You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
340 lines
9.1 KiB
340 lines
9.1 KiB
function __variableDynamicImportRuntime0__(path) {
switch (path) {
case './locale/en.js':
return Promise.resolve().then(function () { return en$1; });
case './locale/fr.js':
return Promise.resolve().then(function () { return fr$1; });
case './locale/sv.js':
return Promise.resolve().then(function () { return sv$1; });
case './locale/tr.js':
return Promise.resolve().then(function () { return tr$1; });
case './locale/uk.js':
return Promise.resolve().then(function () { return uk$1; });
case './locale/zh-CN.js':
return Promise.resolve().then(function () { return zhCN$1; });
return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
(typeof queueMicrotask === 'function' ? queueMicrotask : setTimeout)(reject.bind(null, new Error("Unknown variable dynamic import: " + path)));
* @file ext-shapes.js
* @license MIT
* @copyright 2010 Christian Tzurcanu, 2010 Alexis Deveria
const name = 'shapes';
const loadExtensionTranslation = async function (svgEditor) {
let translationModule;
const lang = svgEditor.configObj.pref('lang');
try {
translationModule = await __variableDynamicImportRuntime0__(`./locale/${lang}.js`);
} catch (_error) {
console.warn(`Missing translation (${lang}) for ${name} - using 'en'`);
translationModule = await Promise.resolve().then(function () { return en$1; });
svgEditor.i18next.addResourceBundle(lang, name, translationModule.default);
var extShapes = {
async init() {
const svgEditor = this;
const canv = svgEditor.svgCanvas;
const {
} = canv;
const svgroot = canv.getSvgRoot();
let lastBBox = {};
await loadExtensionTranslation(svgEditor);
const modeId = 'shapelib';
const startClientPos = {};
let curShape;
let startX;
let startY;
return {
callback() {
if ($id('tool_shapelib') === null) {
const extPath = svgEditor.configObj.curConfig.extPath;
const buttonTemplate = `
<se-explorerbutton id="tool_shapelib" title="${svgEditor.i18next.t(`${name}:buttons.0.title`)}" lib="${extPath}/ext-shapes/shapelib/"
canv.insertChildAtIndex($id('tools_left'), buttonTemplate, 9);
$click($id('tool_shapelib'), () => {
if (this.leftPanel.updateLeftPanel('tool_shapelib')) {
mouseDown(opts) {
const mode = canv.getMode();
if (mode !== modeId) {
return undefined;
const currentD = document.getElementById('tool_shapelib').dataset.draw;
startX = opts.start_x;
const x = startX;
startY = opts.start_y;
const y = startY;
const curStyle = canv.getStyle();
startClientPos.x = opts.event.clientX;
startClientPos.y = opts.event.clientY;
curShape = canv.addSVGElementsFromJson({
element: 'path',
curStyles: true,
attr: {
d: currentD,
id: canv.getNextId(),
opacity: curStyle.opacity / 2,
style: 'pointer-events:none'
curShape.setAttribute('transform', 'translate(' + x + ',' + y + ') scale(0.005) translate(' + -x + ',' + -y + ')');
lastBBox = curShape.getBBox();
return {
started: true
mouseMove(opts) {
const mode = canv.getMode();
if (mode !== modeId) {
const zoom = canv.getZoom();
const evt = opts.event;
const x = opts.mouse_x / zoom;
const y = opts.mouse_y / zoom;
const tlist = curShape.transform.baseVal;
const box = curShape.getBBox();
const left = box.x;
const top = box.y;
const newbox = {
x: Math.min(startX, x),
y: Math.min(startY, y),
width: Math.abs(x - startX),
height: Math.abs(y - startY)
let sx = newbox.width / lastBBox.width || 1;
let sy = newbox.height / lastBBox.height || 1;
// Not perfect, but mostly works...
let tx = 0;
if (x < startX) {
tx = lastBBox.width;
let ty = 0;
if (y < startY) {
ty = lastBBox.height;
// update the transform list with translate,scale,translate
const translateOrigin = svgroot.createSVGTransform();
const scale = svgroot.createSVGTransform();
const translateBack = svgroot.createSVGTransform();
translateOrigin.setTranslate(-(left + tx), -(top + ty));
if (!evt.shiftKey) {
const max = Math.min(Math.abs(sx), Math.abs(sy));
sx = max * (sx < 0 ? -1 : 1);
sy = max * (sy < 0 ? -1 : 1);
scale.setScale(sx, sy);
translateBack.setTranslate(left + tx, top + ty);
lastBBox = curShape.getBBox();
mouseUp(opts) {
const mode = canv.getMode();
if (mode !== modeId) {
return undefined;
const keepObject = opts.event.clientX !== startClientPos.x && opts.event.clientY !== startClientPos.y;
return {
keep: keepObject,
element: curShape,
started: false
var en = {
loading: 'Loading...',
categories: {
basic: 'Basic',
object: 'Objects',
symbol: 'Symbols',
arrow: 'Arrows',
flowchart: 'Flowchart',
animal: 'Animals',
game: 'Cards & Chess',
dialog_balloon: 'Dialog balloons',
electronics: 'Electronics',
math: 'Mathematical',
music: 'Music',
misc: 'Miscellaneous',
raphael_1: ' set 1',
raphael_2: ' set 2'
buttons: [{
title: 'Shape library'
var en$1 = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
__proto__: null,
default: en
var fr = {
loading: 'Chargement...',
categories: {
basic: 'Basique',
object: 'Objets',
symbol: 'Symboles',
arrow: 'Flèches',
flowchart: 'Flowchart',
animal: 'Animaux',
game: 'Cartes & Echecs',
dialog_balloon: 'Dialog balloons',
electronics: 'Electronique',
math: 'Mathematiques',
music: 'Musique',
misc: 'Divers',
raphael_1: ' set 1',
raphael_2: ' set 2'
buttons: [{
title: "Bibliothèque d'images"
var fr$1 = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
__proto__: null,
default: fr
var sv = {
loading: 'Läser in...',
categories: {
basic: 'Grundläggande',
object: 'Objekt',
symbol: 'Symboler',
arrow: 'Pilar',
flowchart: 'Flödesschema',
animal: 'Djur',
game: 'Kort & schack',
dialog_balloon: 'Dialogballonger',
electronics: 'Elektronik',
math: 'Matematisk',
music: 'Musik',
misc: 'Diverse',
raphael_1: ' uppsättning 1',
raphael_2: ' uppsättning 2'
buttons: [{
title: 'Formbibliotek'
var sv$1 = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
__proto__: null,
default: sv
var tr = {
loading: 'Yükleniyor...',
categories: {
basic: 'Temel',
object: 'Nesneler',
symbol: 'Semboller',
arrow: 'Oklar',
flowchart: 'Akış Şemaları',
animal: 'Hayvanlar',
game: 'Kartlar & Satranç',
dialog_balloon: 'Diyalog baloncukları',
electronics: 'Elektronikler',
math: 'Matematikseller',
music: 'Müzik',
misc: 'Diğerleri',
raphael_1: ' set 1',
raphael_2: ' set 2'
buttons: [{
title: 'Şekil kütüphanesi'
var tr$1 = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
__proto__: null,
default: tr
var uk = {
loading: 'Завантаження...',
categories: {
basic: 'Основні',
object: 'Об’єкти',
symbol: 'Символи',
arrow: 'Стрілки',
flowchart: 'Блок-схеми',
animal: 'Тварини',
game: 'Карти та Шахи',
dialog_balloon: 'Хмаринки діалогів',
electronics: 'Електроніка',
math: 'Математичні',
music: 'Музика',
misc: 'Різне',
raphael_1: ' набір 1',
raphael_2: ' набір 2'
buttons: [{
title: 'Спільна Бібліотека'
var uk$1 = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
__proto__: null,
default: uk
var zhCN = {
loading: '正在加载...',
categories: {
basic: '基本',
object: '对象',
symbol: '符号',
arrow: '箭头',
flowchart: '工作流',
animal: '动物',
game: '棋牌',
dialog_balloon: '会话框',
electronics: '电子',
math: '数学',
music: '音乐',
misc: '其他',
raphael_1: ' 集合 1',
raphael_2: ' 集合 2'
buttons: [{
title: '图元库'
var zhCN$1 = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
__proto__: null,
default: zhCN
export { extShapes as default };