function __variableDynamicImportRuntime0__(path) { switch (path) { case './locale/en.js': return Promise.resolve().then(function () { return en$1; }); case './locale/fr.js': return Promise.resolve().then(function () { return fr$1; }); case './locale/sv.js': return Promise.resolve().then(function () { return sv$1; }); case './locale/tr.js': return Promise.resolve().then(function () { return tr$1; }); case './locale/uk.js': return Promise.resolve().then(function () { return uk$1; }); case './locale/zh-CN.js': return Promise.resolve().then(function () { return zhCN$1; }); default: return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { (typeof queueMicrotask === 'function' ? queueMicrotask : setTimeout)(reject.bind(null, new Error("Unknown variable dynamic import: " + path))); }); } } /** * @file ext-polystar.js * * * @copyright 2010 CloudCanvas, Inc. All rights reserved * @copyright 2021 Optimistik SAS, Inc. All rights reserved * @license MIT * */ const name = 'polystar'; const loadExtensionTranslation = async function (svgEditor) { let translationModule; const lang = svgEditor.configObj.pref('lang'); try { translationModule = await __variableDynamicImportRuntime0__(`./locale/${lang}.js`); } catch (_error) { console.warn(`Missing translation (${lang}) for ${name} - using 'en'`); translationModule = await Promise.resolve().then(function () { return en$1; }); } svgEditor.i18next.addResourceBundle(lang, name, translationModule.default); }; var extPolystar = { name, async init() { const svgEditor = this; const { svgCanvas } = svgEditor; const { ChangeElementCommand } = svgCanvas.history; const addToHistory = cmd => { svgCanvas.undoMgr.addCommandToHistory(cmd); }; const { $id, $click } = svgCanvas; let selElems; let started; let newFO; await loadExtensionTranslation(svgEditor); /** * @param {boolean} on true=display * @param {string} tool "star" or "polygone" * @returns {void} */ const showPanel = (on, tool) => { if (on) { $id(`${tool}_panel`).style.removeProperty('display'); } else { $id(`${tool}_panel`).style.display = 'none'; } }; /** * * @param {string} attr attribute to change * @param {string|Float} val new value * @returns {void} */ const setAttr = (attr, val) => { svgCanvas.changeSelectedAttribute(attr, val);'changed', selElems); }; /** * @param {Float} n angle * @return {Float} cotangeante */ const cot = n => 1 / Math.tan(n); /** * @param {Float} n angle * @returns {Float} sec */ const sec = n => 1 / Math.cos(n); return { name: svgEditor.i18next.t(`${name}:name`), // The callback should be used to load the DOM with the appropriate UI items callback() { // Add the button and its handler(s) // Note: the star extension needs to be loaded before the polygon extension const fbtitle = `${name}:title`; const titleStar = `${name}:buttons.0.title`; const titlePolygon = `${name}:buttons.1.title`; const buttonTemplate = ` `; svgCanvas.insertChildAtIndex($id('tools_left'), buttonTemplate, 10); // handler $click($id('tool_star'), () => { if (this.leftPanel.updateLeftPanel('tool_star')) { svgCanvas.setMode('star'); showPanel(true, 'star'); showPanel(false, 'polygon'); } }); $click($id('tool_polygon'), () => { if (this.leftPanel.updateLeftPanel('tool_polygon')) { svgCanvas.setMode('polygon'); showPanel(true, 'polygon'); showPanel(false, 'star'); } }); const label0 = `${name}:contextTools.0.label`; const title0 = `${name}:contextTools.0.title`; const label1 = `${name}:contextTools.1.label`; const title1 = `${name}:contextTools.1.title`; const label2 = `${name}:contextTools.2.label`; const title2 = `${name}:contextTools.2.title`; const label3 = `${name}:contextTools.3.label`; const title3 = `${name}:contextTools.3.title`; // Add the context panel and its handler(s) const panelTemplate = document.createElement('template'); panelTemplate.innerHTML = `
`; // add handlers for the panel $id('tools_top').appendChild(panelTemplate.content.cloneNode(true)); // don't display the panels on start showPanel(false, 'star'); showPanel(false, 'polygon'); $id('starNumPoints').addEventListener('change', event => { setAttr('point',; const point =; let i = selElems.length; while (i--) { const elem = selElems[i]; if (elem.hasAttribute('r')) { const oldPoint = elem.getAttribute('point'); const oldPoints = elem.getAttribute('points'); const radialshift = elem.getAttribute('radialshift'); let xpos = 0; let ypos = 0; if (elem.points) { const list = elem.points; const len = list.numberOfItems; for (let i = 0; i < len; ++i) { const pt = list.getItem(i); xpos += parseFloat(pt.x); ypos += parseFloat(pt.y); } const cx = xpos / len; const cy = ypos / len; const circumradius = Number(elem.getAttribute('r')); const inradius = circumradius / elem.getAttribute('starRadiusMultiplier'); let polyPoints = ''; for (let s = 0; point >= s; s++) { let angle = 2.0 * Math.PI * (s / point); { angle -= Math.PI / 2; } let x = circumradius * Math.cos(angle) + cx; let y = circumradius * Math.sin(angle) + cy; polyPoints += x + ',' + y + ' '; if (!isNaN(inradius)) { angle = 2.0 * Math.PI * (s / point) + Math.PI / point; { angle -= Math.PI / 2; } angle += radialshift; x = inradius * Math.cos(angle) + cx; y = inradius * Math.sin(angle) + cy; polyPoints += x + ',' + y + ' '; } } elem.setAttribute('points', polyPoints); addToHistory(new ChangeElementCommand(elem, { point: oldPoint, points: oldPoints })); } } } }); $id('RadiusMultiplier').addEventListener('change', event => { setAttr('starRadiusMultiplier',; }); $id('radialShift').addEventListener('change', event => { setAttr('radialshift',; }); $id('polySides').addEventListener('change', event => { setAttr('sides',; const sides =; let i = selElems.length; while (i--) { const elem = selElems[i]; if (elem.hasAttribute('edge')) { const oldSides = elem.getAttribute('sides'); const oldPoints = elem.getAttribute('points'); let xpos = 0; let ypos = 0; if (elem.points) { const list = elem.points; const len = list.numberOfItems; for (let i = 0; i < len; ++i) { const pt = list.getItem(i); xpos += parseFloat(pt.x); ypos += parseFloat(pt.y); } const cx = xpos / len; const cy = ypos / len; const edg = elem.getAttribute('edge'); const inradius = edg / 2 * cot(Math.PI / sides); const circumradius = inradius * sec(Math.PI / sides); let points = ''; for (let s = 0; sides >= s; s++) { const angle = 2.0 * Math.PI * s / sides; const x = circumradius * Math.cos(angle) + cx; const y = circumradius * Math.sin(angle) + cy; points += x + ',' + y + ' '; } elem.setAttribute('points', points); addToHistory(new ChangeElementCommand(elem, { sides: oldSides, points: oldPoints })); } } } }); }, mouseDown(opts) { if (svgCanvas.getMode() === 'star') { const fill = svgCanvas.getColor('fill'); const stroke = svgCanvas.getColor('stroke'); const strokeWidth = svgCanvas.getStrokeWidth(); started = true; newFO = svgCanvas.addSVGElementsFromJson({ element: 'polygon', attr: { cx: opts.start_x, cy: opts.start_y, id: svgCanvas.getNextId(), shape: 'star', point: $id('starNumPoints').value, r: 0, radialshift: $id('radialShift').value, r2: 0, orient: 'point', fill, stroke, 'stroke-width': strokeWidth } }); return { started: true }; } if (svgCanvas.getMode() === 'polygon') { const fill = svgCanvas.getColor('fill'); const stroke = svgCanvas.getColor('stroke'); const strokeWidth = svgCanvas.getStrokeWidth(); started = true; newFO = svgCanvas.addSVGElementsFromJson({ element: 'polygon', attr: { cx: opts.start_x, cy: opts.start_y, id: svgCanvas.getNextId(), shape: 'regularPoly', sides: $id('polySides').value, orient: 'x', edge: 0, fill, stroke, 'stroke-width': strokeWidth } }); return { started: true }; } return undefined; }, mouseMove(opts) { if (!started) { return undefined; } if (svgCanvas.getMode() === 'star') { const cx = Number(newFO.getAttribute('cx')); const cy = Number(newFO.getAttribute('cy')); const point = Number(newFO.getAttribute('point')); const orient = newFO.getAttribute('orient'); const fill = newFO.getAttribute('fill'); const stroke = newFO.getAttribute('stroke'); const strokeWidth = Number(newFO.getAttribute('stroke-width')); const radialshift = Number(newFO.getAttribute('radialshift')); let x = opts.mouse_x; let y = opts.mouse_y; const circumradius = Math.sqrt((x - cx) * (x - cx) + (y - cy) * (y - cy)) / 1.5; const RadiusMultiplier = document.getElementById('RadiusMultiplier').value; const inradius = circumradius / RadiusMultiplier; newFO.setAttribute('r', circumradius); newFO.setAttribute('r2', inradius); newFO.setAttribute('starRadiusMultiplier', RadiusMultiplier); let polyPoints = ''; for (let s = 0; point >= s; s++) { let angle = 2.0 * Math.PI * (s / point); if (orient === 'point') { angle -= Math.PI / 2; } else if (orient === 'edge') { angle = angle + Math.PI / point - Math.PI / 2; } x = circumradius * Math.cos(angle) + cx; y = circumradius * Math.sin(angle) + cy; polyPoints += x + ',' + y + ' '; if (!isNaN(inradius)) { angle = 2.0 * Math.PI * (s / point) + Math.PI / point; if (orient === 'point') { angle -= Math.PI / 2; } else if (orient === 'edge') { angle = angle + Math.PI / point - Math.PI / 2; } angle += radialshift; x = inradius * Math.cos(angle) + cx; y = inradius * Math.sin(angle) + cy; polyPoints += x + ',' + y + ' '; } } newFO.setAttribute('points', polyPoints); newFO.setAttribute('fill', fill); newFO.setAttribute('stroke', stroke); newFO.setAttribute('stroke-width', strokeWidth); /* const shape = */ newFO.getAttribute('shape'); return { started: true }; } if (svgCanvas.getMode() === 'polygon') { const cx = Number(newFO.getAttribute('cx')); const cy = Number(newFO.getAttribute('cy')); const sides = Number(newFO.getAttribute('sides')); // const orient = newFO.getAttribute('orient'); const fill = newFO.getAttribute('fill'); const stroke = newFO.getAttribute('stroke'); const strokeWidth = Number(newFO.getAttribute('stroke-width')); let x = opts.mouse_x; let y = opts.mouse_y; const edg = Math.sqrt((x - cx) * (x - cx) + (y - cy) * (y - cy)) / 1.5; newFO.setAttribute('edge', edg); const inradius = edg / 2 * cot(Math.PI / sides); const circumradius = inradius * sec(Math.PI / sides); let points = ''; for (let s = 0; sides >= s; s++) { const angle = 2.0 * Math.PI * s / sides; x = circumradius * Math.cos(angle) + cx; y = circumradius * Math.sin(angle) + cy; points += x + ',' + y + ' '; } // const poly = newFO.createElementNS(NS.SVG, 'polygon'); newFO.setAttribute('points', points); newFO.setAttribute('fill', fill); newFO.setAttribute('stroke', stroke); newFO.setAttribute('stroke-width', strokeWidth); return { started: true }; } return undefined; }, mouseUp() { if (svgCanvas.getMode() === 'star') { const r = newFO.getAttribute('r'); return { keep: r !== '0', element: newFO }; } if (svgCanvas.getMode() === 'polygon') { const edge = newFO.getAttribute('edge'); const keep = edge !== '0'; // svgCanvas.addToSelection([newFO], true); return { keep, element: newFO }; } return undefined; }, selectedChanged(opts) { // Use this to update the current selected elements selElems = opts.elems; let i = selElems.length; // Hide panels if nothing is selected if (!i) { showPanel(false, 'star'); showPanel(false, 'polygon'); return; } while (i--) { const elem = selElems[i]; if (elem?.getAttribute('shape') === 'star') { if (opts.selectedElement && !opts.multiselected) { $id('starNumPoints').value = elem.getAttribute('point'); $id('radialShift').value = elem.getAttribute('radialshift'); showPanel(true, 'star'); } else { showPanel(false, 'star'); } } else if (elem?.getAttribute('shape') === 'regularPoly') { if (opts.selectedElement && !opts.multiselected) { $id('polySides').value = elem.getAttribute('sides'); showPanel(true, 'polygon'); } else { showPanel(false, 'polygon'); } } else { showPanel(false, 'star'); showPanel(false, 'polygon'); } } } }; } }; var en = { name: 'star', title: 'Polygone/Star Tool', buttons: [{ title: 'Star Tool' }, { title: 'Polygon Tool' }], contextTools: [{ title: 'Number of Sides', label: 'points' }, { title: 'Pointiness', label: 'Pointiness' }, { title: 'Twists the star', label: 'Radial Shift' }, { title: 'Number of Sides', label: 'sides' }] }; var en$1 = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({ __proto__: null, default: en }); var fr = { name: 'etoile', title: 'Outil Polygone/Etoile', buttons: [{ title: 'Outil Etoile' }, { title: 'Outil Polygone' }], contextTools: [{ title: 'Nombre de côtés', label: 'points' }, { title: 'Précision', label: 'Précision' }, { title: 'Torsion Etoile', label: 'Décalage Radial' }, { title: 'Nombre de côtés', label: 'côtés' }] }; var fr$1 = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({ __proto__: null, default: fr }); var sv = { name: 'stjärna', title: 'Polygon/stjärnverktyg', buttons: [{ title: 'Stjärnverktyg' }, { title: 'Polygonverktyg' }], contextTools: [{ title: 'Antal sidor', label: 'poäng' }, { title: 'Pointiness', label: 'Pointiness' }, { title: 'Vrider stjärnan', label: 'Radiell förskjutning' }, { title: 'Antal sidor', label: 'sidor' }] }; var sv$1 = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({ __proto__: null, default: sv }); var tr = { name: 'yıldız', title: 'Çokgen/Yıldız Aracı', buttons: [{ title: 'Yıldız Aracı' }, { title: 'Çokgen Aracı' }], contextTools: [{ title: 'Kenar Sayısı', label: 'noktalar' }, { title: 'Sivrilik', label: 'Sivrilik' }, { title: 'Yıldızı Kıvır', label: 'Döngüsel Kaydırma' }, { title: 'Kenar Sayısı', label: 'kenarlar' }] }; var tr$1 = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({ __proto__: null, default: tr }); var uk = { name: 'зірка', title: 'Полігон/Зірка', buttons: [{ title: 'Зірка' }, { title: 'Полігон' }], contextTools: [{ title: 'Кількість Сторін', label: 'точки' }, { title: 'Без точок', label: 'Без точок' }, { title: 'Закручення зірки', label: 'Радіальне Зміщення' }, { title: 'Кількість Сторін', label: 'сторони' }] }; var uk$1 = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({ __proto__: null, default: uk }); var zhCN = { name: '星形', title: 'Polygone/Star Tool', buttons: [{ title: '星形工具' }, { title: '多边形工具' }], contextTools: [{ title: '顶点', label: '顶点' }, { title: '钝度', label: '钝度' }, { title: '径向', label: '径向' }, { title: '边数', label: '边数' }] }; var zhCN$1 = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({ __proto__: null, default: zhCN }); export { extPolystar as default }; //#