/**! * AngularJS file upload/drop directive and service with progress and abort * @author Danial * @version 4.1.0 */ (function () { var key, i; function patchXHR(fnName, newFn) { window.XMLHttpRequest.prototype[fnName] = newFn(window.XMLHttpRequest.prototype[fnName]); } if (window.XMLHttpRequest && !window.XMLHttpRequest.__isFileAPIShim) { patchXHR('setRequestHeader', function (orig) { return function (header, value) { if (header === '__setXHR_') { var val = value(this); // fix for angular < 1.2.0 if (val instanceof Function) { val(this); } } else { orig.apply(this, arguments); } } }); } var ngFileUpload = angular.module('ngFileUpload', []); ngFileUpload.version = '4.1.0'; ngFileUpload.service('Upload', ['$http', '$q', '$timeout', function ($http, $q, $timeout) { function sendHttp(config) { config.method = config.method || 'POST'; config.headers = config.headers || {}; config.transformRequest = config.transformRequest || function (data, headersGetter) { if (window.ArrayBuffer && data instanceof window.ArrayBuffer) { return data; } return $http.defaults.transformRequest[0](data, headersGetter); }; var deferred = $q.defer(); var promise = deferred.promise; config.headers['__setXHR_'] = function () { return function (xhr) { if (!xhr) return; config.__XHR = xhr; config.xhrFn && config.xhrFn(xhr); xhr.upload.addEventListener('progress', function (e) { e.config = config; deferred.notify ? deferred.notify(e) : promise.progress_fn && $timeout(function () { promise.progress_fn(e) }); }, false); //fix for firefox not firing upload progress end, also IE8-9 xhr.upload.addEventListener('load', function (e) { if (e.lengthComputable) { e.config = config; deferred.notify ? deferred.notify(e) : promise.progress_fn && $timeout(function () { promise.progress_fn(e) }); } }, false); }; }; $http(config).then(function (r) { deferred.resolve(r) }, function (e) { deferred.reject(e) }, function (n) { deferred.notify(n) }); promise.success = function (fn) { promise.then(function (response) { fn(response.data, response.status, response.headers, config); }); return promise; }; promise.error = function (fn) { promise.then(null, function (response) { fn(response.data, response.status, response.headers, config); }); return promise; }; promise.progress = function (fn) { promise.progress_fn = fn; promise.then(null, null, function (update) { fn(update); }); return promise; }; promise.abort = function () { if (config.__XHR) { $timeout(function () { config.__XHR.abort(); }); } return promise; }; promise.xhr = function (fn) { config.xhrFn = (function (origXhrFn) { return function () { origXhrFn && origXhrFn.apply(promise, arguments); fn.apply(promise, arguments); } })(config.xhrFn); return promise; }; return promise; } this.upload = function (config) { config.headers = config.headers || {}; config.headers['Content-Type'] = undefined; config.transformRequest = config.transformRequest ? (angular.isArray(config.transformRequest) ? config.transformRequest : [config.transformRequest]) : []; config.transformRequest.push(function (data) { var formData = new FormData(); var allFields = {}; for (key in config.fields) { if (config.fields.hasOwnProperty(key)) { allFields[key] = config.fields[key]; } } if (data) allFields['data'] = data; if (config.formDataAppender) { for (key in allFields) { if (allFields.hasOwnProperty(key)) { config.formDataAppender(formData, key, allFields[key]); } } } else { for (key in allFields) { if (allFields.hasOwnProperty(key)) { var val = allFields[key]; if (val !== undefined) { if (angular.isDate(val)) { val = val.toISOString(); } if (angular.isString(val)) { formData.append(key, val); } else { if (config.sendObjectsAsJsonBlob && angular.isObject(val)) { formData.append(key, new Blob([val], {type: 'application/json'})); } else { formData.append(key, JSON.stringify(val)); } } } } } } if (config.file != null) { var fileFormName = config.fileFormDataName || 'file'; if (angular.isArray(config.file)) { var isFileFormNameString = angular.isString(fileFormName); for (var i = 0; i < config.file.length; i++) { formData.append(isFileFormNameString ? fileFormName : fileFormName[i], config.file[i], (config.fileName && config.fileName[i]) || config.file[i].name); } } else { formData.append(fileFormName, config.file, config.fileName || config.file.name); } } return formData; }); return sendHttp(config); }; this.http = function (config) { return sendHttp(config); }; }]); ngFileUpload.directive('ngfSelect', ['$parse', '$timeout', '$compile', function ($parse, $timeout, $compile) { return { restrict: 'AEC', require: '?ngModel', link: function (scope, elem, attr, ngModel) { linkFileSelect(scope, elem, attr, ngModel, $parse, $timeout, $compile); } } }]); function linkFileSelect(scope, elem, attr, ngModel, $parse, $timeout, $compile) { function isInputTypeFile() { return elem[0].tagName.toLowerCase() === 'input' && elem.attr('type') && elem.attr('type').toLowerCase() === 'file'; } var changeFnAttr = attr.ngfChange || (attr.ngfSelect && attr.ngfSelect.indexOf('(') > 0); var isUpdating = false; function changeFn(evt) { if (!isUpdating) { isUpdating = true; try { var fileList = evt.__files_ || (evt.target && evt.target.files); var files = [], rejFiles = []; for (var i = 0; i < fileList.length; i++) { var file = fileList.item(i); if (validate(scope, $parse, attr, file, evt)) { files.push(file); } else { rejFiles.push(file); } } updateModel($parse, $timeout, scope, ngModel, attr, changeFnAttr, files, rejFiles, evt); if (files.length == 0) evt.target.value = files; // if (evt.target && evt.target.getAttribute('__ngf_gen__')) { // angular.element(evt.target).remove(); // } } finally { isUpdating = false; } } } function bindAttrToFileInput(fileElem) { if (attr.ngfMultiple) fileElem.attr('multiple', $parse(attr.ngfMultiple)(scope)); if (!$parse(attr.ngfMultiple)(scope)) fileElem.attr('multiple', undefined); if (attr['accept']) fileElem.attr('accept', attr['accept']); if (attr.ngfCapture) fileElem.attr('capture', $parse(attr.ngfCapture)(scope)); if (attr.ngfDisabled) fileElem.attr('disabled', $parse(attr.ngfDisabled)(scope)); for (var i = 0; i < elem[0].attributes.length; i++) { var attribute = elem[0].attributes[i]; if (attribute.name !== 'type' && attribute.name !== 'class' && attribute.name !== 'id' && attribute.name !== 'style') { fileElem.attr(attribute.name, attribute.value); } } } function createFileInput(evt) { if (elem.attr('disabled')) { return; } var fileElem = angular.element(''); bindAttrToFileInput(fileElem); if (isInputTypeFile()) { elem.replaceWith(fileElem); elem = fileElem; } else { fileElem.css('display', 'none').attr('tabindex', '-1').attr('__ngf_gen__', true); if (elem.__ngf_ref_elem__) {elem.__ngf_ref_elem__.remove();} elem.__ngf_ref_elem__ = fileElem; document.body.appendChild(fileElem[0]); } return fileElem; } function resetModel(evt) { updateModel($parse, $timeout, scope, ngModel, attr, changeFnAttr, [], [], evt, true); } function clickHandler(evt) { evt.preventDefault(); var fileElem = createFileInput(evt); if (fileElem) { fileElem.bind('change', changeFn); resetModel(evt); function clickAndAssign() { fileElem[0].click(); if (isInputTypeFile()) { elem.bind('click touchend', clickHandler); evt.preventDefault() } } // fix for android native browser if (navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().match(/android/)) { setTimeout(function() { clickAndAssign(); }, 0); } else { clickAndAssign(); } } } if (window.FileAPI && window.FileAPI.ngfFixIE) { window.FileAPI.ngfFixIE(elem, createFileInput, bindAttrToFileInput, changeFn, resetModel); } else { elem.bind('click touchend', clickHandler); } } ngFileUpload.directive('ngfDrop', ['$parse', '$timeout', '$location', function ($parse, $timeout, $location) { return { restrict: 'AEC', require: '?ngModel', link: function (scope, elem, attr, ngModel) { linkDrop(scope, elem, attr, ngModel, $parse, $timeout, $location); } } }]); ngFileUpload.directive('ngfNoFileDrop', function () { return function (scope, elem) { if (dropAvailable()) elem.css('display', 'none') } }); ngFileUpload.directive('ngfDropAvailable', ['$parse', '$timeout', function ($parse, $timeout) { return function (scope, elem, attr) { if (dropAvailable()) { var fn = $parse(attr.ngfDropAvailable); $timeout(function () { fn(scope); if (fn.assign) { fn.assign(scope, true); } }); } } }]); function linkDrop(scope, elem, attr, ngModel, $parse, $timeout, $location) { var available = dropAvailable(); if (attr.dropAvailable) { $timeout(function () { scope[attr.dropAvailable] ? scope[attr.dropAvailable].value = available : scope[attr.dropAvailable] = available; }); } if (!available) { if ($parse(attr.ngfHideOnDropNotAvailable)(scope) == true) { elem.css('display', 'none'); } return; } var leaveTimeout = null; var stopPropagation = $parse(attr.ngfStopPropagation); var dragOverDelay = 1; var accept = $parse(attr.ngfAccept); var disabled = $parse(attr.ngfDisabled); var actualDragOverClass; elem[0].addEventListener('dragover', function (evt) { if (disabled(scope)) return; evt.preventDefault(); if (stopPropagation(scope)) evt.stopPropagation(); // handling dragover events from the Chrome download bar if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Chrome") > -1) { var b = evt.dataTransfer.effectAllowed; evt.dataTransfer.dropEffect = ('move' === b || 'linkMove' === b) ? 'move' : 'copy'; } $timeout.cancel(leaveTimeout); if (!scope.actualDragOverClass) { actualDragOverClass = calculateDragOverClass(scope, attr, evt); } elem.addClass(actualDragOverClass); }, false); elem[0].addEventListener('dragenter', function (evt) { if (disabled(scope)) return; evt.preventDefault(); if (stopPropagation(scope)) evt.stopPropagation(); }, false); elem[0].addEventListener('dragleave', function () { if (disabled(scope)) return; leaveTimeout = $timeout(function () { elem.removeClass(actualDragOverClass); actualDragOverClass = null; }, dragOverDelay || 1); }, false); elem[0].addEventListener('drop', function (evt) { if (disabled(scope)) return; evt.preventDefault(); if (stopPropagation(scope)) evt.stopPropagation(); elem.removeClass(actualDragOverClass); actualDragOverClass = null; extractFiles(evt, function (files, rejFiles) { updateModel($parse, $timeout, scope, ngModel, attr, attr.ngfChange || (attr.ngfDrop && attr.ngfDrop.indexOf('(') > 0), files, rejFiles, evt) }, $parse(attr.ngfAllowDir)(scope) != false, attr.multiple || $parse(attr.ngfMultiple)(scope)); }, false); function calculateDragOverClass(scope, attr, evt) { var accepted = true; var items = evt.dataTransfer.items; if (items != null) { for (var i = 0; i < items.length && accepted; i++) { accepted = accepted && (items[i].kind == 'file' || items[i].kind == '') && validate(scope, $parse, attr, items[i], evt); } } var clazz = $parse(attr.ngfDragOverClass)(scope, {$event: evt}); if (clazz) { if (clazz.delay) dragOverDelay = clazz.delay; if (clazz.accept) clazz = accepted ? clazz.accept : clazz.reject; } return clazz || attr.ngfDragOverClass || 'dragover'; } function extractFiles(evt, callback, allowDir, multiple) { var files = [], rejFiles = [], items = evt.dataTransfer.items, processing = 0; function addFile(file) { if (validate(scope, $parse, attr, file, evt)) { files.push(file); } else { rejFiles.push(file); } } if (items && items.length > 0 && $location.protocol() != 'file') { for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) { if (items[i].webkitGetAsEntry && items[i].webkitGetAsEntry() && items[i].webkitGetAsEntry().isDirectory) { var entry = items[i].webkitGetAsEntry(); if (entry.isDirectory && !allowDir) { continue; } if (entry != null) { traverseFileTree(files, entry); } } else { var f = items[i].getAsFile(); if (f != null) addFile(f); } if (!multiple && files.length > 0) break; } } else { var fileList = evt.dataTransfer.files; if (fileList != null) { for (var i = 0; i < fileList.length; i++) { addFile(fileList.item(i)); if (!multiple && files.length > 0) break; } } } var delays = 0; (function waitForProcess(delay) { $timeout(function () { if (!processing) { if (!multiple && files.length > 1) { i = 0; while (files[i].type == 'directory') i++; files = [files[i]]; } callback(files, rejFiles); } else { if (delays++ * 10 < 20 * 1000) { waitForProcess(10); } } }, delay || 0) })(); function traverseFileTree(files, entry, path) { if (entry != null) { if (entry.isDirectory) { var filePath = (path || '') + entry.name; addFile({name: entry.name, type: 'directory', path: filePath}); var dirReader = entry.createReader(); var entries = []; processing++; var readEntries = function () { dirReader.readEntries(function (results) { try { if (!results.length) { for (var i = 0; i < entries.length; i++) { traverseFileTree(files, entries[i], (path ? path : '') + entry.name + '/'); } processing--; } else { entries = entries.concat(Array.prototype.slice.call(results || [], 0)); readEntries(); } } catch (e) { processing--; console.error(e); } }, function () { processing--; }); }; readEntries(); } else { processing++; entry.file(function (file) { try { processing--; file.path = (path ? path : '') + file.name; addFile(file); } catch (e) { processing--; console.error(e); } }, function () { processing--; }); } } } } } ngFileUpload.directive('ngfSrc', ['$parse', '$timeout', function ($parse, $timeout) { return { restrict: 'AE', link: function (scope, elem, attr, file) { if (window.FileReader) { scope.$watch(attr.ngfSrc, function(file) { if (file) { $timeout(function() { var fileReader = new FileReader(); fileReader.readAsDataURL(file); fileReader.onload = function(e) { $timeout(function() { elem.attr('src', e.target.result); }); } }); } else { elem.attr('src', ''); } }); } } } }]); function dropAvailable() { var div = document.createElement('div'); return ('draggable' in div) && ('ondrop' in div); } function updateModel($parse, $timeout, scope, ngModel, attr, fileChange, files, rejFiles, evt, noDelay) { function update() { if (ngModel) { $parse(attr.ngModel).assign(scope, files); $timeout(function () { ngModel && ngModel.$setViewValue(files != null && files.length == 0 ? null : files); }); } if (attr.ngModelRejected) { $parse(attr.ngModelRejected).assign(scope, rejFiles); } if (fileChange) { $parse(fileChange)(scope, { $files: files, $rejectedFiles: rejFiles, $event: evt }); } } if (noDelay) { update(); } else { $timeout(function () { update(); }); } } function validate(scope, $parse, attr, file, evt) { var accept = $parse(attr.ngfAccept); var fileSizeMax = $parse(attr.ngfMaxSize)(scope) || 9007199254740991; var fileSizeMin = $parse(attr.ngfMinSize)(scope) || -1; var val = accept(scope, {$file: file, $event: evt}), match = false; if (val != null && angular.isString(val)) { var regexp = new RegExp(globStringToRegex(val), 'gi'); match = (file.type != null && file.type.match(regexp)) || (file.name != null && file.name.match(regexp)); } return (val == null || match) && (file.size == null || (file.size < fileSizeMax && file.size > fileSizeMin)); } function globStringToRegex(str) { if (str.length > 2 && str[0] === '/' && str[str.length - 1] === '/') { return str.substring(1, str.length - 1); } var split = str.split(','), result = ''; if (split.length > 1) { for (var i = 0; i < split.length; i++) { result += '(' + globStringToRegex(split[i]) + ')'; if (i < split.length - 1) { result += '|' } } } else { if (str.indexOf('.') == 0) { str = '*' + str; } result = '^' + str.replace(new RegExp('[.\\\\+*?\\[\\^\\]$(){}=!<>|:\\' + '-]', 'g'), '\\$&') + '$'; result = result.replace(/\\\*/g, '.*').replace(/\\\?/g, '.'); } return result; } })(); /**! * AngularJS file upload/drop directive and service with progress and abort * FileAPI Flash shim for old browsers not supporting FormData * @author Danial * @version 4.1.0 */ (function() { var hasFlash = function() { try { var fo = new ActiveXObject('ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash'); if (fo) return true; } catch(e) { if (navigator.mimeTypes['application/x-shockwave-flash'] != undefined) return true; } return false; } function patchXHR(fnName, newFn) { window.XMLHttpRequest.prototype[fnName] = newFn(window.XMLHttpRequest.prototype[fnName]); }; if ((window.XMLHttpRequest && !window.FormData) || (window.FileAPI && FileAPI.forceLoad)) { var initializeUploadListener = function(xhr) { if (!xhr.__listeners) { if (!xhr.upload) xhr.upload = {}; xhr.__listeners = []; var origAddEventListener = xhr.upload.addEventListener; xhr.upload.addEventListener = function(t, fn, b) { xhr.__listeners[t] = fn; origAddEventListener && origAddEventListener.apply(this, arguments); }; } } patchXHR('open', function(orig) { return function(m, url, b) { initializeUploadListener(this); this.__url = url; try { orig.apply(this, [m, url, b]); } catch (e) { if (e.message.indexOf('Access is denied') > -1) { this.__origError = e; orig.apply(this, [m, '_fix_for_ie_crossdomain__', b]); } } } }); patchXHR('getResponseHeader', function(orig) { return function(h) { return this.__fileApiXHR && this.__fileApiXHR.getResponseHeader ? this.__fileApiXHR.getResponseHeader(h) : (orig == null ? null : orig.apply(this, [h])); }; }); patchXHR('getAllResponseHeaders', function(orig) { return function() { return this.__fileApiXHR && this.__fileApiXHR.getAllResponseHeaders ? this.__fileApiXHR.getAllResponseHeaders() : (orig == null ? null : orig.apply(this)); } }); patchXHR('abort', function(orig) { return function() { return this.__fileApiXHR && this.__fileApiXHR.abort ? this.__fileApiXHR.abort() : (orig == null ? null : orig.apply(this)); } }); patchXHR('setRequestHeader', function(orig) { return function(header, value) { if (header === '__setXHR_') { initializeUploadListener(this); var val = value(this); // fix for angular < 1.2.0 if (val instanceof Function) { val(this); } } else { this.__requestHeaders = this.__requestHeaders || {}; this.__requestHeaders[header] = value; orig.apply(this, arguments); } } }); function redefineProp(xhr, prop, fn) { try { Object.defineProperty(xhr, prop, {get: fn}); } catch (e) {/*ignore*/} } patchXHR('send', function(orig) { return function() { var xhr = this; if (arguments[0] && arguments[0].__isFileAPIShim) { var formData = arguments[0]; var config = { url: xhr.__url, jsonp: false, //removes the callback form param cache: true, //removes the ?fileapiXXX in the url complete: function(err, fileApiXHR) { xhr.__completed = true; if (!err && xhr.__listeners['load']) xhr.__listeners['load']({type: 'load', loaded: xhr.__loaded, total: xhr.__total, target: xhr, lengthComputable: true}); if (!err && xhr.__listeners['loadend']) xhr.__listeners['loadend']({type: 'loadend', loaded: xhr.__loaded, total: xhr.__total, target: xhr, lengthComputable: true}); if (err === 'abort' && xhr.__listeners['abort']) xhr.__listeners['abort']({type: 'abort', loaded: xhr.__loaded, total: xhr.__total, target: xhr, lengthComputable: true}); if (fileApiXHR.status !== undefined) redefineProp(xhr, 'status', function() {return (fileApiXHR.status == 0 && err && err !== 'abort') ? 500 : fileApiXHR.status}); if (fileApiXHR.statusText !== undefined) redefineProp(xhr, 'statusText', function() {return fileApiXHR.statusText}); redefineProp(xhr, 'readyState', function() {return 4}); if (fileApiXHR.response !== undefined) redefineProp(xhr, 'response', function() {return fileApiXHR.response}); var resp = fileApiXHR.responseText || (err && fileApiXHR.status == 0 && err !== 'abort' ? err : undefined); redefineProp(xhr, 'responseText', function() {return resp}); redefineProp(xhr, 'response', function() {return resp}); if (err) redefineProp(xhr, 'err', function() {return err}); xhr.__fileApiXHR = fileApiXHR; if (xhr.onreadystatechange) xhr.onreadystatechange(); if (xhr.onload) xhr.onload(); }, fileprogress: function(e) { e.target = xhr; xhr.__listeners['progress'] && xhr.__listeners['progress'](e); xhr.__total = e.total; xhr.__loaded = e.loaded; if (e.total === e.loaded) { // fix flash issue that doesn't call complete if there is no response text from the server var _this = this setTimeout(function() { if (!xhr.__completed) { xhr.getAllResponseHeaders = function(){}; _this.complete(null, {status: 204, statusText: 'No Content'}); } }, FileAPI.noContentTimeout || 10000); } }, headers: xhr.__requestHeaders } config.data = {}; config.files = {} for (var i = 0; i < formData.data.length; i++) { var item = formData.data[i]; if (item.val != null && item.val.name != null && item.val.size != null && item.val.type != null) { config.files[item.key] = item.val; } else { config.data[item.key] = item.val; } } setTimeout(function() { if (!hasFlash()) { throw 'Adode Flash Player need to be installed. To check ahead use "FileAPI.hasFlash"'; } xhr.__fileApiXHR = FileAPI.upload(config); }, 1); } else { if (this.__origError) { throw this.__origError; } orig.apply(xhr, arguments); } } }); window.XMLHttpRequest.__isFileAPIShim = true; function isInputTypeFile(elem) { return elem[0].tagName.toLowerCase() === 'input' && elem.attr('type') && elem.attr('type').toLowerCase() === 'file'; } window.FormData = FormData = function() { return { append: function(key, val, name) { if (val.__isFileAPIBlobShim) { val = val.data[0]; } this.data.push({ key: key, val: val, name: name }); }, data: [], __isFileAPIShim: true }; }; window.Blob = Blob = function(b) { return { data: b, __isFileAPIBlobShim: true }; }; (function () { //load FileAPI if (!window.FileAPI) { window.FileAPI = {}; } if (FileAPI.forceLoad) { FileAPI.html5 = false; } if (!FileAPI.upload) { var jsUrl, basePath, script = document.createElement('script'), allScripts = document.getElementsByTagName('script'), i, index, src; if (window.FileAPI.jsUrl) { jsUrl = window.FileAPI.jsUrl; } else if (window.FileAPI.jsPath) { basePath = window.FileAPI.jsPath; } else { for (i = 0; i < allScripts.length; i++) { src = allScripts[i].src; index = src.search(/\/ng\-file\-upload[\-a-zA-z0-9\.]*\.js/) if (index > -1) { basePath = src.substring(0, index + 1); break; } } } if (FileAPI.staticPath == null) FileAPI.staticPath = basePath; script.setAttribute('src', jsUrl || basePath + 'FileAPI.min.js'); document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(script); FileAPI.hasFlash = hasFlash(); } })(); FileAPI.ngfFixIE = function(elem, createFileElemFn, bindAttr, changeFn, resetModel) { if (!hasFlash()) { throw 'Adode Flash Player need to be installed. To check ahead use "FileAPI.hasFlash"'; } var makeFlashInput = function(evt) { if (elem.attr('disabled')) { elem.__ngf_elem__.removeClass('js-fileapi-wrapper'); } else { var fileElem = elem.__ngf_elem__; if (!fileElem) { fileElem = elem.__ngf_elem__ = createFileElemFn(); fileElem.addClass('js-fileapi-wrapper'); if (!isInputTypeFile(elem)) { // if (fileElem.parent().css('position') === '' || fileElem.parent().css('position') === 'static') { // fileElem.parent().css('position', 'relative'); // } // elem.parent()[0].insertBefore(fileElem[0], elem[0]); // elem.css('overflow', 'hidden'); } setTimeout(function() { fileElem.bind('mouseenter', makeFlashInput); }, 10); fileElem.bind('change', function(evt) { fileApiChangeFn.apply(this, [evt]); changeFn.apply(this, [evt]); // alert('change' + evt); }); } else { bindAttr(elem.__ngf_elem__); } if (!isInputTypeFile(elem)) { fileElem.css('position', 'absolute') .css('top', getOffset(elem[0]).top + 'px').css('left', getOffset(elem[0]).left + 'px') .css('width', elem[0].offsetWidth + 'px').css('height', elem[0].offsetHeight + 'px') .css('filter', 'alpha(opacity=0)').css('display', elem.css('display')) .css('overflow', 'hidden').css('z-index', '900000'); } } function getOffset(obj) { var left, top; left = top = 0; if (obj.offsetParent) { do { left += obj.offsetLeft; top += obj.offsetTop; } while (obj = obj.offsetParent); } return { left : left, top : top }; }; }; elem.bind('mouseenter', makeFlashInput); var fileApiChangeFn = function(evt) { var files = FileAPI.getFiles(evt); //just a double check for #233 for (var i = 0; i < files.length; i++) { if (files[i].size === undefined) files[i].size = 0; if (files[i].name === undefined) files[i].name = 'file'; if (files[i].type === undefined) files[i].type = 'undefined'; } if (!evt.target) { evt.target = {}; } evt.target.files = files; // if evt.target.files is not writable use helper field if (evt.target.files != files) { evt.__files_ = files; } (evt.__files_ || evt.target.files).item = function(i) { return (evt.__files_ || evt.target.files)[i] || null; }; }; }; FileAPI.disableFileInput = function(elem, disable) { if (disable) { elem.removeClass('js-fileapi-wrapper') } else { elem.addClass('js-fileapi-wrapper'); } }; } if (!window.FileReader) { window.FileReader = function() { var _this = this, loadStarted = false; this.listeners = {}; this.addEventListener = function(type, fn) { _this.listeners[type] = _this.listeners[type] || []; _this.listeners[type].push(fn); }; this.removeEventListener = function(type, fn) { _this.listeners[type] && _this.listeners[type].splice(_this.listeners[type].indexOf(fn), 1); }; this.dispatchEvent = function(evt) { var list = _this.listeners[evt.type]; if (list) { for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { list[i].call(_this, evt); } } }; this.onabort = this.onerror = this.onload = this.onloadstart = this.onloadend = this.onprogress = null; var constructEvent = function(type, evt) { var e = {type: type, target: _this, loaded: evt.loaded, total: evt.total, error: evt.error}; if (evt.result != null) e.target.result = evt.result; return e; }; var listener = function(evt) { if (!loadStarted) { loadStarted = true; _this.onloadstart && _this.onloadstart(constructEvent('loadstart', evt)); } if (evt.type === 'load') { _this.onloadend && _this.onloadend(constructEvent('loadend', evt)); var e = constructEvent('load', evt); _this.onload && _this.onload(e); _this.dispatchEvent(e); } else if (evt.type === 'progress') { var e = constructEvent('progress', evt); _this.onprogress && _this.onprogress(e); _this.dispatchEvent(e); } else { var e = constructEvent('error', evt); _this.onerror && _this.onerror(e); _this.dispatchEvent(e); } }; this.readAsArrayBuffer = function(file) { FileAPI.readAsBinaryString(file, listener); } this.readAsBinaryString = function(file) { FileAPI.readAsBinaryString(file, listener); } this.readAsDataURL = function(file) { FileAPI.readAsDataURL(file, listener); } this.readAsText = function(file) { FileAPI.readAsText(file, listener); } } } })();