
{ name: 'createDate', label: $t('createDate') }, |
{ name: 'lastModifier', label: $t('lastModifier') }, |
{ name: 'lastModifyDate', label: $t('lastModifyDate'), format: Formater.none() }, |
{ name: 'corporationCode', label: $t('corporationCode') }, |
], |
}, |
}" |
></w-grid> |
</div> |
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</q-splitter> |
</template> |
<script setup lang="ts"> |
import { ref } from 'vue'; |
import { axios, Environment, Formater, Options, EnumTools } from 'platform-core'; |
const targetGridRef = ref(); |
const targetIndicatorGridRef = ref(); |
const userGridRef = ref(); |
const currentSelectedTarget = ref(''); |
const years = []; |
for (let i = 0; i < 30; i++) { |
years.push(new Date().getFullYear() - i); |
} |
const yearOptionsRef = ref(years); |
const monthOptionsRef = ref([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12]); |
const quarterOptionsRef = ref([1, 2, 3, 4]); |
const StatisticalPeriodTypeEnums = await EnumTools.fetch('io.sc.engine.st.enums.StatisticalPeriodType'); |
</script> |
@ -1,211 +0,0 @@ |
<template> |
<q-splitter :model-value="40" class="w-full" style="height: 100%"> |
<template #before> |
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ref="testCaseGridRef" |
:title="$t('engine.st.testCase.grid.title')" |
:config-button="true" |
selection="multiple" |
:checkbox-selection="true" |
:data-url="Environment.apiContextPath('/api/st/testCase')" |
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{ name: 'code', label: $t('code') }, |
{ name: 'name', label: $t('name') }, |
{ width: 100, name: 'lastModifier', label: $t('lastModifier') }, |
{ width: 110, name: 'lastModifyDate', label: $t('lastModifyDate'), format: Formater.dateOnly() }, |
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dialog: { |
width: '600px', |
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colsNum: 1, |
fields: [ |
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{ name: 'name', label: $t('name'), type: 'text', required: true }, |
{ name: 'description', label: $t('description'), type: 'text' }, |
], |
}, |
}" |
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panel: { |
columnNum: 1, |
fields: [ |
{ name: 'id', label: $t('id') }, |
{ name: 'code', label: $t('code') }, |
{ name: 'name', label: $t('name') }, |
{ name: 'description', label: $t('description') }, |
{ name: 'dataComeFrom', label: $t('dataComeFrom'), format: Formater.none() }, |
{ name: 'creator', label: $t('creator') }, |
{ name: 'createDate', label: $t('createDate') }, |
{ name: 'lastModifier', label: $t('lastModifier') }, |
{ name: 'lastModifyDate', label: $t('lastModifyDate'), format: Formater.none() }, |
], |
}, |
}" |
@row-click=" |
(evt, row, index) => { |
currentSelectedTarget = row.id; |
targetIndicatorGridRef?.refresh(); |
} |
" |
@before-request-data=" |
() => { |
currentSelectedTarget = ''; |
targetIndicatorGridRef?.refresh(); |
} |
" |
></w-grid> |
</div> |
</template> |
<template #after> |
<div class="pl-1" style="height: 100%"> |
<w-grid |
ref="targetIndicatorGridRef" |
:title="$t('engine.st.targetIndicator.grid.title')" |
:checkbox-selection="true" |
:fetch-data-url="Environment.apiContextPath('/api/st/targetIndicator?target=' + currentSelectedTarget)" |
:data-url="Environment.apiContextPath('/api/st/targetIndicator')" |
:pageable="false" |
:sort-by="['year', 'month', 'quarter']" |
:query-form-cols-num="4" |
:query-form-fields="[ |
{ |
name: 'periodType', |
label: $t('engine.st.targetIndicator.grid.entity.periodType'), |
type: 'select', |
options: Options.enum(StatisticalPeriodTypeEnums), |
queryOperator: 'equals', |
}, |
]" |
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:columns="[ |
{ name: 'periodType', label: $t('engine.st.targetIndicator.grid.entity.periodType'), format: Formater.enum(StatisticalPeriodTypeEnums) }, |
{ name: 'year', label: $t('year') }, |
{ name: 'month', label: $t('month') }, |
{ name: 'quarter', label: $t('quarter') }, |
{ |
name: 'pd', |
label: $t('engine.st.targetIndicator.grid.entity.PD'), |
title: $t('engine.st.targetIndicator.grid.entity.PD.title'), |
align: 'right', |
format: Formater.percent(), |
}, |
{ |
name: 'lgd', |
label: $t('engine.st.targetIndicator.grid.entity.LGD'), |
title: $t('engine.st.targetIndicator.grid.entity.LGD.title'), |
align: 'right', |
format: Formater.percent(), |
}, |
{ |
name: 'ccf', |
label: $t('engine.st.targetIndicator.grid.entity.CCF'), |
title: $t('engine.st.targetIndicator.grid.entity.CCF.title'), |
align: 'right', |
format: Formater.percent(), |
}, |
{ name: 'lastModifier', label: $t('lastModifier') }, |
{ name: 'lastModifyDate', label: $t('lastModifyDate'), format: Formater.dateOnly() }, |
]" |
:editor="{ |
dialog: { |
width: '600px', |
}, |
form: { |
colsNum: 1, |
fields: [ |
{ |
name: 'target', |
label: $t('engine.st.targetIndicator.grid.entity.target'), |
type: 'text', |
defaultValue: currentSelectedTarget, |
hidden: true, |
}, |
{ |
name: 'periodType', |
label: $t('engine.st.targetIndicator.grid.entity.periodType'), |
type: 'select', |
options: Options.enum(StatisticalPeriodTypeEnums), |
}, |
{ |
name: 'year', |
label: $t('year'), |
type: 'select', |
options: yearOptionsRef, |
showIf: (arg) => { |
return arg.form.getFieldValue('periodType') === 'YEAR'; |
}, |
}, |
{ |
name: 'month', |
label: $t('month'), |
type: 'select', |
options: monthOptionsRef, |
showIf: (arg) => { |
return arg.form.getFieldValue('periodType') === 'MONTH'; |
}, |
}, |
{ |
name: 'quarter', |
label: $t('quarter'), |
type: 'select', |
options: quarterOptionsRef, |
showIf: (arg) => { |
return arg.form.getFieldValue('periodType') === 'QUARTER'; |
}, |
}, |
{ name: 'pd', label: $t('engine.st.targetIndicator.grid.entity.PD'), type: 'number', precision: 6 }, |
{ name: 'lgd', label: $t('engine.st.targetIndicator.grid.entity.LGD'), type: 'number', precision: 6 }, |
{ name: 'ccf', label: $t('engine.st.targetIndicator.grid.entity.CCF'), type: 'number', precision: 6 }, |
], |
}, |
}" |
:viewer="{ |
panel: { |
columnNum: 1, |
fields: [ |
{ name: 'id', label: $t('id') }, |
{ name: 'target', label: $t('engine.st.targetIndicator.grid.entity.target') }, |
{ name: 'periodType', label: $t('engine.st.targetIndicator.grid.entity.periodType') }, |
{ name: 'year', label: $t('year') }, |
{ name: 'month', label: $t('month') }, |
{ name: 'pd', label: $t('engine.st.targetIndicator.grid.entity.PD') }, |
{ name: 'lgd', label: $t('engine.st.targetIndicator.grid.entity.LGD') }, |
{ name: 'ccf', label: $t('engine.st.targetIndicator.grid.entity.CCF') }, |
{ name: 'dataComeFrom', label: $t('dataComeFrom') }, |
{ name: 'creator', label: $t('creator') }, |
{ name: 'createDate', label: $t('createDate') }, |
{ name: 'lastModifier', label: $t('lastModifier') }, |
{ name: 'lastModifyDate', label: $t('lastModifyDate'), format: Formater.none() }, |
{ name: 'corporationCode', label: $t('corporationCode') }, |
], |
}, |
}" |
></w-grid> |
</div> |
</template> |
</q-splitter> |
</template> |
<script setup lang="ts"> |
import { ref } from 'vue'; |
import { axios, Environment, Formater, Options, EnumTools } from 'platform-core'; |
const testCaseGridRef = ref(); |
const targetIndicatorGridRef = ref(); |
const userGridRef = ref(); |
const currentSelectedTarget = ref(''); |
const years = []; |
for (let i = 0; i < 30; i++) { |
years.push(new Date().getFullYear() - i); |
} |
const yearOptionsRef = ref(years); |
const monthOptionsRef = ref([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12]); |
const quarterOptionsRef = ref([1, 2, 3, 4]); |
const StatisticalPeriodTypeEnums = await EnumTools.fetch('io.sc.engine.st.enums.StatisticalPeriodType'); |
</script> |
@ -0,0 +1,103 @@ |
<template> |
<w-grid |
ref="gridRef" |
:title="$t('engine.st.testCase.grid.title')" |
dense |
:checkbox-selection="true" |
:tree="false" |
:data-url="Environment.apiContextPath('/api/st/testCase')" |
:pageable="false" |
:sort-by="['lastModifyDate']" |
:toolbar-actions="[ |
'refresh', |
'separator', |
'add', |
'clone', |
'edit', |
'remove', |
'separator', |
{ |
name: 'test', |
label: $t('test'), |
icon: 'bi-caret-right', |
enableIf: (arg) => { |
return arg.selected; |
}, |
click: (arg) => { |
if (arg.selected) { |
axios.post(Environment.apiContextPath('/api/st/testCase/test?testCaseId=' + arg.selected.id)).then(() => { |
NotifyManager.success(); |
emit('afterTest'); |
}); |
} |
}, |
}, |
'view', |
'separator', |
'export', |
]" |
:columns="[ |
{ width: 160, name: 'name', label: $t('name') }, |
{ |
width: 150, |
name: 'model', |
label: $t('engine.st.testCase.grid.entity.model'), |
format: (value, row) => { |
return modelMap[value]; |
}, |
}, |
]" |
:editor="{ |
dialog: { |
width: '500px', |
}, |
form: { |
colsNum: 1, |
fields: [ |
{ name: 'name', label: $t('name'), type: 'text', required: true }, |
{ name: 'model', label: $t('engine.st.testCase.grid.entity.model'), type: 'select', options: modelOptionsRef, required: true }, |
], |
}, |
}" |
:viewer="{ |
panel: { |
columnNum: 1, |
fields: [ |
{ name: 'id', label: $t('id') }, |
{ name: 'name', label: $t('name') }, |
{ name: 'model', label: $t('model') }, |
{ name: 'dataComeFrom', label: $t('dataComeFrom') }, |
{ name: 'creator', label: $t('creator') }, |
{ name: 'createDate', label: $t('createDate') }, |
{ name: 'lastModifier', label: $t('lastModifier') }, |
{ name: 'lastModifyDate', label: $t('lastModifyDate'), format: Formater.none() }, |
{ name: 'corporationCode', label: $t('corporationCode') }, |
], |
}, |
}" |
></w-grid> |
</template> |
<script setup lang="ts"> |
import { ref } from 'vue'; |
import { Environment, Formater, axios, NotifyManager } from 'platform-core'; |
const emit = defineEmits<{ |
(e: 'afterTest'): void; |
}>(); |
const gridRef = ref(); |
const modelMap = {}; |
const modelOptionsRef = ref([]); |
axios.get(Environment.apiContextPath('/api/st/model?pageable=false')).then((response) => { |
const options = []; |
for (const item of response.data.content) { |
modelMap[item.id] = item.name; |
options.push({ |
value: item.id, |
label: item.name, |
}); |
} |
modelOptionsRef.value = options; |
}); |
</script> |
@ -1,15 +0,0 @@ |
package io.sc.engine.st.controller; |
import io.sc.engine.st.jpa.entity.TargetIndicatorEntity; |
import io.sc.engine.st.jpa.repository.TargetIndicatorRepository; |
import io.sc.engine.st.service.TargetIndicatorService; |
import io.sc.engine.st.vo.TargetIndicatorVo; |
import io.sc.platform.mvc.controller.support.RestCrudController; |
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping; |
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController; |
@RestController("io.sc.engine.st.controller.TargetIndicatorWebController") |
@RequestMapping("/api/st/targetIndicator") |
public class TargetIndicatorWebController extends RestCrudController<TargetIndicatorVo, TargetIndicatorEntity,String, TargetIndicatorRepository, TargetIndicatorService> { |
} |
@ -1,15 +0,0 @@ |
package io.sc.engine.st.controller; |
import io.sc.engine.st.jpa.entity.TargetEntity; |
import io.sc.engine.st.jpa.repository.TargetRepository; |
import io.sc.engine.st.service.TargetService; |
import io.sc.engine.st.vo.TargetVo; |
import io.sc.platform.mvc.controller.support.RestCrudController; |
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping; |
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController; |
@RestController("io.sc.engine.st.controller.TargetWebController") |
@RequestMapping("/api/st/target") |
public class TargetWebController extends RestCrudController<TargetVo, TargetEntity,String, TargetRepository, TargetService> { |
} |
@ -1,11 +0,0 @@ |
package io.sc.engine.st.enums; |
/** |
* 周期枚举 |
*/ |
public enum PeriodType { |
YEAR, //年
MONTH, //月
DAY; //日
} |
@ -1,10 +0,0 @@ |
package io.sc.engine.st.enums; |
/** |
* 统计周期类型枚举 |
*/ |
public enum StatisticalPeriodType { |
YEAR, //年
MONTH; //月
} |
@ -1,118 +0,0 @@ |
package io.sc.engine.st.jpa.entity; |
import io.sc.engine.st.enums.PeriodType; |
import io.sc.engine.st.enums.ValueType; |
import io.sc.engine.st.vo.FactorTypeVo; |
import io.sc.engine.st.vo.FactorVo; |
import io.sc.platform.orm.entity.CorporationAuditorEntity; |
import org.hibernate.annotations.GenericGenerator; |
import javax.persistence.*; |
import javax.validation.constraints.NotBlank; |
import javax.validation.constraints.Size; |
@Entity(name="io.sc.engine.st.jpa.entity.FactorEntity") |
@Table(name="ST_FACTOR") |
public class FactorEntity extends CorporationAuditorEntity<FactorVo> { |
@Id |
@GeneratedValue(generator = "system-uuid") |
@GenericGenerator(name = "system-uuid", strategy = "uuid2") |
@Column(name="ID_", length=36) |
@Size(max=36) |
protected String id; |
@Column(name="YEAR_") |
protected Integer year; |
@Column(name="QUARTER_") |
protected Integer quarter; |
@Column(name="MONTH_") |
protected Integer month; |
@Column(name="DAY_") |
protected Integer day; |
@Column(name="VALUE_", length=255) |
@Size(max=255) |
protected String value; |
@ManyToOne(fetch=FetchType.LAZY) |
@JoinColumn(name="FACTOR_TYPE_ID_") |
protected FactorTypeEntity factorType; |
@Override |
public FactorVo toVo() { |
FactorVo vo =new FactorVo(); |
super.toVo(vo); |
vo.setId(this.getId()); |
vo.setYear(this.getYear()); |
vo.setQuarter(this.getQuarter()); |
vo.setMonth(this.getMonth()); |
vo.setDay(this.getDay()); |
vo.setValue(this.getValue()); |
vo.setFactorType(this.getFactorType()==null?null:this.getFactorType().getId()); |
return vo; |
} |
public FactorEntity(){} |
public FactorEntity(String id){ |
this.id =id; |
} |
public String getId() { |
return id; |
} |
public void setId(String id) { |
this.id = id; |
} |
public Integer getYear() { |
return year; |
} |
public void setYear(Integer year) { |
this.year = year; |
} |
public Integer getQuarter() { |
return quarter; |
} |
public void setQuarter(Integer quarter) { |
this.quarter = quarter; |
} |
public Integer getMonth() { |
return month; |
} |
public void setMonth(Integer month) { |
this.month = month; |
} |
public Integer getDay() { |
return day; |
} |
public void setDay(Integer day) { |
this.day = day; |
} |
public String getValue() { |
return value; |
} |
public void setValue(String value) { |
this.value = value; |
} |
public FactorTypeEntity getFactorType() { |
return factorType; |
} |
public void setFactorType(FactorTypeEntity factorType) { |
this.factorType = factorType; |
} |
} |
@ -1,82 +0,0 @@ |
package io.sc.engine.st.jpa.entity; |
import io.sc.engine.st.vo.TargetVo; |
import io.sc.platform.orm.entity.CorporationAuditorEntity; |
import org.hibernate.annotations.GenericGenerator; |
import javax.persistence.*; |
import javax.validation.constraints.NotBlank; |
import javax.validation.constraints.Size; |
@Entity(name="io.sc.engine.st.jpa.entity.TargetEntity") |
@Table(name="ST_TARGET") |
public class TargetEntity extends CorporationAuditorEntity<TargetVo> { |
@Id |
@GeneratedValue(generator = "system-uuid") |
@GenericGenerator(name = "system-uuid", strategy = "uuid2") |
@Column(name="ID_", length=36) |
@Size(max=36) |
protected String id; |
@Column(name="CODE_", length=255) |
@NotBlank |
@Size(max=255) |
protected String code; |
@Column(name="NAME_", length=255) |
@NotBlank |
@Size(max=255) |
protected String name; |
@Column(name="DESCRIPTION_", length=255) |
@Size(max=255) |
protected String description; |
@Override |
public TargetVo toVo() { |
TargetVo vo =new TargetVo(); |
super.toVo(vo); |
vo.setId(this.getId()); |
vo.setCode(this.getCode()); |
vo.setName(this.getName()); |
vo.setDescription(this.getDescription()); |
return vo; |
} |
public TargetEntity(){} |
public TargetEntity(String id) { |
this.id = id; |
} |
public String getId() { |
return id; |
} |
public void setId(String id) { |
this.id = id; |
} |
public String getCode() { |
return code; |
} |
public void setCode(String code) { |
this.code = code; |
} |
public String getName() { |
return name; |
} |
public void setName(String name) { |
this.name = name; |
} |
public String getDescription() { |
return description; |
} |
public void setDescription(String description) { |
this.description = description; |
} |
} |
@ -1,135 +0,0 @@ |
package io.sc.engine.st.jpa.entity; |
import io.sc.engine.st.enums.StatisticalPeriodType; |
import io.sc.engine.st.vo.TargetIndicatorVo; |
import io.sc.platform.orm.entity.CorporationAuditorEntity; |
import org.hibernate.annotations.GenericGenerator; |
import javax.persistence.*; |
import javax.validation.constraints.NotBlank; |
import javax.validation.constraints.Size; |
@Entity(name="io.sc.engine.st.jpa.entity.TargetIndicatorEntity") |
@Table(name="ST_TARGET_INDICATOR") |
public class TargetIndicatorEntity extends CorporationAuditorEntity<TargetIndicatorVo> { |
@Id |
@GeneratedValue(generator = "system-uuid") |
@GenericGenerator(name = "system-uuid", strategy = "uuid2") |
@Column(name="ID_", length=36) |
@Size(max=36) |
protected String id; |
@Column(name="PERIOD_TYPE_") |
@Enumerated(EnumType.STRING) |
protected StatisticalPeriodType periodType; |
@Column(name="YEAR_") |
protected Integer year; |
@Column(name="MONTH_") |
protected Integer month; |
@Column(name="QUARTER_") |
protected Integer quarter; |
@Column(name="PD_") |
protected Double pd; |
@Column(name="LGD_") |
protected Double lgd; |
@Column(name="CCF_") |
protected Double ccf; |
@ManyToOne(fetch=FetchType.LAZY) |
@JoinColumn(name="TARGET_ID_") |
protected TargetEntity target; |
@Override |
public TargetIndicatorVo toVo() { |
TargetIndicatorVo vo =new TargetIndicatorVo(); |
super.toVo(vo); |
vo.setId(this.getId()); |
vo.setPeriodType(this.getPeriodType()); |
vo.setYear(this.getYear()); |
vo.setMonth(this.getMonth()); |
vo.setQuarter(this.getQuarter()); |
vo.setPd(this.getPd()); |
vo.setLgd(this.getLgd()); |
vo.setCcf(this.getCcf()); |
vo.setTarget(this.getTarget()==null?null:this.getTarget().getId()); |
return vo; |
} |
public String getId() { |
return id; |
} |
public void setId(String id) { |
this.id = id; |
} |
public StatisticalPeriodType getPeriodType() { |
return periodType; |
} |
public void setPeriodType(StatisticalPeriodType periodType) { |
this.periodType = periodType; |
} |
public Integer getYear() { |
return year; |
} |
public void setYear(Integer year) { |
this.year = year; |
} |
public Integer getMonth() { |
return month; |
} |
public void setMonth(Integer month) { |
this.month = month; |
} |
public Integer getQuarter() { |
return quarter; |
} |
public void setQuarter(Integer quarter) { |
this.quarter = quarter; |
} |
public Double getPd() { |
return pd; |
} |
public void setPd(Double pd) { |
this.pd = pd; |
} |
public Double getLgd() { |
return lgd; |
} |
public void setLgd(Double lgd) { |
this.lgd = lgd; |
} |
public Double getCcf() { |
return ccf; |
} |
public void setCcf(Double ccf) { |
this.ccf = ccf; |
} |
public TargetEntity getTarget() { |
return target; |
} |
public void setTarget(TargetEntity target) { |
this.target = target; |
} |
} |
@ -1,10 +0,0 @@ |
package io.sc.engine.st.jpa.repository; |
import io.sc.engine.st.jpa.entity.TargetIndicatorEntity; |
import io.sc.platform.orm.repository.DaoRepository; |
import org.springframework.stereotype.Service; |
@Service("io.sc.engine.st.jpa.repository.TargetIndicatorRepository") |
public interface TargetIndicatorRepository extends DaoRepository<TargetIndicatorEntity,String>{ |
} |
@ -1,10 +0,0 @@ |
package io.sc.engine.st.jpa.repository; |
import io.sc.engine.st.jpa.entity.TargetEntity; |
import io.sc.platform.orm.repository.DaoRepository; |
import org.springframework.stereotype.Service; |
@Service("io.sc.engine.st.jpa.repository.TargetRepository") |
public interface TargetRepository extends DaoRepository<TargetEntity,String>{ |
} |
@ -1,8 +0,0 @@ |
package io.sc.engine.st.service; |
import io.sc.engine.st.jpa.entity.TargetIndicatorEntity; |
import io.sc.engine.st.jpa.repository.TargetIndicatorRepository; |
import io.sc.platform.orm.service.DaoService; |
public interface TargetIndicatorService extends DaoService<TargetIndicatorEntity, String, TargetIndicatorRepository>{ |
} |
@ -1,8 +0,0 @@ |
package io.sc.engine.st.service; |
import io.sc.engine.st.jpa.entity.TargetEntity; |
import io.sc.engine.st.jpa.repository.TargetRepository; |
import io.sc.platform.orm.service.DaoService; |
public interface TargetService extends DaoService<TargetEntity, String, TargetRepository>{ |
} |
@ -1,12 +0,0 @@ |
package io.sc.engine.st.service.impl; |
import io.sc.engine.st.jpa.entity.TargetIndicatorEntity; |
import io.sc.engine.st.jpa.repository.TargetIndicatorRepository; |
import io.sc.engine.st.service.TargetIndicatorService; |
import io.sc.platform.orm.service.impl.DaoServiceImpl; |
import org.springframework.stereotype.Service; |
@Service("io.sc.engine.st.service.impl.TargetIndicatorServiceImpl") |
public class TargetIndicatorServiceImpl extends DaoServiceImpl<TargetIndicatorEntity, String, TargetIndicatorRepository> implements TargetIndicatorService { |
} |
@ -1,12 +0,0 @@ |
package io.sc.engine.st.service.impl; |
import io.sc.engine.st.jpa.entity.TargetEntity; |
import io.sc.engine.st.jpa.repository.TargetRepository; |
import io.sc.engine.st.service.TargetService; |
import io.sc.platform.orm.service.impl.DaoServiceImpl; |
import org.springframework.stereotype.Service; |
@Service("io.sc.engine.st.service.impl.TargetServiceImpl") |
public class TargetServiceImpl extends DaoServiceImpl<TargetEntity, String, TargetRepository> implements TargetService { |
} |
@ -1,12 +1,126 @@ |
package io.sc.engine.st.service.impl; |
import io.sc.engine.st.jpa.entity.TestCaseEntity; |
import io.sc.engine.st.jpa.entity.*; |
import io.sc.engine.st.jpa.entity.sub.DepArithmeticFactorDefineEntity; |
import io.sc.engine.st.jpa.repository.TestCaseRepository; |
import io.sc.engine.st.service.ScenarioFactorService; |
import io.sc.engine.st.service.TestCaseService; |
import io.sc.engine.st.service.TestResultService; |
import io.sc.engine.st.support.PeriodWrapper; |
import io.sc.engine.st.vo.DepFactorDefineVo; |
import io.sc.engine.st.vo.ScenarioFactorVo; |
import io.sc.engine.st.vo.sub.DepArithmeticFactorDefineVo; |
import io.sc.platform.core.util.StringUtil; |
import io.sc.platform.groovy.GroovyScriptExecutor; |
import io.sc.platform.orm.service.impl.DaoServiceImpl; |
import io.sc.platform.orm.util.EntityVoUtil; |
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; |
import org.springframework.jdbc.core.JdbcTemplate; |
import org.springframework.stereotype.Service; |
import org.springframework.util.StringUtils; |
import java.math.BigDecimal; |
import java.util.*; |
@Service("io.sc.engine.st.service.impl.TestCaseServiceImpl") |
public class TestCaseServiceImpl extends DaoServiceImpl<TestCaseEntity, String, TestCaseRepository> implements TestCaseService { |
@Autowired private ScenarioFactorService scenarioFactorService; |
@Autowired private TestResultService testResultService; |
@Autowired private JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate; |
@Override |
public void test(String testCaseId) throws Exception { |
if(StringUtils.hasText(testCaseId)){ |
TestCaseEntity testCaseEntity =findById(testCaseId); |
if(testCaseEntity!=null){ |
ModelEntity modelEntity =testCaseEntity.getModel(); |
if(modelEntity!=null) { |
List<IndepFactorDefineEntity> factorDefineEntities = modelEntity.getIndepFactorDefines(); |
DepFactorDefineVo depFactorDefineVo = modelEntity.getDepFactorDefine().toVo(); |
if(factorDefineEntities!=null && !factorDefineEntities.isEmpty()){ |
Map<PeriodWrapper,Map<String,Object>> lowRecords =new TreeMap<>(PeriodWrapper.comparator); |
Map<PeriodWrapper,Map<String,Object>> midRecords =new TreeMap<>(PeriodWrapper.comparator); |
Map<PeriodWrapper,Map<String,Object>> highRecords =new TreeMap<>(PeriodWrapper.comparator); |
for(IndepFactorDefineEntity entity : factorDefineEntities){ |
List<ScenarioFactorVo> vos =scenarioFactorService.findByFactorDefineId(entity.getId()); |
if(vos!=null && !vos.isEmpty()){ |
for(ScenarioFactorVo vo : vos){ |
Map<String,Object> lowRecord =lowRecords.get(vo.calUniqueKey()); |
if(lowRecord==null){ |
lowRecord =new HashMap<>(); |
lowRecords.put(vo.calUniqueKey(),lowRecord); |
} |
lowRecord.put(entity.getCode(),vo.getValueLow()); |
Map<String,Object> midRecord =midRecords.get(vo.calUniqueKey()); |
if(midRecord==null){ |
midRecord =new HashMap<>(); |
midRecords.put(vo.calUniqueKey(),midRecord); |
} |
midRecord.put(entity.getCode(),vo.getValueMid()); |
Map<String,Object> highRecord =highRecords.get(vo.calUniqueKey()); |
if(highRecord==null){ |
highRecord =new HashMap<>(); |
highRecords.put(vo.calUniqueKey(),highRecord); |
} |
highRecord.put(entity.getCode(),vo.getValueHigh()); |
} |
} |
} |
String groovyScript =modelEntity.getFormula(); |
List<TestResultEntity> testResultEntities =new ArrayList<>(); |
for(PeriodWrapper key : lowRecords.keySet()){ |
Map<String,Object> lowRecord =lowRecords.get(key); |
Map<String, Object> lowContext =new HashMap<>(); |
for(String var : lowRecord.keySet()) { |
lowContext.put(var,new BigDecimal(lowRecord.get(var).toString())); |
} |
Map<String,Object> midRecord =midRecords.get(key); |
Map<String, Object> midContext =new HashMap<>(); |
for(String var : midRecord.keySet()) { |
midContext.put(var,new BigDecimal(midRecord.get(var).toString())); |
} |
Map<String,Object> highRecord =highRecords.get(key); |
Map<String, Object> highContext =new HashMap<>(); |
for(String var : highRecord.keySet()) { |
highContext.put(var,new BigDecimal(highRecord.get(var).toString())); |
} |
Double lowValue =Double.parseDouble(GroovyScriptExecutor.getInstance().eval(groovyScript,lowContext).toString()); |
Double midValue =Double.parseDouble(GroovyScriptExecutor.getInstance().eval(groovyScript,midContext).toString()); |
Double highValue =Double.parseDouble(GroovyScriptExecutor.getInstance().eval(groovyScript,highContext).toString()); |
if(depFactorDefineVo instanceof DepArithmeticFactorDefineVo){ |
DepArithmeticFactorDefineVo vo =(DepArithmeticFactorDefineVo)depFactorDefineVo; |
String reverseScript =vo.getReverseFormula(); |
if(StringUtils.hasText(reverseScript)){ |
lowValue =Double.parseDouble(GroovyScriptExecutor.getInstance().eval(reverseScript,"X",lowValue).toString()); |
midValue =Double.parseDouble(GroovyScriptExecutor.getInstance().eval(reverseScript,"X",midValue).toString()); |
highValue =Double.parseDouble(GroovyScriptExecutor.getInstance().eval(reverseScript,"X",highValue).toString()); |
} |
} |
lowValue =new BigDecimal(lowValue).setScale(6,BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP).doubleValue(); |
midValue =new BigDecimal(midValue).setScale(6,BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP).doubleValue(); |
highValue =new BigDecimal(highValue).setScale(6,BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP).doubleValue(); |
TestResultEntity resultEntity =new TestResultEntity(); |
resultEntity.setTestCase(testCaseEntity); |
resultEntity.setYear(key.getYear()); |
resultEntity.setQuarter(key.getQuarter()); |
resultEntity.setMonth(key.getMonth()); |
resultEntity.setValueLow(lowValue); |
resultEntity.setValueMid(midValue); |
resultEntity.setValueHigh(highValue); |
testResultEntities.add(resultEntity); |
} |
jdbcTemplate.update("delete from ST_TEST_RESULT where TEST_CASE_ID_=?",testCaseId); |
testResultService.getRepository().saveAll(testResultEntities); |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
@ -1,88 +0,0 @@ |
package io.sc.engine.st.vo; |
import io.sc.engine.st.enums.StatisticalPeriodType; |
import io.sc.platform.orm.api.vo.CorporationAuditorVo; |
public class TargetIndicatorVo extends CorporationAuditorVo { |
protected String id; |
protected StatisticalPeriodType periodType; |
protected Integer year; |
protected Integer month; |
protected Integer quarter; |
protected Double pd; |
protected Double lgd; |
protected Double ccf; |
protected String target; |
public String getId() { |
return id; |
} |
public void setId(String id) { |
this.id = id; |
} |
public StatisticalPeriodType getPeriodType() { |
return periodType; |
} |
public void setPeriodType(StatisticalPeriodType periodType) { |
this.periodType = periodType; |
} |
public Integer getYear() { |
return year; |
} |
public void setYear(Integer year) { |
this.year = year; |
} |
public Integer getMonth() { |
return month; |
} |
public void setMonth(Integer month) { |
this.month = month; |
} |
public Integer getQuarter() { |
return quarter; |
} |
public void setQuarter(Integer quarter) { |
this.quarter = quarter; |
} |
public Double getPd() { |
return pd; |
} |
public void setPd(Double pd) { |
this.pd = pd; |
} |
public Double getLgd() { |
return lgd; |
} |
public void setLgd(Double lgd) { |
this.lgd = lgd; |
} |
public Double getCcf() { |
return ccf; |
} |
public void setCcf(Double ccf) { |
this.ccf = ccf; |
} |
public String getTarget() { |
return target; |
} |
public void setTarget(String target) { |
this.target = target; |
} |
} |
@ -1,43 +0,0 @@ |
package io.sc.engine.st.vo; |
import io.sc.platform.orm.api.vo.CorporationAuditorVo; |
public class TargetVo extends CorporationAuditorVo { |
protected String id; |
protected String code; |
protected String name; |
protected String description; |
public String getId() { |
return id; |
} |
public void setId(String id) { |
this.id = id; |
} |
public String getCode() { |
return code; |
} |
public void setCode(String code) { |
this.code = code; |
} |
public String getName() { |
return name; |
} |
public void setName(String name) { |
this.name = name; |
} |
public String getDescription() { |
return description; |
} |
public void setDescription(String description) { |
this.description = description; |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ |
package io.sc.platform.core.service; |
import io.sc.platform.core.support.KeyValue; |
import org.springframework.expression.Expression; |
public interface SpringExpressionParserService { |
public <T> T eval(String expression, Class<T> clazz, KeyValue<String,Object>... keyValues); |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ |
package io.sc.platform.core.service.impl; |
import io.sc.platform.core.service.SpringExpressionParserService; |
import io.sc.platform.core.support.KeyValue; |
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; |
import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext; |
import org.springframework.context.expression.BeanFactoryResolver; |
import org.springframework.expression.Expression; |
import org.springframework.expression.ExpressionParser; |
import org.springframework.expression.spel.standard.SpelExpressionParser; |
import org.springframework.expression.spel.support.StandardEvaluationContext; |
import org.springframework.stereotype.Service; |
@Service |
public class SpringExpressionParserServiceImpl implements SpringExpressionParserService { |
@Autowired private ApplicationContext applicationContext; |
private ExpressionParser parser = new SpelExpressionParser(); |
@Override |
public <T> T eval(String expression, Class<T> clazz, KeyValue<String,Object>... keyValues) { |
Expression _expression =parser.parseExpression(expression); |
if(_expression==null){ |
return null; |
} |
StandardEvaluationContext context = new StandardEvaluationContext(); |
if(applicationContext!=null) { |
context.setBeanResolver(new BeanFactoryResolver(applicationContext)); |
} |
if(keyValues!=null && keyValues.length>0){ |
for(KeyValue<String,Object> keyValue : keyValues){ |
context.setVariable(keyValue.getKey(),keyValue.getValue()); |
} |
} |
return _expression.getValue(context,clazz); |
} |
} |
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