/* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ function _drawHumanTaskIcon(paper, startX, startY) { var path1 = paper.path("m 1,17 16,0 0,-1.7778 -5.333332,-3.5555 0,-1.7778 c 1.244444,0 1.244444,-2.3111 1.244444,-2.3111 l 0,-3.0222 C 12.555557,0.8221 9.0000001,1.0001 9.0000001,1.0001 c 0,0 -3.5555556,-0.178 -3.9111111,3.5555 l 0,3.0222 c 0,0 0,2.3111 1.2444443,2.3111 l 0,1.7778 L 1,15.2222 1,17 17,17"); path1.attr({ "opacity": 1, "stroke": "none", "fill": "#d1b575" }); var userTaskIcon = paper.set(); userTaskIcon.push(path1); userTaskIcon.transform("T" + startX + "," + startY); } function _drawServiceTaskIcon(paper, startX, startY) { var path1 = paper.path("M 8,1 7.5,2.875 c 0,0 -0.02438,0.250763 -0.40625,0.4375 C 7.05724,3.330353 7.04387,3.358818 7,3.375 6.6676654,3.4929791 6.3336971,3.6092802 6.03125,3.78125 6.02349,3.78566 6.007733,3.77681 6,3.78125 5.8811373,3.761018 5.8125,3.71875 5.8125,3.71875 l -1.6875,-1 -1.40625,1.4375 0.96875,1.65625 c 0,0 0.065705,0.068637 0.09375,0.1875 0.002,0.00849 -0.00169,0.022138 0,0.03125 C 3.6092802,6.3336971 3.4929791,6.6676654 3.375,7 3.3629836,7.0338489 3.3239228,7.0596246 3.3125,7.09375 3.125763,7.4756184 2.875,7.5 2.875,7.5 L 1,8 l 0,2 1.875,0.5 c 0,0 0.250763,0.02438 0.4375,0.40625 0.017853,0.03651 0.046318,0.04988 0.0625,0.09375 0.1129372,0.318132 0.2124732,0.646641 0.375,0.9375 -0.00302,0.215512 -0.09375,0.34375 -0.09375,0.34375 L 2.6875,13.9375 4.09375,15.34375 5.78125,14.375 c 0,0 0.1229911,-0.09744 0.34375,-0.09375 0.2720511,0.147787 0.5795915,0.23888 0.875,0.34375 0.033849,0.01202 0.059625,0.05108 0.09375,0.0625 C 7.4756199,14.874237 7.5,15.125 7.5,15.125 L 8,17 l 2,0 0.5,-1.875 c 0,0 0.02438,-0.250763 0.40625,-0.4375 0.03651,-0.01785 0.04988,-0.04632 0.09375,-0.0625 0.332335,-0.117979 0.666303,-0.23428 0.96875,-0.40625 0.177303,0.0173 0.28125,0.09375 0.28125,0.09375 l 1.65625,0.96875 1.40625,-1.40625 -0.96875,-1.65625 c 0,0 -0.07645,-0.103947 -0.09375,-0.28125 0.162527,-0.290859 0.262063,-0.619368 0.375,-0.9375 0.01618,-0.04387 0.04465,-0.05724 0.0625,-0.09375 C 14.874237,10.52438 15.125,10.5 15.125,10.5 L 17,10 17,8 15.125,7.5 c 0,0 -0.250763,-0.024382 -0.4375,-0.40625 C 14.669647,7.0572406 14.641181,7.0438697 14.625,7 14.55912,6.8144282 14.520616,6.6141566 14.4375,6.4375 c -0.224363,-0.4866 0,-0.71875 0,-0.71875 L 15.40625,4.0625 14,2.625 l -1.65625,1 c 0,0 -0.253337,0.1695664 -0.71875,-0.03125 l -0.03125,0 C 11.405359,3.5035185 11.198648,3.4455201 11,3.375 10.95613,3.3588185 10.942759,3.3303534 10.90625,3.3125 10.524382,3.125763 10.5,2.875 10.5,2.875 L 10,1 8,1 z m 1,5 c 1.656854,0 3,1.3431458 3,3 0,1.656854 -1.343146,3 -3,3 C 7.3431458,12 6,10.656854 6,9 6,7.3431458 7.3431458,6 9,6 z"); path1.attr({ "opacity": 1, "stroke": "none", "fill": "#72a7d0" }); var serviceTaskIcon = paper.set(); serviceTaskIcon.push(path1); serviceTaskIcon.transform("T" + startX + "," + startY); } function _drawCaseTaskIcon(paper, startX, startY) { var path1 = paper.path("M5 8 L9 4 L18 4 L 21 7"); path1.attr({ "opacity": 1, "stroke": "#000000", "fill": "#000000" }); var path2 = paper.path("M1 23 L1 4 L30 4 L30 23z"); path2.attr({ "opacity": 1, "stroke": "#000000", "fill": "#F4F6F7" }); var caseTaskIcon = paper.set(); caseTaskIcon.push(path1); caseTaskIcon.push(path2); caseTaskIcon.translate(startX, startY); caseTaskIcon.scale(0.7, 0.7); } function _drawProcessTaskIcon(paper, startX, startY) { var path1 = paper.path("M1 23 L7 11 L1 0 L30 0 L 35 11 L 30 23z"); path1.attr({ "opacity": 1, "stroke": "#000000", "fill": "#F4F6F7" }); var processTaskIcon = paper.set(); processTaskIcon.push(path1); processTaskIcon.translate(startX, startY); processTaskIcon.scale(0.7, 0.7); } function _drawSendTaskIcon(paper, startX, startY) { var path1 = paper.path("M 1 3 L 9 11 L 17 3 L 1 3 z M 1 5 L 1 13 L 5 9 L 1 5 z M 17 5 L 13 9 L 17 13 L 17 5 z M 6 10 L 1 15 L 17 15 L 12 10 L 9 13 L 6 10 z"); path1.attr({ "stroke": "none", "fill": "#16964d" }); var sendTaskIcon = paper.set(); sendTaskIcon.push(path1); sendTaskIcon.transform("T" + startX + "," + startY); } function _drawDecisionTaskIcon(paper, startX, startY) { var path1 = paper.path("m 1,2 0,14 16,0 0,-14 z m 1.9,2.4000386 3.7,0 0,2.7999224 -3.7,0 z m 4.36364,0 3.7,0 0,2.7999224 -3.7,0 z m 4.36364,0 3.7,0 0,2.7999224 -3.7,0 z m -8.67364,3.9 3.7,0 0,2.7999224 -3.7,0 z m 4.36364,0 3.7,0 0,2.7999224 -3.7,0 z m 4.36364,0 3.7,0 0,2.7999224 -3.7,0 z m -8.67364,3.9 3.7,0 0,2.7999224 -3.7,0 z m 4.36364,0 3.7,0 0,2.7999224 -3.7,0 z m 4.36364,0 3.7,0 0,2.7999224 -3.7,0 z"); path1.attr({ "opacity": 1, "stroke": "#000000", "fill": "#F4F6F7" }); var decisionTaskIcon = paper.set(); decisionTaskIcon.push(path1); decisionTaskIcon.translate(startX, startY); decisionTaskIcon.scale(0.7, 0.7); } function _drawHttpTaskIcon(paper, startX, startY) { var path = paper.path("m 16.704699,5.9229055 q 0.358098,0 0.608767,0.2506681 0.250669,0.250668 0.250669,0.6087677 0,0.3580997 -0.250669,0.6087677 -0.250669,0.2506679 -0.608767,0.2506679 -0.358098,0 -0.608767,-0.2506679 -0.250669,-0.250668 -0.250669,-0.6087677 0,-0.3580997 0.250669,-0.6087677 0.250669,-0.2506681 0.608767,-0.2506681 z m 2.578308,-2.0053502 q -2.229162,0 -3.854034,0.6759125 -1.624871,0.6759067 -3.227361,2.2694472 -0.716197,0.725146 -1.575633,1.7457293 L 7.2329969,8.7876913 Q 7.0897576,8.8055849 7.000233,8.9309334 L 4.9948821,12.368677 q -0.035811,0.06267 -0.035811,0.143242 0,0.107426 0.080572,0.205905 l 0.5729577,0.572957 q 0.125334,0.116384 0.2864786,0.07162 l 2.4708789,-0.760963 2.5156417,2.515645 -0.76096,2.470876 q -0.009,0.02687 -0.009,0.08057 0,0.125338 0.08058,0.205905 l 0.572957,0.572958 q 0.170096,0.152194 0.349146,0.04476 l 3.437744,-2.005351 q 0.125335,-0.08953 0.143239,-0.232763 l 0.17905,-3.392986 q 1.02058,-0.859435 1.745729,-1.575629 1.67411,-1.6830612 2.309735,-3.2049805 0.635625,-1.5219191 0.635625,-3.8585111 0,-0.1253369 -0.08505,-0.2148575 -0.08505,-0.089526 -0.201431,-0.089526 z"); path.attr({ "opacity": 1, "stroke": "none", "fill": "#16964d" }); startX += -2; startY += -2; path.transform("T" + startX + "," + startY); } function _drawBusinessRuleTaskIcon(paper, startX, startY) { var path1 = paper.path("m 1,2 0,14 16,0 0,-14 z m 1.45458,5.6000386 2.90906,0 0,2.7999224 -2.90906,0 z m 4.36364,0 8.72718,0 0,2.7999224 -8.72718,0 z m -4.36364,4.1998844 2.90906,0 0,2.800116 -2.90906,0 z m 4.36364,0 8.72718,0 0,2.800116 -8.72718,0 z"); path1.attr({ "stroke": "none", "fill": "#72a7d0" }); var businessRuleTaskIcon = paper.set(); businessRuleTaskIcon.push(path1); businessRuleTaskIcon.transform("T" + startX + "," + startY); } function _drawTimerEventListenerIcon(paper, element) { var x = element.x + (element.width / 2); var y = element.y + (element.height / 2); var circle = paper.circle(x, y, 10); circle.attr({"stroke-width": 1, "stroke": "black", "fill": "none" }); var path = paper.path("M 10 0 C 4.4771525 0 0 4.4771525 0 10 C 0 15.522847 4.4771525 20 10 20 C 15.522847 20 20 15.522847 20 10 C 20 4.4771525 15.522847 1.1842379e-15 10 0 z M 9.09375 1.03125 C 9.2292164 1.0174926 9.362825 1.0389311 9.5 1.03125 L 9.5 3.5 L 10.5 3.5 L 10.5 1.03125 C 15.063526 1.2867831 18.713217 4.9364738 18.96875 9.5 L 16.5 9.5 L 16.5 10.5 L 18.96875 10.5 C 18.713217 15.063526 15.063526 18.713217 10.5 18.96875 L 10.5 16.5 L 9.5 16.5 L 9.5 18.96875 C 4.9364738 18.713217 1.2867831 15.063526 1.03125 10.5 L 3.5 10.5 L 3.5 9.5 L 1.03125 9.5 C 1.279102 5.0736488 4.7225326 1.4751713 9.09375 1.03125 z M 9.5 5 L 9.5 8.0625 C 8.6373007 8.2844627 8 9.0680195 8 10 C 8 11.104569 8.8954305 12 10 12 C 10.931981 12 11.715537 11.362699 11.9375 10.5 L 14 10.5 L 14 9.5 L 11.9375 9.5 C 11.756642 8.7970599 11.20294 8.2433585 10.5 8.0625 L 10.5 5 L 9.5 5 z"); path.attr({ "stroke": "none", "fill": "#585858" }); path.transform("T" + (element.x + 5) + "," + (element.y + 5)); return path; } function _drawUserEventListenerIcon(paper, element) { var userTaskIcon = paper.set(); var path1 = paper.path("M0.585,24.167h24.083v-7.833c0,0-2.333-3.917-7.083-5.167h-9.25 c-4.417,1.333-7.833,5.75-7.833,5.75L0.585,24.167z"); path1.attr({"opacity": 1, "stroke": "none", "fill": "#F4F6F7"}); userTaskIcon.push(path1); var path2 = paper.path("M6,20L6,24"); path2.attr({"opacity": 1, "stroke": "white", "fill": "none"}); userTaskIcon.push(path2); var path3 = paper.path("M20,20L20,24"); path3.attr({"opacity": 1, "stroke": "white", "fill": "none"}); userTaskIcon.push(path3); var circle = paper.circle(13.002, 5.916, 5.417); circle.attr({"stroke-width": 1, "stroke": "black", "fill": "#000000"}); userTaskIcon.push(circle); var path4 = paper.path("M8.043,7.083c0,0,2.814-2.426,5.376-1.807s4.624-0.693,4.624-0.693 c0.25,1.688,0.042,3.75-1.458,5.584c0,0,1.083,0.75,1.083,1.5s0.125,1.875-1,3s-5.5,1.25-6.75,0S8.668,12.834,8.668,12 s0.583-1.25,1.25-1.917C8.835,9.5,7.419,7.708,8.043,7.083z"); path4.attr({"opacity": 1, "stroke": "none", "fill": "#F0EFF0"}); userTaskIcon.push(path4); var x = (element.width / 2) - 2; var y = (element.height / 2) - 2; var circle2 = paper.circle(x, y, 17); circle2.attr({"stroke-width": 1, "stroke": "#F0EFF0", "fill": "none"}); userTaskIcon.push(circle2); userTaskIcon.transform("S0.7,0.7T" + (element.x + 2) + "," + (element.y + 2)); return userTaskIcon; } function _drawVariableEventListenerIcon(paper, element) { var x = element.x + (element.width / 2); var y = element.y + (element.height / 2); var circle = paper.circle(x, y, 10); circle.attr({"stroke-width": 1, "stroke": "black", "fill": "none" }); var path = paper.path("M 20.834856,22.874369 L 10.762008,22.873529 L 7.650126,13.293421 L 15.799725,7.3734296 L 23.948336,13.294781 L 20.834856,22.874369 z"); path.attr({ "stroke": "#585858", "fill": "none" }); path.transform("S0.8,0.8T" + (element.x - 1) + "," + (element.y - 1)); return path; }