/* Copyright 2005-2015 Alfresco Software, Ltd. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ 'use strict'; var DECISION_TABLE_TOOLBAR = { ACTIONS: { saveModel: function (services) { _internalCreateModal({ backdrop: true, keyboard: true, template: 'views/popup/decision-table-save-model.html?version=' + Date.now(), scope: services.$scope }, services.$modal, services.$scope); }, help: function (services) { }, feedback: function (services) { }, closeEditor: function (services) { var callback = function() { services.$rootScope.decisiontableChanges = false; if (services.$rootScope.editorHistory.length > 0) { var navigationObject = services.$rootScope.editorHistory.pop(); var additionalParameters = ''; if (navigationObject.subProcessId && navigationObject.subProcessId.length > 0) { additionalParameters = '?subProcessId=' + navigationObject.subProcessId; } services.$location.url('/editor/' + navigationObject.id + additionalParameters); } else { services.$location.path('/decision-tables'); } }; if (services.$rootScope.decisiontableChanges == true) { services.$scope.$emit("decisionTableChangesEvent"); var unbindMustSave = services.$scope.$on("mustSaveEvent", function(){ //save the decision table data var description = ''; if (services.$rootScope.currentDecisionTable.description) { description = services.$rootScope.currentDecisionTable.description; } var data = { newVersion: false }; unbindEvents(); services.DecisionTableBuilderService.saveDecisionTable(data, services.$rootScope.currentDecisionTable.name, null, description, callback); }); var unbindDiscardDataEvent = services.$scope.$on("discardDataEvent", function() { unbindEvents(); callback(); }); var unbindContinueEditingEvent = services.$scope.$on("continueEditingEvent", function () { unbindEvents(); }); } else { callback(); } var unbindEvents = function () { unbindContinueEditingEvent(); unbindMustSave(); unbindDiscardDataEvent(); }; } } }; /** Custom controller for the save dialog */ angular.module('flowableModeler') .controller('SaveDecisionTableCtrl', [ '$rootScope', '$scope', '$http', '$route', '$location', '$translate', 'DecisionTableService', 'hotRegisterer', function ($rootScope, $scope, $http, $route, $location, $translate, DecisionTableService, hotRegisterer) { var description = ''; if ($rootScope.currentDecisionTableModel.description) { description = $rootScope.currentDecisionTableModel.description; } $scope.saveDialog = { name: $rootScope.currentDecisionTableModel.name, key: $rootScope.currentDecisionTableModel.key, description: description, newVersion: false, comment: '', forceDMN11: $rootScope.currentDecisionTable.forceDMN11 }; $scope.keyFieldPattern = /^[a-zA-Z_]\w*$/; $scope.status = { loading: false }; $scope.cancel = function () { $scope.$hide(); }; $scope.saveAndClose = function () { $scope.save(function() { if ($rootScope.editorHistory.length > 0) { var navigationObject = $rootScope.editorHistory.pop(); var additionalParameters = ''; if (navigationObject.subProcessId && navigationObject.subProcessId.length > 0) { additionalParameters = '?subProcessId=' + navigationObject.subProcessId; } $location.url('/editor/' + navigationObject.id + additionalParameters); } else { $location.path('/decision-tables'); } }); }; $scope.save = function (additionalSaveCallback) { if (!$scope.saveDialog.name || $scope.saveDialog.name.length == 0 || !$scope.saveDialog.key || $scope.saveDialog.key.length == 0) { return; } // Indicator spinner image $scope.status = { loading: true }; var data = { reusable: $scope.saveDialog.reusable, newVersion: $scope.saveDialog.newVersion, comment: $scope.saveDialog.comment, forceDMN11: $scope.saveDialog.forceDMN11 }; $rootScope.currentDecisionTableRules = $scope.model.rulesData; var saveCallback = function() { $scope.$hide(); $rootScope.currentDecisionTableModel.name = $scope.saveDialog.name; $rootScope.currentDecisionTableModel.key = $scope.saveDialog.key; $rootScope.currentDecisionTableModel.description = $scope.saveDialog.description; $rootScope.currentDecisionTable.forceDMN11 = $scope.saveDialog.forceDMN11; $rootScope.addAlertPromise($translate('DECISION-TABLE-EDITOR.ALERT.SAVE-CONFIRM', {name: $scope.saveDialog.name}), 'info'); if (additionalSaveCallback) { additionalSaveCallback(); } $rootScope.decisionTableChanges = false; }; var errorCallback = function(errorMessage) { $scope.status.loading = false; $scope.saveDialog.errorMessage = errorMessage.message; }; // deselect cells before thumbnail generations var hotDecisionTableEditorInstance = hotRegisterer.getInstance('decision-table-editor'); if (hotDecisionTableEditorInstance) { hotDecisionTableEditorInstance.deselectCell(); } DecisionTableService.saveDecisionTable(data, $scope.saveDialog.name, $scope.saveDialog.key, $scope.saveDialog.description, saveCallback, errorCallback); }; $scope.isOkButtonDisabled = function() { if ($scope.status.loading) { return false; } else if ($scope.error && $scope.error.conflictResolveAction) { if ($scope.error.conflictResolveAction === 'saveAs') { return !$scope.error.saveAs || $scope.error.saveAs.length == 0; } else { return false; } } return true; }; $scope.okClicked = function() { if ($scope.error) { if ($scope.error.conflictResolveAction === 'discardChanges') { $scope.close(); $route.reload(); } else if ($scope.error.conflictResolveAction === 'overwrite' || $scope.error.conflictResolveAction === 'newVersion') { $scope.save(); } else if($scope.error.conflictResolveAction === 'saveAs') { $scope.save(function() { $rootScope.ignoreChanges = true; // Otherwise will get pop up that changes are not saved. $location.path('/decision-tables'); }); } } }; }]);