(() => { var __defProp = Object.defineProperty; var __defProps = Object.defineProperties; var __getOwnPropDescs = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors; var __getOwnPropSymbols = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols; var __hasOwnProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; var __propIsEnum = Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable; var __defNormalProp = (obj, key, value) => key in obj ? __defProp(obj, key, { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value }) : obj[key] = value; var __spreadValues = (a, b) => { for (var prop in b || (b = {})) if (__hasOwnProp.call(b, prop)) __defNormalProp(a, prop, b[prop]); if (__getOwnPropSymbols) for (var prop of __getOwnPropSymbols(b)) { if (__propIsEnum.call(b, prop)) __defNormalProp(a, prop, b[prop]); } return a; }; var __spreadProps = (a, b) => __defProps(a, __getOwnPropDescs(b)); // bazel-out/darwin_arm64-fastbuild-ST-2e5f3376adb5/bin/packages/service-worker/worker/src/named-cache-storage.mjs var NamedCacheStorage = class { constructor(original, cacheNamePrefix) { this.original = original; this.cacheNamePrefix = cacheNamePrefix; } delete(cacheName) { return this.original.delete(`${this.cacheNamePrefix}:${cacheName}`); } has(cacheName) { return this.original.has(`${this.cacheNamePrefix}:${cacheName}`); } async keys() { const prefix = `${this.cacheNamePrefix}:`; const allCacheNames = await this.original.keys(); const ownCacheNames = allCacheNames.filter((name) => name.startsWith(prefix)); return ownCacheNames.map((name) => name.slice(prefix.length)); } match(request, options) { return this.original.match(request, options); } async open(cacheName) { const cache = await this.original.open(`${this.cacheNamePrefix}:${cacheName}`); return Object.assign(cache, { name: cacheName }); } }; // bazel-out/darwin_arm64-fastbuild-ST-2e5f3376adb5/bin/packages/service-worker/worker/src/adapter.mjs var Adapter = class { constructor(scopeUrl, caches) { this.scopeUrl = scopeUrl; const parsedScopeUrl = this.parseUrl(this.scopeUrl); this.origin = parsedScopeUrl.origin; this.caches = new NamedCacheStorage(caches, `ngsw:${parsedScopeUrl.path}`); } newRequest(input, init) { return new Request(input, init); } newResponse(body, init) { return new Response(body, init); } newHeaders(headers) { return new Headers(headers); } isClient(source) { return source instanceof Client; } get time() { return Date.now(); } normalizeUrl(url) { const parsed = this.parseUrl(url, this.scopeUrl); return parsed.origin === this.origin ? parsed.path : url; } parseUrl(url, relativeTo) { const parsed = !relativeTo ? new URL(url) : new URL(url, relativeTo); return { origin: parsed.origin, path: parsed.pathname, search: parsed.search }; } timeout(ms) { return new Promise((resolve) => { setTimeout(() => resolve(), ms); }); } }; // bazel-out/darwin_arm64-fastbuild-ST-2e5f3376adb5/bin/packages/service-worker/worker/src/database.mjs var NotFound = class { constructor(table, key) { this.table = table; this.key = key; } }; // bazel-out/darwin_arm64-fastbuild-ST-2e5f3376adb5/bin/packages/service-worker/worker/src/db-cache.mjs var CacheDatabase = class { constructor(adapter2) { this.adapter = adapter2; this.cacheNamePrefix = "db"; this.tables = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); } "delete"(name) { if (this.tables.has(name)) { this.tables.delete(name); } return this.adapter.caches.delete(`${this.cacheNamePrefix}:${name}`); } async list() { const prefix = `${this.cacheNamePrefix}:`; const allCacheNames = await this.adapter.caches.keys(); const dbCacheNames = allCacheNames.filter((name) => name.startsWith(prefix)); return dbCacheNames.map((name) => name.slice(prefix.length)); } async open(name, cacheQueryOptions) { if (!this.tables.has(name)) { const cache = await this.adapter.caches.open(`${this.cacheNamePrefix}:${name}`); const table = new CacheTable(name, cache, this.adapter, cacheQueryOptions); this.tables.set(name, table); } return this.tables.get(name); } }; var CacheTable = class { constructor(name, cache, adapter2, cacheQueryOptions) { this.name = name; this.cache = cache; this.adapter = adapter2; this.cacheQueryOptions = cacheQueryOptions; this.cacheName = this.cache.name; } request(key) { return this.adapter.newRequest("/" + key); } "delete"(key) { return this.cache.delete(this.request(key), this.cacheQueryOptions); } keys() { return this.cache.keys().then((requests) => requests.map((req) => req.url.slice(1))); } read(key) { return this.cache.match(this.request(key), this.cacheQueryOptions).then((res) => { if (res === void 0) { return Promise.reject(new NotFound(this.name, key)); } return res.json(); }); } write(key, value) { return this.cache.put(this.request(key), this.adapter.newResponse(JSON.stringify(value))); } }; // bazel-out/darwin_arm64-fastbuild-ST-2e5f3376adb5/bin/packages/service-worker/worker/src/api.mjs var UpdateCacheStatus; (function(UpdateCacheStatus2) { UpdateCacheStatus2[UpdateCacheStatus2["NOT_CACHED"] = 0] = "NOT_CACHED"; UpdateCacheStatus2[UpdateCacheStatus2["CACHED_BUT_UNUSED"] = 1] = "CACHED_BUT_UNUSED"; UpdateCacheStatus2[UpdateCacheStatus2["CACHED"] = 2] = "CACHED"; })(UpdateCacheStatus || (UpdateCacheStatus = {})); // bazel-out/darwin_arm64-fastbuild-ST-2e5f3376adb5/bin/packages/service-worker/worker/src/error.mjs var SwCriticalError = class extends Error { constructor() { super(...arguments); this.isCritical = true; } }; function errorToString(error) { if (error instanceof Error) { return `${error.message} ${error.stack}`; } else { return `${error}`; } } var SwUnrecoverableStateError = class extends SwCriticalError { constructor() { super(...arguments); this.isUnrecoverableState = true; } }; // bazel-out/darwin_arm64-fastbuild-ST-2e5f3376adb5/bin/packages/service-worker/worker/src/sha1.mjs function sha1(str) { const utf8 = str; const words32 = stringToWords32(utf8, Endian.Big); return _sha1(words32, utf8.length * 8); } function sha1Binary(buffer) { const words32 = arrayBufferToWords32(buffer, Endian.Big); return _sha1(words32, buffer.byteLength * 8); } function _sha1(words32, len) { const w = []; let [a, b, c, d, e] = [1732584193, 4023233417, 2562383102, 271733878, 3285377520]; words32[len >> 5] |= 128 << 24 - len % 32; words32[(len + 64 >> 9 << 4) + 15] = len; for (let i = 0; i < words32.length; i += 16) { const [h0, h1, h2, h3, h4] = [a, b, c, d, e]; for (let j = 0; j < 80; j++) { if (j < 16) { w[j] = words32[i + j]; } else { w[j] = rol32(w[j - 3] ^ w[j - 8] ^ w[j - 14] ^ w[j - 16], 1); } const [f, k] = fk(j, b, c, d); const temp = [rol32(a, 5), f, e, k, w[j]].reduce(add32); [e, d, c, b, a] = [d, c, rol32(b, 30), a, temp]; } [a, b, c, d, e] = [add32(a, h0), add32(b, h1), add32(c, h2), add32(d, h3), add32(e, h4)]; } return byteStringToHexString(words32ToByteString([a, b, c, d, e])); } function add32(a, b) { return add32to64(a, b)[1]; } function add32to64(a, b) { const low = (a & 65535) + (b & 65535); const high = (a >>> 16) + (b >>> 16) + (low >>> 16); return [high >>> 16, high << 16 | low & 65535]; } function rol32(a, count) { return a << count | a >>> 32 - count; } var Endian; (function(Endian2) { Endian2[Endian2["Little"] = 0] = "Little"; Endian2[Endian2["Big"] = 1] = "Big"; })(Endian || (Endian = {})); function fk(index, b, c, d) { if (index < 20) { return [b & c | ~b & d, 1518500249]; } if (index < 40) { return [b ^ c ^ d, 1859775393]; } if (index < 60) { return [b & c | b & d | c & d, 2400959708]; } return [b ^ c ^ d, 3395469782]; } function stringToWords32(str, endian) { const size = str.length + 3 >>> 2; const words32 = []; for (let i = 0; i < size; i++) { words32[i] = wordAt(str, i * 4, endian); } return words32; } function arrayBufferToWords32(buffer, endian) { const size = buffer.byteLength + 3 >>> 2; const words32 = []; const view = new Uint8Array(buffer); for (let i = 0; i < size; i++) { words32[i] = wordAt(view, i * 4, endian); } return words32; } function byteAt(str, index) { if (typeof str === "string") { return index >= str.length ? 0 : str.charCodeAt(index) & 255; } else { return index >= str.byteLength ? 0 : str[index] & 255; } } function wordAt(str, index, endian) { let word = 0; if (endian === Endian.Big) { for (let i = 0; i < 4; i++) { word += byteAt(str, index + i) << 24 - 8 * i; } } else { for (let i = 0; i < 4; i++) { word += byteAt(str, index + i) << 8 * i; } } return word; } function words32ToByteString(words32) { return words32.reduce((str, word) => str + word32ToByteString(word), ""); } function word32ToByteString(word) { let str = ""; for (let i = 0; i < 4; i++) { str += String.fromCharCode(word >>> 8 * (3 - i) & 255); } return str; } function byteStringToHexString(str) { let hex = ""; for (let i = 0; i < str.length; i++) { const b = byteAt(str, i); hex += (b >>> 4).toString(16) + (b & 15).toString(16); } return hex.toLowerCase(); } // bazel-out/darwin_arm64-fastbuild-ST-2e5f3376adb5/bin/packages/service-worker/worker/src/assets.mjs var AssetGroup = class { constructor(scope2, adapter2, idle, config, hashes, db, cacheNamePrefix) { this.scope = scope2; this.adapter = adapter2; this.idle = idle; this.config = config; this.hashes = hashes; this.db = db; this.inFlightRequests = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); this.urls = []; this.patterns = []; this.name = config.name; this.urls = config.urls.map((url) => adapter2.normalizeUrl(url)); this.patterns = config.patterns.map((pattern) => new RegExp(pattern)); this.cache = adapter2.caches.open(`${cacheNamePrefix}:${config.name}:cache`); this.metadata = this.db.open(`${cacheNamePrefix}:${config.name}:meta`, config.cacheQueryOptions); } async cacheStatus(url) { const cache = await this.cache; const meta = await this.metadata; const req = this.adapter.newRequest(url); const res = await cache.match(req, this.config.cacheQueryOptions); if (res === void 0) { return UpdateCacheStatus.NOT_CACHED; } try { const data = await meta.read(req.url); if (!data.used) { return UpdateCacheStatus.CACHED_BUT_UNUSED; } } catch (_) { } return UpdateCacheStatus.CACHED; } async getCacheNames() { const [cache, metadata] = await Promise.all([this.cache, this.metadata]); return [cache.name, metadata.cacheName]; } async handleFetch(req, _event) { const url = this.adapter.normalizeUrl(req.url); if (this.urls.indexOf(url) !== -1 || this.patterns.some((pattern) => pattern.test(url))) { const cache = await this.cache; let cachedResponse; try { cachedResponse = await cache.match(req, this.config.cacheQueryOptions); } catch (error) { throw new SwCriticalError(`Cache is throwing while looking for a match: ${error}`); } if (cachedResponse !== void 0) { if (this.hashes.has(url)) { return cachedResponse; } else { if (await this.needToRevalidate(req, cachedResponse)) { this.idle.schedule(`revalidate(${cache.name}): ${req.url}`, async () => { await this.fetchAndCacheOnce(req); }); } return cachedResponse; } } const res = await this.fetchAndCacheOnce(this.newRequestWithMetadata(req.url, req)); return res.clone(); } else { return null; } } async needToRevalidate(req, res) { if (res.headers.has("Cache-Control")) { const cacheControl = res.headers.get("Cache-Control"); const cacheDirectives = cacheControl.split(",").map((v) => v.trim()).map((v) => v.split("=")); cacheDirectives.forEach((v) => v[0] = v[0].toLowerCase()); const maxAgeDirective = cacheDirectives.find((v) => v[0] === "max-age"); const cacheAge = maxAgeDirective ? maxAgeDirective[1] : void 0; if (!cacheAge) { return true; } try { const maxAge = 1e3 * parseInt(cacheAge); let ts; try { const metaTable = await this.metadata; ts = (await metaTable.read(req.url)).ts; } catch (e) { const date = res.headers.get("Date"); if (date === null) { return true; } ts = Date.parse(date); } const age = this.adapter.time - ts; return age < 0 || age > maxAge; } catch (e) { return true; } } else if (res.headers.has("Expires")) { const expiresStr = res.headers.get("Expires"); try { return this.adapter.time > Date.parse(expiresStr); } catch (e) { return true; } } else { return true; } } async fetchFromCacheOnly(url) { const cache = await this.cache; const metaTable = await this.metadata; const request = this.adapter.newRequest(url); const response = await cache.match(request, this.config.cacheQueryOptions); if (response === void 0) { return null; } let metadata = void 0; try { metadata = await metaTable.read(request.url); } catch (e) { } return { response, metadata }; } async unhashedResources() { const cache = await this.cache; return (await cache.keys()).map((request) => this.adapter.normalizeUrl(request.url)).filter((url) => !this.hashes.has(url)); } async fetchAndCacheOnce(req, used = true) { if (this.inFlightRequests.has(req.url)) { return this.inFlightRequests.get(req.url); } const fetchOp = this.fetchFromNetwork(req); this.inFlightRequests.set(req.url, fetchOp); try { const res = await fetchOp; if (!res.ok) { throw new Error(`Response not Ok (fetchAndCacheOnce): request for ${req.url} returned response ${res.status} ${res.statusText}`); } try { const cache = await this.cache; await cache.put(req, res.clone()); if (!this.hashes.has(this.adapter.normalizeUrl(req.url))) { const meta = { ts: this.adapter.time, used }; const metaTable = await this.metadata; await metaTable.write(req.url, meta); } return res; } catch (err) { throw new SwCriticalError(`Failed to update the caches for request to '${req.url}' (fetchAndCacheOnce): ${errorToString(err)}`); } } finally { this.inFlightRequests.delete(req.url); } } async fetchFromNetwork(req, redirectLimit = 3) { const res = await this.cacheBustedFetchFromNetwork(req); if (res["redirected"] && !!res.url) { if (redirectLimit === 0) { throw new SwCriticalError(`Response hit redirect limit (fetchFromNetwork): request redirected too many times, next is ${res.url}`); } return this.fetchFromNetwork(this.newRequestWithMetadata(res.url, req), redirectLimit - 1); } return res; } async cacheBustedFetchFromNetwork(req) { const url = this.adapter.normalizeUrl(req.url); if (this.hashes.has(url)) { const canonicalHash = this.hashes.get(url); let response = await this.safeFetch(req); let makeCacheBustedRequest = response.ok; if (makeCacheBustedRequest) { const fetchedHash = sha1Binary(await response.clone().arrayBuffer()); makeCacheBustedRequest = fetchedHash !== canonicalHash; } if (makeCacheBustedRequest) { const cacheBustReq = this.newRequestWithMetadata(this.cacheBust(req.url), req); response = await this.safeFetch(cacheBustReq); if (response.ok) { const cacheBustedHash = sha1Binary(await response.clone().arrayBuffer()); if (canonicalHash !== cacheBustedHash) { throw new SwCriticalError(`Hash mismatch (cacheBustedFetchFromNetwork): ${req.url}: expected ${canonicalHash}, got ${cacheBustedHash} (after cache busting)`); } } } if (!response.ok && response.status === 404) { throw new SwUnrecoverableStateError(`Failed to retrieve hashed resource from the server. (AssetGroup: ${this.config.name} | URL: ${url})`); } return response; } else { return this.safeFetch(req); } } async maybeUpdate(updateFrom, req, cache) { const url = this.adapter.normalizeUrl(req.url); if (this.hashes.has(url)) { const hash = this.hashes.get(url); const res = await updateFrom.lookupResourceWithHash(url, hash); if (res !== null) { await cache.put(req, res); return true; } } return false; } newRequestWithMetadata(url, options) { return this.adapter.newRequest(url, { headers: options.headers }); } cacheBust(url) { return url + (url.indexOf("?") === -1 ? "?" : "&") + "ngsw-cache-bust=" + Math.random(); } async safeFetch(req) { try { return await this.scope.fetch(req); } catch (e) { return this.adapter.newResponse("", { status: 504, statusText: "Gateway Timeout" }); } } }; var PrefetchAssetGroup = class extends AssetGroup { async initializeFully(updateFrom) { const cache = await this.cache; await this.urls.reduce(async (previous, url) => { await previous; const req = this.adapter.newRequest(url); let alreadyCached = false; try { alreadyCached = await cache.match(req, this.config.cacheQueryOptions) !== void 0; } catch (error) { throw new SwCriticalError(`Cache is throwing while looking for a match in a PrefetchAssetGroup: ${error}`); } if (alreadyCached) { return; } if (updateFrom !== void 0 && await this.maybeUpdate(updateFrom, req, cache)) { return; } await this.fetchAndCacheOnce(req, false); }, Promise.resolve()); if (updateFrom !== void 0) { const metaTable = await this.metadata; await (await updateFrom.previouslyCachedResources()).filter((url) => this.urls.indexOf(url) !== -1 || this.patterns.some((pattern) => pattern.test(url))).reduce(async (previous, url) => { await previous; const req = this.adapter.newRequest(url); const alreadyCached = await cache.match(req, this.config.cacheQueryOptions) !== void 0; if (alreadyCached) { return; } const res = await updateFrom.lookupResourceWithoutHash(url); if (res === null || res.metadata === void 0) { return; } await cache.put(req, res.response); await metaTable.write(req.url, __spreadProps(__spreadValues({}, res.metadata), { used: false })); }, Promise.resolve()); } } }; var LazyAssetGroup = class extends AssetGroup { async initializeFully(updateFrom) { if (updateFrom === void 0) { return; } const cache = await this.cache; await this.urls.reduce(async (previous, url) => { await previous; const req = this.adapter.newRequest(url); let alreadyCached = false; try { alreadyCached = await cache.match(req, this.config.cacheQueryOptions) !== void 0; } catch (error) { throw new SwCriticalError(`Cache is throwing while looking for a match in a LazyAssetGroup: ${error}`); } if (alreadyCached) { return; } const updated = await this.maybeUpdate(updateFrom, req, cache); if (this.config.updateMode === "prefetch" && !updated) { const cacheStatus = await updateFrom.recentCacheStatus(url); if (cacheStatus !== UpdateCacheStatus.CACHED) { return; } await this.fetchAndCacheOnce(req, false); } }, Promise.resolve()); } }; // bazel-out/darwin_arm64-fastbuild-ST-2e5f3376adb5/bin/packages/service-worker/worker/src/data.mjs var LruList = class { constructor(state) { if (state === void 0) { state = { head: null, tail: null, map: {}, count: 0 }; } this.state = state; } get size() { return this.state.count; } pop() { if (this.state.tail === null) { return null; } const url = this.state.tail; this.remove(url); return url; } remove(url) { const node = this.state.map[url]; if (node === void 0) { return false; } if (this.state.head === url) { if (node.next === null) { this.state.head = null; this.state.tail = null; this.state.map = {}; this.state.count = 0; return true; } const next = this.state.map[node.next]; next.previous = null; this.state.head = next.url; node.next = null; delete this.state.map[url]; this.state.count--; return true; } const previous = this.state.map[node.previous]; previous.next = node.next; if (node.next !== null) { this.state.map[node.next].previous = node.previous; } else { this.state.tail = node.previous; } node.next = null; node.previous = null; delete this.state.map[url]; this.state.count--; return true; } accessed(url) { if (this.state.head === url) { return; } const node = this.state.map[url] || { url, next: null, previous: null }; if (this.state.map[url] !== void 0) { this.remove(url); } if (this.state.head !== null) { this.state.map[this.state.head].previous = url; } node.next = this.state.head; this.state.head = url; if (this.state.tail === null) { this.state.tail = url; } this.state.map[url] = node; this.state.count++; } }; var DataGroup = class { constructor(scope2, adapter2, config, db, debugHandler, cacheNamePrefix) { this.scope = scope2; this.adapter = adapter2; this.config = config; this.db = db; this.debugHandler = debugHandler; this._lru = null; this.patterns = config.patterns.map((pattern) => new RegExp(pattern)); this.cache = adapter2.caches.open(`${cacheNamePrefix}:${config.name}:cache`); this.lruTable = this.db.open(`${cacheNamePrefix}:${config.name}:lru`, config.cacheQueryOptions); this.ageTable = this.db.open(`${cacheNamePrefix}:${config.name}:age`, config.cacheQueryOptions); } async lru() { if (this._lru === null) { const table = await this.lruTable; try { this._lru = new LruList(await table.read("lru")); } catch (e) { this._lru = new LruList(); } } return this._lru; } async syncLru() { if (this._lru === null) { return; } const table = await this.lruTable; try { return table.write("lru", this._lru.state); } catch (err) { this.debugHandler.log(err, `DataGroup(${this.config.name}@${this.config.version}).syncLru()`); } } async handleFetch(req, event) { if (!this.patterns.some((pattern) => pattern.test(req.url))) { return null; } const lru = await this.lru(); switch (req.method) { case "OPTIONS": return null; case "GET": case "HEAD": switch (this.config.strategy) { case "freshness": return this.handleFetchWithFreshness(req, event, lru); case "performance": return this.handleFetchWithPerformance(req, event, lru); default: throw new Error(`Unknown strategy: ${this.config.strategy}`); } default: const wasCached = lru.remove(req.url); if (wasCached) { await this.clearCacheForUrl(req.url); } await this.syncLru(); return this.safeFetch(req); } } async handleFetchWithPerformance(req, event, lru) { var _a; const okToCacheOpaque = (_a = this.config.cacheOpaqueResponses) != null ? _a : false; let res = null; const fromCache = await this.loadFromCache(req, lru); if (fromCache !== null) { res = fromCache.res; if (this.config.refreshAheadMs !== void 0 && fromCache.age >= this.config.refreshAheadMs) { event.waitUntil(this.safeCacheResponse(req, this.safeFetch(req), lru, okToCacheOpaque)); } } if (res !== null) { return res; } const [timeoutFetch, networkFetch] = this.networkFetchWithTimeout(req); res = await timeoutFetch; if (res === void 0) { res = this.adapter.newResponse(null, { status: 504, statusText: "Gateway Timeout" }); event.waitUntil(this.safeCacheResponse(req, networkFetch, lru, okToCacheOpaque)); } else { await this.safeCacheResponse(req, res, lru, okToCacheOpaque); } return res; } async handleFetchWithFreshness(req, event, lru) { var _a; const okToCacheOpaque = (_a = this.config.cacheOpaqueResponses) != null ? _a : true; const [timeoutFetch, networkFetch] = this.networkFetchWithTimeout(req); let res; try { res = await timeoutFetch; } catch (e) { res = void 0; } if (res === void 0) { event.waitUntil(this.safeCacheResponse(req, networkFetch, lru, okToCacheOpaque)); const fromCache = await this.loadFromCache(req, lru); res = fromCache !== null ? fromCache.res : null; } else { await this.safeCacheResponse(req, res, lru, okToCacheOpaque); } if (res !== null) { return res; } return networkFetch; } networkFetchWithTimeout(req) { if (this.config.timeoutMs !== void 0) { const networkFetch = this.scope.fetch(req); const safeNetworkFetch = (async () => { try { return await networkFetch; } catch (e) { return this.adapter.newResponse(null, { status: 504, statusText: "Gateway Timeout" }); } })(); const networkFetchUndefinedError = (async () => { try { return await networkFetch; } catch (e) { return void 0; } })(); const timeout = this.adapter.timeout(this.config.timeoutMs); return [Promise.race([networkFetchUndefinedError, timeout]), safeNetworkFetch]; } else { const networkFetch = this.safeFetch(req); return [networkFetch, networkFetch]; } } async safeCacheResponse(req, resOrPromise, lru, okToCacheOpaque) { try { const res = await resOrPromise; try { await this.cacheResponse(req, res, lru, okToCacheOpaque); } catch (err) { this.debugHandler.log(err, `DataGroup(${this.config.name}@${this.config.version}).safeCacheResponse(${req.url}, status: ${res.status})`); } } catch (e) { } } async loadFromCache(req, lru) { const cache = await this.cache; let res = await cache.match(req, this.config.cacheQueryOptions); if (res !== void 0) { try { const ageTable = await this.ageTable; const age = this.adapter.time - (await ageTable.read(req.url)).age; if (age <= this.config.maxAge) { lru.accessed(req.url); return { res, age }; } } catch (e) { } lru.remove(req.url); await this.clearCacheForUrl(req.url); await this.syncLru(); } return null; } async cacheResponse(req, res, lru, okToCacheOpaque = false) { if (!(res.ok || okToCacheOpaque && res.type === "opaque")) { return; } if (lru.size >= this.config.maxSize) { const evictedUrl = lru.pop(); if (evictedUrl !== null) { await this.clearCacheForUrl(evictedUrl); } } lru.accessed(req.url); await (await this.cache).put(req, res.clone()); const ageTable = await this.ageTable; await ageTable.write(req.url, { age: this.adapter.time }); await this.syncLru(); } async cleanup() { await Promise.all([ this.cache.then((cache) => this.adapter.caches.delete(cache.name)), this.ageTable.then((table) => this.db.delete(table.name)), this.lruTable.then((table) => this.db.delete(table.name)) ]); } async getCacheNames() { const [cache, ageTable, lruTable] = await Promise.all([ this.cache, this.ageTable, this.lruTable ]); return [cache.name, ageTable.cacheName, lruTable.cacheName]; } async clearCacheForUrl(url) { const [cache, ageTable] = await Promise.all([this.cache, this.ageTable]); await Promise.all([ cache.delete(this.adapter.newRequest(url, { method: "GET" }), this.config.cacheQueryOptions), cache.delete(this.adapter.newRequest(url, { method: "HEAD" }), this.config.cacheQueryOptions), ageTable.delete(url) ]); } async safeFetch(req) { try { return this.scope.fetch(req); } catch (e) { return this.adapter.newResponse(null, { status: 504, statusText: "Gateway Timeout" }); } } }; // bazel-out/darwin_arm64-fastbuild-ST-2e5f3376adb5/bin/packages/service-worker/worker/src/app-version.mjs var BACKWARDS_COMPATIBILITY_NAVIGATION_URLS = [ { positive: true, regex: "^/.*$" }, { positive: false, regex: "^/.*\\.[^/]*$" }, { positive: false, regex: "^/.*__" } ]; var AppVersion = class { get okay() { return this._okay; } constructor(scope2, adapter2, database, idle, debugHandler, manifest, manifestHash) { this.scope = scope2; this.adapter = adapter2; this.database = database; this.debugHandler = debugHandler; this.manifest = manifest; this.manifestHash = manifestHash; this.hashTable = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); this._okay = true; this.indexUrl = this.adapter.normalizeUrl(this.manifest.index); Object.keys(manifest.hashTable).forEach((url) => { this.hashTable.set(adapter2.normalizeUrl(url), manifest.hashTable[url]); }); const assetCacheNamePrefix = `${manifestHash}:assets`; this.assetGroups = (manifest.assetGroups || []).map((config) => { switch (config.installMode) { case "prefetch": return new PrefetchAssetGroup(scope2, adapter2, idle, config, this.hashTable, database, assetCacheNamePrefix); case "lazy": return new LazyAssetGroup(scope2, adapter2, idle, config, this.hashTable, database, assetCacheNamePrefix); } }); this.dataGroups = (manifest.dataGroups || []).map((config) => new DataGroup(scope2, adapter2, config, database, debugHandler, `${config.version}:data`)); manifest.navigationUrls = manifest.navigationUrls || BACKWARDS_COMPATIBILITY_NAVIGATION_URLS; const includeUrls = manifest.navigationUrls.filter((spec) => spec.positive); const excludeUrls = manifest.navigationUrls.filter((spec) => !spec.positive); this.navigationUrls = { include: includeUrls.map((spec) => new RegExp(spec.regex)), exclude: excludeUrls.map((spec) => new RegExp(spec.regex)) }; } async initializeFully(updateFrom) { try { await this.assetGroups.reduce(async (previous, group) => { await previous; return group.initializeFully(updateFrom); }, Promise.resolve()); } catch (err) { this._okay = false; throw err; } } async handleFetch(req, event) { const asset = await this.assetGroups.reduce(async (potentialResponse, group) => { const resp = await potentialResponse; if (resp !== null) { return resp; } return group.handleFetch(req, event); }, Promise.resolve(null)); if (asset !== null) { return asset; } const data = await this.dataGroups.reduce(async (potentialResponse, group) => { const resp = await potentialResponse; if (resp !== null) { return resp; } return group.handleFetch(req, event); }, Promise.resolve(null)); if (data !== null) { return data; } if (this.adapter.normalizeUrl(req.url) !== this.indexUrl && this.isNavigationRequest(req)) { if (this.manifest.navigationRequestStrategy === "freshness") { try { return await this.scope.fetch(req); } catch (e) { } } return this.handleFetch(this.adapter.newRequest(this.indexUrl), event); } return null; } isNavigationRequest(req) { if (req.method !== "GET" || req.mode !== "navigate") { return false; } if (!this.acceptsTextHtml(req)) { return false; } const urlPrefix = this.scope.registration.scope.replace(/\/$/, ""); const url = req.url.startsWith(urlPrefix) ? req.url.slice(urlPrefix.length) : req.url; const urlWithoutQueryOrHash = url.replace(/[?#].*$/, ""); return this.navigationUrls.include.some((regex) => regex.test(urlWithoutQueryOrHash)) && !this.navigationUrls.exclude.some((regex) => regex.test(urlWithoutQueryOrHash)); } async lookupResourceWithHash(url, hash) { if (!this.hashTable.has(url)) { return null; } if (this.hashTable.get(url) !== hash) { return null; } const cacheState = await this.lookupResourceWithoutHash(url); return cacheState && cacheState.response; } lookupResourceWithoutHash(url) { return this.assetGroups.reduce(async (potentialResponse, group) => { const resp = await potentialResponse; if (resp !== null) { return resp; } return group.fetchFromCacheOnly(url); }, Promise.resolve(null)); } previouslyCachedResources() { return this.assetGroups.reduce(async (resources, group) => (await resources).concat(await group.unhashedResources()), Promise.resolve([])); } async recentCacheStatus(url) { return this.assetGroups.reduce(async (current, group) => { const status = await current; if (status === UpdateCacheStatus.CACHED) { return status; } const groupStatus = await group.cacheStatus(url); if (groupStatus === UpdateCacheStatus.NOT_CACHED) { return status; } return groupStatus; }, Promise.resolve(UpdateCacheStatus.NOT_CACHED)); } async getCacheNames() { const allGroupCacheNames = await Promise.all([ ...this.assetGroups.map((group) => group.getCacheNames()), ...this.dataGroups.map((group) => group.getCacheNames()) ]); return [].concat(...allGroupCacheNames); } get appData() { return this.manifest.appData || null; } acceptsTextHtml(req) { const accept = req.headers.get("Accept"); if (accept === null) { return false; } const values = accept.split(","); return values.some((value) => value.trim().toLowerCase() === "text/html"); } }; // bazel-out/darwin_arm64-fastbuild-ST-2e5f3376adb5/bin/packages/service-worker/worker/src/debug.mjs var SW_VERSION = "17.3.12"; var DEBUG_LOG_BUFFER_SIZE = 100; var DebugHandler = class { constructor(driver, adapter2) { this.driver = driver; this.adapter = adapter2; this.debugLogA = []; this.debugLogB = []; } async handleFetch(req) { const [state, versions, idle] = await Promise.all([ this.driver.debugState(), this.driver.debugVersions(), this.driver.debugIdleState() ]); const msgState = `NGSW Debug Info: Driver version: ${SW_VERSION} Driver state: ${state.state} (${state.why}) Latest manifest hash: ${state.latestHash || "none"} Last update check: ${this.since(state.lastUpdateCheck)}`; const msgVersions = versions.map((version) => `=== Version ${version.hash} === Clients: ${version.clients.join(", ")}`).join("\n\n"); const msgIdle = `=== Idle Task Queue === Last update tick: ${this.since(idle.lastTrigger)} Last update run: ${this.since(idle.lastRun)} Task queue: ${idle.queue.map((v) => " * " + v).join("\n")} Debug log: ${this.formatDebugLog(this.debugLogB)} ${this.formatDebugLog(this.debugLogA)} `; return this.adapter.newResponse(`${msgState} ${msgVersions} ${msgIdle}`, { headers: this.adapter.newHeaders({ "Content-Type": "text/plain" }) }); } since(time) { if (time === null) { return "never"; } let age = this.adapter.time - time; const days = Math.floor(age / 864e5); age = age % 864e5; const hours = Math.floor(age / 36e5); age = age % 36e5; const minutes = Math.floor(age / 6e4); age = age % 6e4; const seconds = Math.floor(age / 1e3); const millis = age % 1e3; return (days > 0 ? `${days}d` : "") + (hours > 0 ? `${hours}h` : "") + (minutes > 0 ? `${minutes}m` : "") + (seconds > 0 ? `${seconds}s` : "") + (millis > 0 ? `${millis}u` : ""); } log(value, context = "") { if (this.debugLogA.length === DEBUG_LOG_BUFFER_SIZE) { this.debugLogB = this.debugLogA; this.debugLogA = []; } if (typeof value !== "string") { value = this.errorToString(value); } this.debugLogA.push({ value, time: this.adapter.time, context }); } errorToString(err) { return `${err.name}(${err.message}, ${err.stack})`; } formatDebugLog(log) { return log.map((entry) => `[${this.since(entry.time)}] ${entry.value} ${entry.context}`).join("\n"); } }; // bazel-out/darwin_arm64-fastbuild-ST-2e5f3376adb5/bin/packages/service-worker/worker/src/idle.mjs var IdleScheduler = class { constructor(adapter2, delay, maxDelay, debug) { this.adapter = adapter2; this.delay = delay; this.maxDelay = maxDelay; this.debug = debug; this.queue = []; this.scheduled = null; this.empty = Promise.resolve(); this.emptyResolve = null; this.lastTrigger = null; this.lastRun = null; this.oldestScheduledAt = null; } async trigger() { var _a; this.lastTrigger = this.adapter.time; if (this.queue.length === 0) { return; } if (this.scheduled !== null) { this.scheduled.cancel = true; } const scheduled = { cancel: false }; this.scheduled = scheduled; const now = this.adapter.time; const maxDelay = Math.max(0, ((_a = this.oldestScheduledAt) != null ? _a : now) + this.maxDelay - now); const delay = Math.min(maxDelay, this.delay); await this.adapter.timeout(delay); if (scheduled.cancel) { return; } this.scheduled = null; await this.execute(); } async execute() { this.lastRun = this.adapter.time; while (this.queue.length > 0) { const queue = this.queue; this.queue = []; await queue.reduce(async (previous, task) => { await previous; try { await task.run(); } catch (err) { this.debug.log(err, `while running idle task ${task.desc}`); } }, Promise.resolve()); } if (this.emptyResolve !== null) { this.emptyResolve(); this.emptyResolve = null; } this.empty = Promise.resolve(); this.oldestScheduledAt = null; } schedule(desc, run) { this.queue.push({ desc, run }); if (this.emptyResolve === null) { this.empty = new Promise((resolve) => { this.emptyResolve = resolve; }); } if (this.oldestScheduledAt === null) { this.oldestScheduledAt = this.adapter.time; } } get size() { return this.queue.length; } get taskDescriptions() { return this.queue.map((task) => task.desc); } }; // bazel-out/darwin_arm64-fastbuild-ST-2e5f3376adb5/bin/packages/service-worker/worker/src/manifest.mjs function hashManifest(manifest) { return sha1(JSON.stringify(manifest)); } // bazel-out/darwin_arm64-fastbuild-ST-2e5f3376adb5/bin/packages/service-worker/worker/src/msg.mjs function isMsgCheckForUpdates(msg) { return msg.action === "CHECK_FOR_UPDATES"; } function isMsgActivateUpdate(msg) { return msg.action === "ACTIVATE_UPDATE"; } // bazel-out/darwin_arm64-fastbuild-ST-2e5f3376adb5/bin/packages/service-worker/worker/src/driver.mjs var IDLE_DELAY = 5e3; var MAX_IDLE_DELAY = 3e4; var SUPPORTED_CONFIG_VERSION = 1; var NOTIFICATION_OPTION_NAMES = [ "actions", "badge", "body", "data", "dir", "icon", "image", "lang", "renotify", "requireInteraction", "silent", "tag", "timestamp", "title", "vibrate" ]; var DriverReadyState; (function(DriverReadyState2) { DriverReadyState2[DriverReadyState2["NORMAL"] = 0] = "NORMAL"; DriverReadyState2[DriverReadyState2["EXISTING_CLIENTS_ONLY"] = 1] = "EXISTING_CLIENTS_ONLY"; DriverReadyState2[DriverReadyState2["SAFE_MODE"] = 2] = "SAFE_MODE"; })(DriverReadyState || (DriverReadyState = {})); var Driver = class { constructor(scope2, adapter2, db) { this.scope = scope2; this.adapter = adapter2; this.db = db; this.state = DriverReadyState.NORMAL; this.stateMessage = "(nominal)"; this.initialized = null; this.clientVersionMap = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); this.versions = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); this.latestHash = null; this.lastUpdateCheck = null; this.scheduledNavUpdateCheck = false; this.loggedInvalidOnlyIfCachedRequest = false; this.controlTable = this.db.open("control"); this.ngswStatePath = this.adapter.parseUrl("ngsw/state", this.scope.registration.scope).path; this.scope.addEventListener("install", (event) => { event.waitUntil(this.scope.skipWaiting()); }); this.scope.addEventListener("activate", (event) => { event.waitUntil((async () => { await this.scope.clients.claim(); this.idle.schedule("activate: cleanup-old-sw-caches", async () => { try { await this.cleanupOldSwCaches(); } catch (err) { this.debugger.log(err, "cleanupOldSwCaches @ activate: cleanup-old-sw-caches"); } }); })()); if (this.scope.registration.active !== null) { this.scope.registration.active.postMessage({ action: "INITIALIZE" }); } }); this.scope.addEventListener("fetch", (event) => this.onFetch(event)); this.scope.addEventListener("message", (event) => this.onMessage(event)); this.scope.addEventListener("push", (event) => this.onPush(event)); this.scope.addEventListener("notificationclick", (event) => this.onClick(event)); this.debugger = new DebugHandler(this, this.adapter); this.idle = new IdleScheduler(this.adapter, IDLE_DELAY, MAX_IDLE_DELAY, this.debugger); } onFetch(event) { const req = event.request; const scopeUrl = this.scope.registration.scope; const requestUrlObj = this.adapter.parseUrl(req.url, scopeUrl); if (req.headers.has("ngsw-bypass") || /[?&]ngsw-bypass(?:[=&]|$)/i.test(requestUrlObj.search)) { return; } if (requestUrlObj.path === this.ngswStatePath) { event.respondWith(this.debugger.handleFetch(req)); return; } if (this.state === DriverReadyState.SAFE_MODE) { event.waitUntil(this.idle.trigger()); return; } if (requestUrlObj.origin.startsWith("http:") && scopeUrl.startsWith("https:")) { this.debugger.log(`Ignoring passive mixed content request: Driver.fetch(${req.url})`); return; } if (req.cache === "only-if-cached" && req.mode !== "same-origin") { if (!this.loggedInvalidOnlyIfCachedRequest) { this.loggedInvalidOnlyIfCachedRequest = true; this.debugger.log(`Ignoring invalid request: 'only-if-cached' can be set only with 'same-origin' mode`, `Driver.fetch(${req.url}, cache: ${req.cache}, mode: ${req.mode})`); } return; } event.respondWith(this.handleFetch(event)); } onMessage(event) { if (this.state === DriverReadyState.SAFE_MODE) { return; } const data = event.data; if (!data || !data.action) { return; } event.waitUntil((async () => { if (data.action === "INITIALIZE") { return this.ensureInitialized(event); } if (!this.adapter.isClient(event.source)) { return; } await this.ensureInitialized(event); await this.handleMessage(data, event.source); })()); } onPush(msg) { if (!msg.data) { return; } msg.waitUntil(this.handlePush(msg.data.json())); } onClick(event) { event.waitUntil(this.handleClick(event.notification, event.action)); } async ensureInitialized(event) { if (this.initialized !== null) { return this.initialized; } try { this.initialized = this.initialize(); await this.initialized; } catch (error) { this.state = DriverReadyState.SAFE_MODE; this.stateMessage = `Initialization failed due to error: ${errorToString(error)}`; throw error; } finally { event.waitUntil(this.idle.trigger()); } } async handleMessage(msg, from) { if (isMsgCheckForUpdates(msg)) { const action = this.checkForUpdate(); await this.completeOperation(from, action, msg.nonce); } else if (isMsgActivateUpdate(msg)) { const action = this.updateClient(from); await this.completeOperation(from, action, msg.nonce); } } async handlePush(data) { await this.broadcast({ type: "PUSH", data }); if (!data.notification || !data.notification.title) { return; } const desc = data.notification; let options = {}; NOTIFICATION_OPTION_NAMES.filter((name) => desc.hasOwnProperty(name)).forEach((name) => options[name] = desc[name]); await this.scope.registration.showNotification(desc["title"], options); } async handleClick(notification, action) { var _a, _b, _c; notification.close(); const options = {}; NOTIFICATION_OPTION_NAMES.filter((name) => name in notification).forEach((name) => options[name] = notification[name]); const notificationAction = action === "" || action === void 0 ? "default" : action; const onActionClick = (_b = (_a = notification == null ? void 0 : notification.data) == null ? void 0 : _a.onActionClick) == null ? void 0 : _b[notificationAction]; const urlToOpen = new URL((_c = onActionClick == null ? void 0 : onActionClick.url) != null ? _c : "", this.scope.registration.scope).href; switch (onActionClick == null ? void 0 : onActionClick.operation) { case "openWindow": await this.scope.clients.openWindow(urlToOpen); break; case "focusLastFocusedOrOpen": { let matchingClient = await this.getLastFocusedMatchingClient(this.scope); if (matchingClient) { await (matchingClient == null ? void 0 : matchingClient.focus()); } else { await this.scope.clients.openWindow(urlToOpen); } break; } case "navigateLastFocusedOrOpen": { let matchingClient = await this.getLastFocusedMatchingClient(this.scope); if (matchingClient) { matchingClient = await matchingClient.navigate(urlToOpen); await (matchingClient == null ? void 0 : matchingClient.focus()); } else { await this.scope.clients.openWindow(urlToOpen); } break; } case "sendRequest": { await this.scope.fetch(urlToOpen); break; } default: break; } await this.broadcast({ type: "NOTIFICATION_CLICK", data: { action, notification: options } }); } async getLastFocusedMatchingClient(scope2) { const windowClients = await scope2.clients.matchAll({ type: "window" }); return windowClients[0]; } async completeOperation(client, promise, nonce) { const response = { type: "OPERATION_COMPLETED", nonce }; try { client.postMessage(__spreadProps(__spreadValues({}, response), { result: await promise })); } catch (e) { client.postMessage(__spreadProps(__spreadValues({}, response), { error: e.toString() })); } } async updateClient(client) { const existing = this.clientVersionMap.get(client.id); if (existing === this.latestHash) { return false; } let previous = void 0; if (existing !== void 0) { const existingVersion = this.versions.get(existing); previous = this.mergeHashWithAppData(existingVersion.manifest, existing); } this.clientVersionMap.set(client.id, this.latestHash); await this.sync(); const current = this.versions.get(this.latestHash); return true; } async handleFetch(event) { try { await this.ensureInitialized(event); } catch (e) { return this.safeFetch(event.request); } if (event.request.mode === "navigate" && !this.scheduledNavUpdateCheck) { this.scheduledNavUpdateCheck = true; this.idle.schedule("check-updates-on-navigation", async () => { this.scheduledNavUpdateCheck = false; await this.checkForUpdate(); }); } const appVersion = await this.assignVersion(event); let res = null; try { if (appVersion !== null) { try { res = await appVersion.handleFetch(event.request, event); } catch (err) { if (err.isUnrecoverableState) { await this.notifyClientsAboutUnrecoverableState(appVersion, err.message); } if (err.isCritical) { this.debugger.log(err, `Driver.handleFetch(version: ${appVersion.manifestHash})`); await this.versionFailed(appVersion, err); return this.safeFetch(event.request); } throw err; } } if (res === null) { return this.safeFetch(event.request); } return res; } finally { event.waitUntil(this.idle.trigger()); } } async initialize() { const table = await this.controlTable; let manifests, assignments, latest; try { [manifests, assignments, latest] = await Promise.all([ table.read("manifests"), table.read("assignments"), table.read("latest") ]); if (!this.versions.has(latest.latest) && !manifests.hasOwnProperty(latest.latest)) { this.debugger.log(`Missing manifest for latest version hash ${latest.latest}`, "initialize: read from DB"); throw new Error(`Missing manifest for latest hash ${latest.latest}`); } this.idle.schedule("init post-load (update)", async () => { await this.checkForUpdate(); }); } catch (_) { const manifest = await this.fetchLatestManifest(); const hash = hashManifest(manifest); manifests = { [hash]: manifest }; assignments = {}; latest = { latest: hash }; await Promise.all([ table.write("manifests", manifests), table.write("assignments", assignments), table.write("latest", latest) ]); } this.idle.schedule("init post-load (cleanup)", async () => { await this.cleanupCaches(); }); Object.keys(manifests).forEach((hash) => { const manifest = manifests[hash]; if (!this.versions.has(hash)) { this.versions.set(hash, new AppVersion(this.scope, this.adapter, this.db, this.idle, this.debugger, manifest, hash)); } }); Object.keys(assignments).forEach((clientId) => { const hash = assignments[clientId]; if (this.versions.has(hash)) { this.clientVersionMap.set(clientId, hash); } else { this.clientVersionMap.set(clientId, latest.latest); this.debugger.log(`Unknown version ${hash} mapped for client ${clientId}, using latest instead`, `initialize: map assignments`); } }); this.latestHash = latest.latest; if (!this.versions.has(latest.latest)) { throw new Error(`Invariant violated (initialize): latest hash ${latest.latest} has no known manifest`); } await Promise.all(Object.keys(manifests).map(async (hash) => { try { await this.scheduleInitialization(this.versions.get(hash)); } catch (err) { this.debugger.log(err, `initialize: schedule init of ${hash}`); } })); } lookupVersionByHash(hash, debugName = "lookupVersionByHash") { if (!this.versions.has(hash)) { throw new Error(`Invariant violated (${debugName}): want AppVersion for ${hash} but not loaded`); } return this.versions.get(hash); } async assignVersion(event) { const clientId = event.resultingClientId || event.clientId; if (clientId) { if (this.clientVersionMap.has(clientId)) { const hash = this.clientVersionMap.get(clientId); let appVersion = this.lookupVersionByHash(hash, "assignVersion"); if (this.state === DriverReadyState.NORMAL && hash !== this.latestHash && appVersion.isNavigationRequest(event.request)) { if (this.latestHash === null) { throw new Error(`Invariant violated (assignVersion): latestHash was null`); } const client = await this.scope.clients.get(clientId); if (client) { await this.updateClient(client); } appVersion = this.lookupVersionByHash(this.latestHash, "assignVersion"); } return appVersion; } else { if (this.state !== DriverReadyState.NORMAL) { return null; } if (this.latestHash === null) { throw new Error(`Invariant violated (assignVersion): latestHash was null`); } this.clientVersionMap.set(clientId, this.latestHash); await this.sync(); return this.lookupVersionByHash(this.latestHash, "assignVersion"); } } else { if (this.state !== DriverReadyState.NORMAL) { return null; } if (this.latestHash === null) { throw new Error(`Invariant violated (assignVersion): latestHash was null`); } return this.lookupVersionByHash(this.latestHash, "assignVersion"); } } async fetchLatestManifest(ignoreOfflineError = false) { const res = await this.safeFetch(this.adapter.newRequest("ngsw.json?ngsw-cache-bust=" + Math.random())); if (!res.ok) { if (res.status === 404) { await this.deleteAllCaches(); await this.scope.registration.unregister(); } else if ((res.status === 503 || res.status === 504) && ignoreOfflineError) { return null; } throw new Error(`Manifest fetch failed! (status: ${res.status})`); } this.lastUpdateCheck = this.adapter.time; return res.json(); } async deleteAllCaches() { const cacheNames = await this.adapter.caches.keys(); await Promise.all(cacheNames.map((name) => this.adapter.caches.delete(name))); } async scheduleInitialization(appVersion) { const initialize = async () => { try { await appVersion.initializeFully(); } catch (err) { this.debugger.log(err, `initializeFully for ${appVersion.manifestHash}`); await this.versionFailed(appVersion, err); } }; if (this.scope.registration.scope.indexOf("://localhost") > -1) { return initialize(); } this.idle.schedule(`initialization(${appVersion.manifestHash})`, initialize); } async versionFailed(appVersion, err) { const broken = Array.from(this.versions.entries()).find(([hash, version]) => version === appVersion); if (broken === void 0) { return; } const brokenHash = broken[0]; if (this.latestHash === brokenHash) { this.state = DriverReadyState.EXISTING_CLIENTS_ONLY; this.stateMessage = `Degraded due to: ${errorToString(err)}`; } } async setupUpdate(manifest, hash) { try { const newVersion = new AppVersion(this.scope, this.adapter, this.db, this.idle, this.debugger, manifest, hash); if (manifest.configVersion !== SUPPORTED_CONFIG_VERSION) { await this.deleteAllCaches(); await this.scope.registration.unregister(); throw new Error(`Invalid config version: expected ${SUPPORTED_CONFIG_VERSION}, got ${manifest.configVersion}.`); } await newVersion.initializeFully(this); this.versions.set(hash, newVersion); this.latestHash = hash; if (this.state === DriverReadyState.EXISTING_CLIENTS_ONLY) { this.state = DriverReadyState.NORMAL; this.stateMessage = "(nominal)"; } await this.sync(); await this.notifyClientsAboutVersionReady(manifest, hash); } catch (e) { await this.notifyClientsAboutVersionInstallationFailed(manifest, hash, e); throw e; } } async checkForUpdate() { let hash = "(unknown)"; try { const manifest = await this.fetchLatestManifest(true); if (manifest === null) { this.debugger.log("Check for update aborted. (Client or server offline.)"); return false; } hash = hashManifest(manifest); if (this.versions.has(hash)) { await this.notifyClientsAboutNoNewVersionDetected(manifest, hash); return false; } await this.notifyClientsAboutVersionDetected(manifest, hash); await this.setupUpdate(manifest, hash); return true; } catch (err) { this.debugger.log(err, `Error occurred while updating to manifest ${hash}`); this.state = DriverReadyState.EXISTING_CLIENTS_ONLY; this.stateMessage = `Degraded due to failed initialization: ${errorToString(err)}`; return false; } } async sync() { const table = await this.controlTable; const manifests = {}; this.versions.forEach((version, hash) => { manifests[hash] = version.manifest; }); const assignments = {}; this.clientVersionMap.forEach((hash, clientId) => { assignments[clientId] = hash; }); const latest = { latest: this.latestHash }; await Promise.all([ table.write("manifests", manifests), table.write("assignments", assignments), table.write("latest", latest) ]); } async cleanupCaches() { try { const activeClients = new Set((await this.scope.clients.matchAll()).map((client) => client.id)); const knownClients = Array.from(this.clientVersionMap.keys()); const obsoleteClients = knownClients.filter((id) => !activeClients.has(id)); obsoleteClients.forEach((id) => this.clientVersionMap.delete(id)); const usedVersions = new Set(this.clientVersionMap.values()); const obsoleteVersions = Array.from(this.versions.keys()).filter((version) => !usedVersions.has(version) && version !== this.latestHash); obsoleteVersions.forEach((version) => this.versions.delete(version)); await this.sync(); const allCaches = await this.adapter.caches.keys(); const usedCaches = new Set(await this.getCacheNames()); const cachesToDelete = allCaches.filter((name) => !usedCaches.has(name)); await Promise.all(cachesToDelete.map((name) => this.adapter.caches.delete(name))); } catch (err) { this.debugger.log(err, "cleanupCaches"); } } async cleanupOldSwCaches() { const caches = this.adapter.caches.original; const cacheNames = await caches.keys(); const oldSwCacheNames = cacheNames.filter((name) => /^ngsw:(?!\/)/.test(name)); await Promise.all(oldSwCacheNames.map((name) => caches.delete(name))); } lookupResourceWithHash(url, hash) { return Array.from(this.versions.values()).reduce(async (prev, version) => { if (await prev !== null) { return prev; } return version.lookupResourceWithHash(url, hash); }, Promise.resolve(null)); } async lookupResourceWithoutHash(url) { await this.initialized; const version = this.versions.get(this.latestHash); return version ? version.lookupResourceWithoutHash(url) : null; } async previouslyCachedResources() { await this.initialized; const version = this.versions.get(this.latestHash); return version ? version.previouslyCachedResources() : []; } async recentCacheStatus(url) { const version = this.versions.get(this.latestHash); return version ? version.recentCacheStatus(url) : UpdateCacheStatus.NOT_CACHED; } mergeHashWithAppData(manifest, hash) { return { hash, appData: manifest.appData }; } async notifyClientsAboutUnrecoverableState(appVersion, reason) { const broken = Array.from(this.versions.entries()).find(([hash, version]) => version === appVersion); if (broken === void 0) { return; } const brokenHash = broken[0]; const affectedClients = Array.from(this.clientVersionMap.entries()).filter(([clientId, hash]) => hash === brokenHash).map(([clientId]) => clientId); await Promise.all(affectedClients.map(async (clientId) => { const client = await this.scope.clients.get(clientId); if (client) { client.postMessage({ type: "UNRECOVERABLE_STATE", reason }); } })); } async notifyClientsAboutVersionInstallationFailed(manifest, hash, error) { await this.initialized; const clients = await this.scope.clients.matchAll(); await Promise.all(clients.map(async (client) => { client.postMessage({ type: "VERSION_INSTALLATION_FAILED", version: this.mergeHashWithAppData(manifest, hash), error: errorToString(error) }); })); } async notifyClientsAboutNoNewVersionDetected(manifest, hash) { await this.initialized; const clients = await this.scope.clients.matchAll(); await Promise.all(clients.map(async (client) => { client.postMessage({ type: "NO_NEW_VERSION_DETECTED", version: this.mergeHashWithAppData(manifest, hash) }); })); } async notifyClientsAboutVersionDetected(manifest, hash) { await this.initialized; const clients = await this.scope.clients.matchAll(); await Promise.all(clients.map(async (client) => { const version = this.clientVersionMap.get(client.id); if (version === void 0) { return; } client.postMessage({ type: "VERSION_DETECTED", version: this.mergeHashWithAppData(manifest, hash) }); })); } async notifyClientsAboutVersionReady(manifest, hash) { await this.initialized; const clients = await this.scope.clients.matchAll(); await Promise.all(clients.map(async (client) => { const version = this.clientVersionMap.get(client.id); if (version === void 0) { return; } if (version === this.latestHash) { return; } const current = this.versions.get(version); const notice = { type: "VERSION_READY", currentVersion: this.mergeHashWithAppData(current.manifest, version), latestVersion: this.mergeHashWithAppData(manifest, hash) }; client.postMessage(notice); })); } async broadcast(msg) { const clients = await this.scope.clients.matchAll(); clients.forEach((client) => { client.postMessage(msg); }); } async debugState() { return { state: DriverReadyState[this.state], why: this.stateMessage, latestHash: this.latestHash, lastUpdateCheck: this.lastUpdateCheck }; } async debugVersions() { return Array.from(this.versions.keys()).map((hash) => { const version = this.versions.get(hash); const clients = Array.from(this.clientVersionMap.entries()).filter(([clientId, version2]) => version2 === hash).map(([clientId, version2]) => clientId); return { hash, manifest: version.manifest, clients, status: "" }; }); } async debugIdleState() { return { queue: this.idle.taskDescriptions, lastTrigger: this.idle.lastTrigger, lastRun: this.idle.lastRun }; } async safeFetch(req) { try { return await this.scope.fetch(req); } catch (err) { this.debugger.log(err, `Driver.fetch(${req.url})`); return this.adapter.newResponse(null, { status: 504, statusText: "Gateway Timeout" }); } } async getCacheNames() { const controlTable = await this.controlTable; const appVersions = Array.from(this.versions.values()); const appVersionCacheNames = await Promise.all(appVersions.map((version) => version.getCacheNames())); return [controlTable.cacheName].concat(...appVersionCacheNames); } }; // bazel-out/darwin_arm64-fastbuild-ST-2e5f3376adb5/bin/packages/service-worker/worker/main.mjs var scope = self; var adapter = new Adapter(scope.registration.scope, self.caches); new Driver(scope, adapter, new CacheDatabase(adapter)); })(); /** * @license * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved. * * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license */