/* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ 'use strict'; angular.module('flowableModeler') .controller('ToolbarController', ['$scope', '$http', '$modal', '$q', '$rootScope', '$translate', '$location', 'editorManager', function ($scope, $http, $modal, $q, $rootScope, $translate, $location, editorManager) { $scope.editorFactory.promise.then(function () { var toolbarItems = FLOWABLE.TOOLBAR_CONFIG.items; $scope.items = []; for (var i = 0; i < toolbarItems.length; i++) { if ($rootScope.modelData.model.modelType === 'form') { if (!toolbarItems[i].disableInForm) { $scope.items.push(toolbarItems[i]); } } else { $scope.items.push(toolbarItems[i]); } } }); $scope.secondaryItems = FLOWABLE.TOOLBAR_CONFIG.secondaryItems; // Call configurable click handler (From http://stackoverflow.com/questions/359788/how-to-execute-a-javascript-function-when-i-have-its-name-as-a-string) var executeFunctionByName = function(functionName, context /*, args */) { var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments).splice(2); var namespaces = functionName.split("."); var func = namespaces.pop(); for(var i = 0; i < namespaces.length; i++) { context = context[namespaces[i]]; } return context[func].apply(this, args); }; // Click handler for toolbar buttons $scope.toolbarButtonClicked = function(buttonIndex) { // Default behaviour var buttonClicked = $scope.items[buttonIndex]; var services = { '$scope' : $scope, '$rootScope' : $rootScope, '$http' : $http, '$modal' : $modal, '$q' : $q, '$translate' : $translate, 'editorManager' : editorManager}; executeFunctionByName(buttonClicked.action, window, services); // Other events var event = { type : FLOWABLE.eventBus.EVENT_TYPE_TOOLBAR_BUTTON_CLICKED, toolbarItem : buttonClicked }; FLOWABLE.eventBus.dispatch(event.type, event); }; // Click handler for secondary toolbar buttons $scope.toolbarSecondaryButtonClicked = function(buttonIndex) { var buttonClicked = $scope.secondaryItems[buttonIndex]; var services = { '$scope' : $scope, '$http' : $http, '$modal' : $modal, '$q' : $q, '$translate' : $translate, '$location': $location, 'editorManager' : editorManager}; executeFunctionByName(buttonClicked.action, window, services); }; /* Key bindings */ Mousetrap.bind('mod+z', function(e) { var services = { '$scope' : $scope, '$rootScope' : $rootScope, '$http' : $http, '$modal' : $modal, '$q' : $q, '$translate' : $translate, 'editorManager' : editorManager}; FLOWABLE.TOOLBAR.ACTIONS.undo(services); return false; }); Mousetrap.bind('mod+y', function(e) { var services = { '$scope' : $scope, '$rootScope' : $rootScope, '$http' : $http, '$modal' : $modal, '$q' : $q, '$translate' : $translate, 'editorManager' : editorManager}; FLOWABLE.TOOLBAR.ACTIONS.redo(services); return false; }); Mousetrap.bind('mod+c', function(e) { var services = { '$scope' : $scope, '$rootScope' : $rootScope, '$http' : $http, '$modal' : $modal, '$q' : $q, '$translate' : $translate, 'editorManager' : editorManager}; FLOWABLE.TOOLBAR.ACTIONS.copy(services); return false; }); Mousetrap.bind('mod+v', function(e) { var services = { '$scope' : $scope, '$rootScope' : $rootScope, '$http' : $http, '$modal' : $modal, '$q' : $q, '$translate' : $translate, 'editorManager' : editorManager}; FLOWABLE.TOOLBAR.ACTIONS.paste(services); return false; }); Mousetrap.bind(['del'], function(e) { var services = { '$scope' : $scope, '$rootScope' : $rootScope, '$http' : $http, '$modal' : $modal, '$q' : $q, '$translate' : $translate, 'editorManager' : editorManager}; FLOWABLE.TOOLBAR.ACTIONS.deleteItem(services); return false; }); /* Undo logic */ $scope.undoStack = []; $scope.redoStack = []; FLOWABLE.eventBus.addListener(FLOWABLE.eventBus.EVENT_TYPE_UNDO_REDO_RESET,function($scope){ this.undoStack = []; this.redoStack = []; if (this.items) { for(var i = 0; i < this.items.length; i++) { var item = this.items[i]; if (item.action === 'FLOWABLE.TOOLBAR.ACTIONS.undo' || item.action === "FLOWABLE.TOOLBAR.ACTIONS.redo"){ item.enabled = false; } } } },$scope); $scope.editorFactory.promise.then(function() { // Catch all command that are executed and store them on the respective stacks editorManager.registerOnEvent(ORYX.CONFIG.EVENT_EXECUTE_COMMANDS, function( evt ){ // If the event has commands if( !evt.commands ){ return; } $scope.undoStack.push( evt.commands ); $scope.redoStack = []; for(var i = 0; i < $scope.items.length; i++) { var item = $scope.items[i]; if (item.action === 'FLOWABLE.TOOLBAR.ACTIONS.undo') { item.enabled = true; } else if (item.action === 'FLOWABLE.TOOLBAR.ACTIONS.redo') { item.enabled = false; } } // Update editorManager.getCanvas().update(); editorManager.updateSelection(); }); }); // Handle enable/disable toolbar buttons $scope.editorFactory.promise.then(function() { editorManager.registerOnEvent(ORYX.CONFIG.EVENT_SELECTION_CHANGED, function( evt ){ var elements = evt.elements; for(var i = 0; i < $scope.items.length; i++) { var item = $scope.items[i]; if (item.enabledAction && item.enabledAction === 'element') { var minLength = 1; if (item.minSelectionCount) { minLength = item.minSelectionCount; } if (elements.length >= minLength && !item.enabled) { $scope.safeApply(function () { item.enabled = true; }); } else if (elements.length == 0 && item.enabled) { $scope.safeApply(function () { item.enabled = false; }); } } } }); }); }]);